DCC: 0x000f0002 (dual channel interleaved, XOR randomization: enabled, XOR bit: 11) CHDECMISC: 0x00000000 (none, ch2 enh disabled, ch1 enh disabled, ch0 enh disabled, flex disabled, ep not present) C0DRB0: 0x000f0002 (0x0002) C0DRB1: 0x0010000f (0x000f) C0DRB2: 0x00000010 (0x0010) C0DRB3: 0x0e000000 (0x0000) C1DRB0: 0x17cbe000 (0xe000) C1DRB1: 0x000017cb (0x17cb) C1DRB2: 0x00000000 (0x0000) C1DRB3: 0x00000000 (0x0000) C0DRA01: 0x00030e00 (0x0e00) C0DRA23: 0x000c0003 (0x0003) C1DRA01: 0x00000000 (0x0000) C1DRA23: 0x00000000 (0x0000) PGETBL_CTL: 0xbff80001 VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA0: 0x00031108 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 8) VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA1: 0x00031406 (n = 3, m1 = 20, m2 = 6) VCLK_POST_DIV: 0x00020002 (vga0 p1 = 4, p2 = 2, vga1 p1 = 2, p2 = 2) DPLL_TEST: 0x00010001 () CACHE_MODE_0: 0x00006800 D_STATE: 0x00000000 DSPCLK_GATE_D: 0x00000000 (clock gates disabled:) RENCLK_GATE_D1: 0x20000000 RENCLK_GATE_D2: 0x00000000 SDVOB: 0x0008001c (disabled, pipe A, stall disabled, detected) SDVOC: 0x00080018 (disabled, pipe A, stall disabled, not detected) SDVOUDI: 0x00000000 DSPARB: 0x00001d9c DSPFW1: 0xd8080808 DSPFW2: 0x00000808 DSPFW3: 0x20000000 ADPA: 0x40000c00 (disabled, pipe B, -hsync, -vsync) LVDS: 0x82300300 (enabled, pipe A, 18 bit, 1 channel) DVOA: 0x00000000 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, -hsync, -vsync) DVOB: 0x0008001c (disabled, pipe A, no stall, +hsync, +vsync) DVOC: 0x00080018 (disabled, pipe A, no stall, +hsync, +vsync) DVOA_SRCDIM: 0x00000000 DVOB_SRCDIM: 0x00000000 DVOC_SRCDIM: 0x00000000 BLC_PWM_CTL: 0x00000000 BLC_PWM_CTL2: 0x20000000 PP_CONTROL: 0xabcd0003 (power target: on) PP_STATUS: 0xc0000008 (on, ready, sequencing idle) PP_ON_DELAYS: 0x01f40834 PP_OFF_DELAYS: 0x00010032 PP_DIVISOR: 0x0041090b PFIT_CONTROL: 0x00000000 PFIT_PGM_RATIOS: 0x10001000 PORT_HOTPLUG_EN: 0x04000220 PORT_HOTPLUG_STAT: 0x00000000 DSPACNTR: 0xd8000400 (enabled, pipe A) DSPASTRIDE: 0x00001400 (5120 bytes) DSPAPOS: 0x00000000 (0, 0) DSPASIZE: 0x00000000 (1, 1) DSPABASE: 0x00000000 DSPASURF: 0x00848000 DSPATILEOFF: 0x00000000 PIPEACONF: 0xc0000000 (enabled, active, progressive) PIPEASRC: 0x04ff031f (1280, 800) PIPEASTAT: 0x18400207 (status: CRC_DONE_ENABLE GMBUS_EVENT_ENABLE LBLC_EVENT_ENABLE VSYNC_INT_STATUS SVBLANK_INT_STATUS VBLANK_INT_STATUS OREG_UPDATE_STATUS) PIPEA_GMCH_DATA_M: 0x00000000 PIPEA_GMCH_DATA_N: 0x00000000 PIPEA_DP_LINK_M: 0x00000000 PIPEA_DP_LINK_N: 0x00000000 CURSOR_A_BASE: 0x00000000 CURSOR_A_CONTROL: 0x00000000 CURSOR_A_POSITION: 0x00000000 FPA0: 0x00020c05 (n = 2, m1 = 12, m2 = 5) FPA1: 0x00020c05 (n = 2, m1 = 12, m2 = 5) DPLL_A: 0x98026c00 (enabled, non-dvo, unknown clock, LVDS mode, p1 = 2, p2 = 14) DPLL_A_MD: 0x00000000 HTOTAL_A: 0x057f04ff (1280 active, 1408 total) HBLANK_A: 0x057f04ff (1280 start, 1408 end) HSYNC_A: 0x05340514 (1301 start, 1333 end) VTOTAL_A: 0x032f031f (800 active, 816 total) VBLANK_A: 0x032f031f (800 start, 816 end) VSYNC_A: 0x03270323 (804 start, 808 end) BCLRPAT_A: 0x00000000 VSYNCSHIFT_A: 0x00000000 DSPBCNTR: 