Bug 24385

Summary: Implement media in Haze
Product: Telepathy Reporter: Mike Ruprecht <cmaiku>
Component: hazeAssignee: Will Thompson <will>
Status: RESOLVED FIXED QA Contact: Telepathy bugs list <telepathy-bugs>
Severity: normal    
Priority: medium Keywords: patch
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: Other   
OS: All   
URL: http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=user/maiku/telepathy-haze.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/media
i915 platform: i915 features:

Description Mike Ruprecht 2009-10-07 15:35:59 UTC
This is most of the Capabilities interface for getting telepathy-haze aware of libpurple's media caps.
Comment 1 Will Thompson 2009-10-11 09:05:02 UTC
+    haze_connection_capabilities_class_init(object_class);

Coding style: space before (. By the way, thanks for following the
Telepathy style in new files, and the Haze style (which I regret being
different ;-)) in existing files.

tp_flags_to_purple_caps and purple_caps_to_tp_flags:

+  caps |= (flags & TP_CHANNEL_MEDIA_CAPABILITY_AUDIO) != 0 ?

What's wrong with:



haze_connection_advertise_capabilities: please don't copy-paste
incorrect docstrings. :)

+    }
+  for (i = 0; NULL != del[i]; i++)

Style pedantry: please leave a blank line after the end of a block
before the next statement (if it's not an 'else'). I think it makes the
code easier to follow.

+  g_timeout_add (10000, caps_received_cb_cb, crd);

As a general point, it's better to use g_timeout_add_seconds() where
possible to avoid wakeups. But this is just a hack so I'm not too
bothered. :)

But: if the PurpleConnection is disconnected before the 10 seconds are
up, we'll crash when the callback is called.

You never disconnect from PurpleMediaManager:init-media.

I'm inclined to say that haze_media_manager_channel_class (); should
have a static hash table containing the channel class, but I think this
might just be a note from the department of premature optimization. :-)

+  value = tp_g_value_slice_new (G_TYPE_STRING);
+  g_value_set_static_string (value, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA);
+  g_hash_table_insert (table, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".ChannelType", value);

could just become

    tp_asv_set_static_string (table, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".ChannelType",

In fact, the whole function could become:

    return tp_asv_new (
        TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".ChannelType", G_TYPE_STRING,
        TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".TargetHandleType", G_TYPE_UINT,


(The code in Gabble's channel managers pre-dates tp_asv_new() and

TBH. it's probably worth copying gabble_g_ptr_array_copy () into a new
util.c in Haze (or indeed putting it in tp-glib, which already contains
tp_g_ptr_array_contains ()).
Comment 2 Will Thompson 2009-10-23 03:21:27 UTC
Retitling the bug since it's kind of an umbrella for this branch.

Up to f0aa818 and 1b75416 (media-buddy-caps-changed-signal and media-ui-changed-signal):

Gabble does the:

  unsigned ready: 1;

crap for bitfielding booleans, but I really don't think it's worth bitfielding
these variables: the extra few words used by the channel and manager's private
structs are the least of your worries when making a/v calls. :)

(If you were feeling keen I guess you could write a patch for Gabble too :P)

I don't think Haze needs to support the RequestChannel() methods of creating
streamed media channels at all. This would simplify a bunch of code, because
you can require a handle, and not have to have the peer_in_rp stuff, and
simplify the property getters, etc.

In theory we've got D-Bus properties that replace all the Tp properties on
MediaSignalling, so Haze never needs to implement them. (Which simplifies the

+          /*
+           * This isn't always true. We might need to have this happen on
+           * REJECT/HANGUP signals instead
+           */

That sounds like something that needs fixing :P.

+          "Streams can't be removed in this Haze protocol's calls" };

Would be nicer to include the protocol's name. This is just a debugging string, but...

Why does haze_media_channel_remove_streams() dup a list of IDs before checking
if the method's even supported?

+          g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+              "given media type %u is invalid", media_type);
+          return FALSE;

Technically this is the wrong error, because someone could add
Media_Type_Smell. From RequestStreams() in the spec:

    # Not Implemented

    A stream type given is not implemented by the connection manager. Since
    0.17.23, connection managers SHOULD raise this error in preference to

    (Connection managers can't know whether an unknown number is a valid stream
    type that was introduced in a later spec version.)

MediaStream's D-Bus properties are undrafted now, so Haze (and Gabble) should
just use the D-Bus properties mixin rather than manually implementing Get and


+  HazeMediaStream *stream = g_ptr_array_index (chan->priv->streams, 0);

Why're you picking the first one at random? And, if there are no streams this
will crash.

A bunch of patches add trailing whitespace.

