[ass] [0x106a99660]: Warning: no style named 'testi' found, using 'Default' [ass] [0x106a99660]: Warning: no style named 'Karaoke' found, using 'Default' [ass] Neither PlayResX nor PlayResY defined. Assuming 384x288 [ass] fontconfig: cannot find font 'Anime Ace 2.0 BB', falling back to 'Tamil Sangam MN Bold' OBJECT (0000000106aad960) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106aaec40) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106aaec40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106aaec40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (0000000106aaec40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=3 OBJECT (000000010ec08060) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106aaec40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (0000000100294920) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_font_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec08060) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec08060) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d111f20) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d111790) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a9a530) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a9a530) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d111f20) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d067530) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d067530) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d067530) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d067530) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d067530) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d067530) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aad960) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aac3a0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aac3a0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0f440) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0f440) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aa01c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aa01c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec13670) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=3 OBJECT (0000000106a9f630) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010ec10c60) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_font_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a9f630) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a9f630) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d111f20) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010d111790) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec056d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec056d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d111f20) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_font_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec05870) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec05870) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec05870) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (0000000100542120) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000100542120) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000100542120) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010ec137e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=3 OBJECT (0000000110f076c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000110f076c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000110f076c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_blob_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec13670) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006adfc0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006adfc0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aad4f0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aad4f0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec10f20) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec10f20) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714b90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0d900) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0d900) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0b560) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0b560) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec00f90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec00f90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec41990) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec41990) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109723e70) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109723e70) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109723e70) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109723e70) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109723e70) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109723e70) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000110f03bd0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000110f03bd0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000110f03bd0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000110f03bd0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006af710) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006af710) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b0e40) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b0e40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec4cce0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec4cce0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006ae390) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006ae390) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b0f30) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b0f30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006ade10) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006ade10) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b1c30) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b1c30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010976a930) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010976a930) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010055f880) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010055f880) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec4a9c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec4a9c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec12ab0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec12ab0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001005d05f0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001005d05f0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001005abec0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001005abec0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097c8350) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097c8350) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097a1580) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097a1580) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109726c20) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109726c20) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109713fc0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109713fc0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714190) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109714190) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109707870) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109707870) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097c8350) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097c8350) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097083c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097083c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010971b8c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010971b8c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109708b90) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109708b90) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec42380) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec42380) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec423e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec423e0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b0bb0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b0bb0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b18b0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006b18b0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec162b0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec162b0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec46ce0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec46ce0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109708f70) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109708f70) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109709ef0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109709ef0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970a340) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970a340) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970a8e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970a8e0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109709b40) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109709b40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109709c10) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109709c10) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0b1b0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0b1b0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0a5c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0a5c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec46ce0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec46ce0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec46ce0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec46ce0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b950) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b950) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970c5b0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970c5b0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970cbf0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970cbf0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970d9f0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970d9f0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970c760) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970c760) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0a6d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0a6d0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0f120) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0f120) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec03ae0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec03ae0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970c730) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970c730) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970e8d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970e8d0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 [00000001006a20f8] core vout display debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'mouse button' 0 t=7 [00000001006a20f8] core vout display debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'mouse button' 0 t=8 OBJECT (000000010970f320) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970f320) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109710660) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109710660) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109710870) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109710870) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109711ba0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109711ba0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b950) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b950) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b950) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b950) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970d190) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970d190) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b990) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010970b990) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097126c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097126c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109712e70) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109712e70) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109716740) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109716740) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109718730) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109718730) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972e340) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972e340) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972e9d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972e9d0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097184f0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097184f0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972f610) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972f610) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0a2a0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0a2a0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106ae02c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106ae02c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0e220) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0e220) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771a5b0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771a5b0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097122d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097122d0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109730200) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109730200) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0e220) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec0e220) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106af4f30) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106af4f30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aac140) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106aac140) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec341c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec341c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972fd80) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972fd80) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109731590) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109731590) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010771b420) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109732b20) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109732b20) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097303d0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097303d0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109733ca0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109733ca0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec34280) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec34280) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec13eb0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010ec13eb0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972ff00) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010972ff00) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109733440) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109733440) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: incoming request - stopping current input [000000010033eaa8] core input debug: control type=0 [000000010033eaa8] core input debug: control: stopping input OBJECT (00000001097358e0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097358e0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109736df0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109736df0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106af7fd0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106af7fd0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106af9890) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106af9890) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109711e30) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109711e30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109737780) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109737780) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109737d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109737d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006c87c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001006c87c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109737fa0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109737fa0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109739400) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109739400) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109739d80) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000109739d80) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010973a1c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010973a1c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097378c0) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (0000000106a21a30) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (00000001097378c0) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010973aa40) ├╴Type *hb_object_create() [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴Type *hb_object_reference(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=2 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 OBJECT (000000010973aa40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_buffer_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010d1120b8) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_unicode_funcs_t] refcount=-1 [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: incoming request - stopping current input [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: finished input [000000010060c858] macosx interface debug: releasing sleep blocker (5220) [00000001020394b8] core decoder warning: can't get output picture [00000001020394b8] avcodec decoder warning: disabling direct rendering [00000001020394b8] core decoder debug: removing module "avcodec" [00000001020394b8] core decoder warning: can't get output picture [00000001020394b8] avcodec decoder debug: ffmpeg codec (h264) stopped [00000001020394b8] core decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `h264', 7 PES in FIFO [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: saving a free vout [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: reusing provided vout [000000010182a0b8] core decoder debug: removing module "a52" [000000010182a0b8] core decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 ', 0 PES in FIFO [00000001021c8cb8] core audio resampler debug: removing module "samplerate" [00000001021c86b8] core audio converter debug: removing module "a52tofloat32" [00000001021ab8b8] core audio filter debug: removing module "scaletempo" [00000001021cb8b8] core audio converter debug: removing module "simple_channel_mixer" [00000001002af808] auhal audio output debug: Stopping the auhal module [00000001006a20f8] core vout display debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 2048x852 [0000000106aa2de8] core volume debug: removing module "float_mixer" [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: keeping audio output [00000001028826b8] core decoder debug: removing module "libass" [00000001028826b8] core decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `ssa ', 0 PES in FIFO [0000000106a9f148] core demux debug: removing module "mkv" [0000000106a9f148] mkv demux debug: Stopping the UI Hook [0000000106a9eff8] core stream debug: removing module "record" [0000000106a9d1c8] core access debug: removing module "filesystem" [0000000109779ad8] core demux debug: removing module "subtitle" [0000000109794e78] core stream debug: removing module "record" [0000000109780cd8] core access debug: removing module "filesystem" [000000010033eaa8] core input debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces. [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: incoming request - stopping current input [00000001002a4e28] core playlist debug: dead input [0000000102196cb8] core video output debug: destroying useless vout [00000001006a20f8] core vout display debug: removing module "macosx" [0000000102197cb8] core spu text debug: removing module "freetype" [000000010093a2b8] core scale debug: removing module "yuvp" [0000000100884cb8] core scale debug: removing module "swscale" OBJECT (000000010ec10c60) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_font_t] refcount=1 OBJECT ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_font_t] refcount=0 OBJECT (0000000106a9f630) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_face_t] refcount=1 OBJECT (000000010ec10d40) ├╴bool hb_object_destroy(Type *) [Type = hb_shape_plan_t] refcount=1 Segmentation fault: 11 localhost:build dfuhrmann$