0x19000000 (disabled, pipe B) DSPBSTRIDE: 0x00001400 (5120 bytes) DSPBPOS: 0x00000000 (0, 0) DSPBSIZE: 0x00000000 (1, 1) DSPBBASE: 0x00000000 DSPBSURF: 0x00000000 DSPBTILEOFF: 0x00000000 PIPEBCONF: 0x00000000 (disabled, inactive, progressive) PIPEBSRC: 0x04ff031f (1280, 800) PIPEBSTAT: 0x10400000 (status: CRC_DONE_ENABLE LBLC_EVENT_ENABLE) PIPEB_GMCH_DATA_M: 0x00000000 PIPEB_GMCH_DATA_N: 0x00000000 PIPEB_DP_LINK_M: 0x00000000 PIPEB_DP_LINK_N: 0x00000000 CURSOR_B_BASE: 0x00000000 CURSOR_B_CONTROL: 0x00000000 CURSOR_B_POSITION: 0x00000000 FPB0: 0x00021409 (n = 2, m1 = 20, m2 = 9) FPB1: 0x00031108 (n = 3, m1 = 17, m2 = 8) DPLL_B: 0x00000000 (disabled, non-dvo, VGA, default clock, unknown mode, p1 = 0, p2 = 0) DPLL_B_MD: 0x00000003 HTOTAL_B: 0x057f04ff (1280 active, 1408 total) HBLANK_B: 0x057f04ff (1280 start, 1408 end) HSYNC_B: 0x05340514 (1301 start, 1333 end) VTOTAL_B: 0x032f031f (800 active, 816 total) VBLANK_B: 0x032f031f (800 start, 816 end) VSYNC_B: 0x03270323 (804 start, 808 end) BCLRPAT_B: 0x00000000 VSYNCSHIFT_B: 0x00000000 VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA0: 0x00031108 VCLK_DIVISOR_VGA1: 0x00031406 VCLK_POST_DIV: 0x00020002 VGACNTRL: 0x80000000 (disabled) TV_CTL: 0x00000000 TV_DAC: 0x70000000 TV_CSC_Y: 0x00000000 TV_CSC_Y2: 0x00000000 TV_CSC_U: 0x00000000 TV_CSC_U2: 0x00000000 TV_CSC_V: 0x00000000 TV_CSC_V2: 0x00000000 TV_CLR_KNOBS: 0x00000000 TV_CLR_LEVEL: 0x00000000 TV_H_CTL_1: 0x00000000 TV_H_CTL_2: 0x00000000 TV_H_CTL_3: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_1: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_2: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_3: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_4: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_5: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_6: 0x00000000 TV_V_CTL_7: 0x00000000 TV_SC_CTL_1: 0x00000000 TV_SC_CTL_2: 0x00000000 TV_SC_CTL_3: 0x00000000 TV_WIN_POS: 0x00000000 TV_WIN_SIZE: 0x00000000 TV_FILTER_CTL_1: 0x00000000 TV_FILTER_CTL_2: 0x00000000 TV_FILTER_CTL_3: 0x00000000 TV_CC_CONTROL: 0x00000000 TV_CC_DATA: 0x00000000 TV_H_LUMA_0: 0x00000000 TV_H_LUMA_59: 0x00000000 TV_H_CHROMA_0: 0x00000000 TV_H_CHROMA_59: 0x00000000 FBC_CFB_BASE: 0x00000000 FBC_LL_BASE: 0x00000000 FBC_CONTROL: 0x01f40000 FBC_COMMAND: 0x00000000 FBC_STATUS: 0x20000000 FBC_CONTROL2: 0x00000000 FBC_FENCE_OFF: 0x00000000 FBC_MOD_NUM: 0x00000000 MI_MODE: 0x00000240 MI_ARB_STATE: 0x00000044 MI_RDRET_STATE: 0x00000000 ECOSKPD: 0x00000307 DP_B: 0x00000000 DPB_AUX_CH_CTL: 0x00000000 DPB_AUX_CH_DATA1: 0x00000000 DPB_AUX_CH_DATA2: 0x00000000 DPB_AUX_CH_DATA3: 0x00000000 DPB_AUX_CH_DATA4: 0x00000000 DPB_AUX_CH_DATA5: 0x00000000 DP_C: 0x00000000 DPC_AUX_CH_CTL: 0x00000000 DPC_AUX_CH_DATA1: 0x00000000 DPC_AUX_CH_DATA2: 0x00000000 DPC_AUX_CH_DATA3: 0x00000000 DPC_AUX_CH_DATA4: 0x00000000 DPC_AUX_CH_DATA5: 0x00000000 DP_D: 0x00000000 DPD_AUX_CH_CTL: 0x00000000 DPD_AUX_CH_DATA1: 0x00000000 DPD_AUX_CH_DATA2: 0x00000000 DPD_AUX_CH_DATA3: 0x00000000 DPD_AUX_CH_DATA4: 0x00000000 DPD_AUX_CH_DATA5: 0x00000000 AUD_CONFIG: 0x00000000 AUD_HDMIW_STATUS: 0x00000000 