Comment 3 Will Thompson 2009-11-11 09:45:26 UTC
Review of 'media' up to f2fe99be4:

+      if (type == PURPLE_MEDIA_INFO_REJECT)
+        reason = "Media session rejected";
+      else
+        reason = "Media session hang up";

This is meant to be a message from the peer, like a part message on IRC, not a string added by the (untranslated) CM. Jingle does actually support these; just leave it empty if libpurple doesn't expose it (I'm reasonably sure no UI will ever expose it).

+      if (name != NULL)
+          /* Remove participant */
+          tp_intset_add (set, priv->initial_peer);
+      else
+          /* Remove us */
+          tp_intset_add (set, mixin->self_handle);

If the call's ending, remove both of us from the call. This is vaguely documented in the group change reasons in the spec, but not documented anywhere else. I don't think any UI will actually care but it's better to be consistent with Gabble.

Comment 4 Will Thompson 2009-11-11 10:18:03 UTC
Maybe you could merge the two mini-branches for 2.7devel functionality (buddy-caps-changed-signal and ui-changed-signal) into the 2.7 branch?
Comment 5 Mike Ruprecht 2009-11-23 21:32:58 UTC
I've updated the branch with the refactorings I had been wanting to do. Review away :)
Comment 6 Will Thompson 2009-12-04 07:30:50 UTC
Why not just use the HazeConnectionClass * as the handle for buddy-caps-changed, rather than making up a new one? But the { static int handle; return &handle } thing is more purpleish, so feel free to ignore me.

Is HazeMediaBackend really © 2006–2009 Collabora, and © Nokia at all?

+  DEBUG ( "Media.StreamHandler::Error called, error %u (%s) -- emitting signal",
+      errno, message);
+// maybe emit an error here?

+      DEBUG ("Unknown media type");
+      // return error?

How would we get a HazeMediaStream with an unknown type? g_assert_not_reached()

+  /* this should also specify the session_id */


+      if (PURPLE_IS_MEDIA (priv->media))
+        g_signal_connect (priv->media, "state-changed",
+            G_CALLBACK (haze_backend_state_changed_cb), backend);

Why would it not be a PurpleMedia? GObject should check that for us, no?

+          3, purple_media_candidate_get_protocol (c) ==

What are these magic numbers I see before me?

+  /*
+   * This appears to be called for each pair of components.
+   * I'm not sure how to go about differentiating between the two
+   * components as the ids are the same.
+   */

Maybe you can't. This interface isn't great. :-)

	Typecast the priority to convert between Telepathy and libpurple.

Is this actually all the conversion you need to do to convert between double and int priority?!

+      tp_svc_media_stream_handler_emit_set_stream_playing (self, TRUE);
+      /* There's likely a much better time to set sending */
+      tp_svc_media_stream_handler_emit_set_stream_sending (self, TRUE);

I think you should only set sending if the local user has explicitly made the stream have that direction (or it was one of the initial streams in an incoming call).

+      g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(priv->media),
+          (gpointer*)&priv->media);

I think the strict aliasing warning beast will get upset about this. I'm surprised it hasn't hit you. Hmm. Is the nano_version in configure.ac set to 1?

	Standardize libpurple includes.

This reminds me about https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23061 . #include <libpurple/foo.h> is actually wrong, because purple.pc does -I$(prefix)/lib/libpurple, not -I$(prefix)/lib. My plan was to make libpurple install purple-prefixed.pc (or a better name if you have one) alongside the existing, sub-ideal .pc files. I never finished that branch. If I finish it, will you review it and then we can ship it in 2.7? :-)

+  param_spec = g_param_spec_string ("object-path", "D-Bus object path",
+                                    "The D-Bus object path used for this "
+                                    "object on the bus.",
+                                    NULL,
+                                    G_PARAM_READWRITE |
+                                    G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME |
+                                    G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB);

Use STATIC_STRINGS, and this should be CONSTRUCT_ONLY.

I think strictly speaking HazeMediaBackend::streams' get_property implementation should ref the GPtrArray. But I don't mind that much.
Comment 7 Mike Ruprecht 2010-01-19 11:58:46 UTC
Regarding the copyright stuff at the top of several of the files, I did copy stuff from the gabble media files, although several times that was more boilerplate (GObject class type stuff). I'll get to the remaining fixes shortly.
Comment 8 Mike Ruprecht 2010-02-02 18:54:16 UTC
I finished making the review changes on the branch and wrapping the media stuff with ifdefs like we discussed earlier. Everything is pushed and ready for your perusal.
Comment 9 Mike Ruprecht 2010-02-09 12:03:21 UTC
This has been merged.

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