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When the compositor sends an error it> * will close the socket, and if we bail out here we don't get$ * a chance to process the error. *//ret = wl_connection_flush(display->connection);3if (ret < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EPIPE) {$display_fatal_error(display, errno);display->reader_count++;pfd[0].fd = display->fd;pfd[0].events = POLLIN;do {ret = poll(pfd, 1, -1);&} while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR);if (ret == -1) { wl_display_cancel_read(display);if (read_events(display) == -1)  err_unlock:)Here is our solution for wl_display_sync.|The key of the solution,which shown as red front bellow, is placing "add_listener" and "set_queue" insite the display->lock.nwl_surface_frame,wl_display_get_registry,wl_registry_bind or other interfaces with callback have the same bug.*And they can be solved in the similar way."solution code for wl_display_sync:struct wl_proxy *Awl_custom_proxy_marshal_array_constructor(struct wl_proxy *proxy,< uint32_t opcode, union wl_argument *args,8 const struct wl_interface *interface,- void* listener, void *data3 ,struct wl_event_queue * pQueue) struct wl_closure *closure;& struct wl_proxy *new_proxy = NULL;% const struct wl_message *message;/ pthread_mutex_lock(&proxy->display->mutex);8 message = &proxy->object.interface->methods[opcode]; if (interface) {9 new_proxy = create_outgoing_proxy(proxy, message,+ args, interface); if (new_proxy == NULL) goto err_unlock;H closure = wl_closure_marshal(&proxy->object, opcode, args, message); if (closure == NULL) {2 wl_log("Error marshalling request: %m\n"); abort(); } if (debug_client)8 wl_closure_print(closure, &proxy->object, true);'  // add listener before send request if(listener){\ wl_proxy_add_listener((struct wl_proxy *)new_proxy, (void (**)(void))listener,data);A wl_proxy_set_queue((struct wl_proxy *)new_proxy, pQueue);? if (wl_closure_send(closure, proxy->display->connection)) {. wl_log("Error sending request: %m\n");  wl_closure_destroy(closure); err_unlock:1 pthread_mutex_unlock(&proxy->display->mutex); return new_proxy;WL_EXPORT voidfwl_custom_proxy_marshal_prepare_args(union wl_argument* args, struct wl_proxy *proxy, uint32_t opcode,; const struct wl_interface *interface, ...)  if(args){ va_list ap;  va_start(ap, interface);T wl_argument_from_va_list(proxy->object.interface->methods[opcode].signature,0 args, WL_CLOSURE_MAX_ARGS, ap); va_end(ap);struct wl_callback *wl_custom_<display_sync(struct wl_display *wl_display,const struct wl_callback_listener *listener, void *data ,struct wl_event_queue * pQueue)= struct wl_proxy *proxy = (struct wl_proxy *)wl_display;B const struct wl_interface *interface = &wl_callback_interface;' uint32_t opcode = WL_DISPLAY_SYNC;0 union wl_argument args[WL_CLOSURE_MAX_ARGS];M wl_custom_proxy_marshal_prepare_args(args,proxy,opcode, interface, NULL); return (struct wl_callback *)wl_custom_proxy_marshal_array_constructor(proxy, opcode, args, interface, (void (**)(void))listener,data, pQueue); l[  @  p%bXbbbb  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?" d[[?[[?& Up     t(2 22,o o"\D(    HA 0 VGr 191]&`  HA 0 VGr 234dl]&`>@d bbAggD  @ [%idmXp  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?" d[[?[[?& U[                                         2$$,$$$, !"#$%')*+,-./123456789;=?  ! 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