AUD_CONV_CHCNT: 0x00000000 VIDEO_DIP_CTL: 0x00000600 AUD_PINW_CNTR: 0x00000140 AUD_CNTL_ST: 0x00001800 AUD_PIN_CAP: 0x00000094 AUD_PINW_CAP: 0x004013b5 AUD_PINW_UNSOLRESP: 0x00000000 AUD_OUT_DIG_CNVT: 0x00000001 AUD_OUT_CWCAP: 0x00000219 AUD_GRP_CAP: 0x00000004 FENCE 0: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 1: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 2: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 3: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 4: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 5: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 6: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 7: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 8: 0x0084809d (disabled) FENCE 9: 0x00c2f000 (disabled) FENCE 10: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 11: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 12: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 13: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 14: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE 15: 0x00000000 (disabled) FENCE START 0: 0x0084809d ( enabled, X tile walk, 5120 pitch, 0x00848000 start) FENCE END 0: 0x00c2f000 ( 0x00c2f000 end) FENCE START 1: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 1: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 2: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 2: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 3: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 3: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 4: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 4: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 5: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 5: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 6: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 6: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 7: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 7: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 8: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 8: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 9: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 9: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 10: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 10: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 11: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 11: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 12: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 12: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 13: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 13: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 14: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 14: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) FENCE START 15: 0x00000000 (disabled, X tile walk, 128 pitch, 0x00000000 start) FENCE END 15: 0x00000000 ( 0x00000000 end) INST_PM: 0x00000000 pipe A dot 68750 n 2 m1 12 m2 5 p1 2 p2 14 p1 out of range SDVO phase shift 0 out of range -- probobly not an issue. pipe B dot 290400 n 2 m1 20 m2 9 p1 1 p2 10