FC_DEBUG=4 Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "mono" [edit] Edit family Assign "monospace"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "sans serif" [edit] Edit family Assign "sans-serif"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "sans" [edit] Edit family Assign "sans-serif"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Adamina" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aguafina Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Alice" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Allan" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aller" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aller Display" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aller 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font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Apple Chancery" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Apple LiGothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aquabase" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arabic Typesetting" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial Black" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial MT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial Monospaced" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial Narrow" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial SF MT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arial Unicode MS" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "ArialMT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arimo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arimo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Artifika" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arvo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "BPmono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Batang" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "BatangChe" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bitstream Charter" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bitstream Vera Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bitstream Vera Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Book Antiqua" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bookman Old Style" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Browallia New" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "BrowalliaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Calibri" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cambria" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cambria Math" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Candara" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Century" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Century Gothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Chalkboard" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Chalkduster" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Charcoal" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT 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Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Courier" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Courier 10 Pitch" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Courier New" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cousine" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DFKai-SB" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dark Courier" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DaunPenh" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "David" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DejaVu LGC Sans Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DejaVu Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DejaVu Sans Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DejaVu Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Delicious" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DilleniaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DokChampa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dotum" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DotumChe" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Droid Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Droid Sans Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Droid Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ebrima" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Essential PragmataPro" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Estrangelo Edessa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "EucrosiaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Euphemia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FangSong" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FrankRuehl" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Franklin Gothic Medium" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FreesiaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Frutiger Linotype" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Futura" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gabriola" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Garamond" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gautami" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Geneva" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Geneva CY" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gentium" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gentium Basic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gentium Book Basic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Georgia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gill Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gisha" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gotham Book" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gotham Light" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gotham Medium" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Guatami" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gulim" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "GulimChe" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gungsuh" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "GungsuhChe" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Hard Gothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Herculanum" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Hoefler Text" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Impact" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Inconsolata" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IrisUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Iskoola Pota" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Istok Web" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "JasmineUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "KaiTi" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kalinga" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kartika" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Khmer UI" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "KodchiangUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kokila" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lao UI" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Latha" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Leelawadee" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Levenim MT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Liberation Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Liberation Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Liberation Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "LilyUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Linux Libertine" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lobster" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lucida Console" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lucida Grande" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lucida Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lucida Sans Typewriter" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lucida Sans Unicode" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Luxi Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MS Gothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MS Mincho" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MS PGothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MS PMincho" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MS UI Gothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MV Boli" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mako" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Malgun Gothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mangal" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Marker Felt" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Meiryo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Meiryo UI" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Menlo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MetaBold-Roman" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MetaBook-Roman" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MetaMedium-Roman" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft Himalaya" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft JhengHei" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft New Tai Lue" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft PhagsPa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft Sans Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft Tai Le" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft Uighur" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft YaHei" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Microsoft Yi Baiti" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MingLiU" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MingLiU-ExtB" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MingLiU_HKSCS" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miriam" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miriam Fixed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Molengo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Monaco" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mongolian Baiti" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MoolBoran" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "NSimSun" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Narkisim" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Neuton" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nina" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Cut" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Flat" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Oval" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Round" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Slim" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nova Square" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "NovaMono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nyala" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Open Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PMingLiU" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PMingLiU-ExtB" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PT Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PT Sans Caption" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PT Sans Narrow" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PT Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PT Serif Caption" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Padauk" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Palatino Linotype" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Papyrus" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Plantagenet Cherokee" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Play" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Pragmata" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PragmataPro" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Raavi" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Reenie Beanie" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rod" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sakkal Majalla" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe Print" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe UI" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe UI Light" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe UI Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe UI Semibold" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe UI Symbol" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe WP" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe WP Black" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe WP Light" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe WP SemiLight" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Segoe WP Semibold" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Shonar Bangla" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Shruti" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "SimHei" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "SimSun" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "SimSun-ExtB" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Simplified Arabic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Simplified Arabic Fixed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Skia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sylfaen" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Symbol" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "TITUS Cyberbit Basic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tahoma" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tangerine" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Times" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Times New Roman" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tinos" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Traditional Arabic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Trebuchet MS" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tunga" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ubuntu" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ubuntu Condensed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ubuntu Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Utsaah" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vani" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Verdana" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vijaya" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vollkorn" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vrinda" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Webdings" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Wingdings" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Yanone Kaffeesatz" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Zapfino" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Abel" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Abril Fatface" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aclonica" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Acme" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Actor" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aladin" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aldrich" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Alex Brush" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Alfa Slab One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Alike" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Alike Angular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Allerta" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Allerta Stencil" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Almendra" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Almendra SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Amaranth" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "American Typewriter" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Andada" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Andika" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Annie Use Your Telescope" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Anton" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Apple Garamond" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Apple Garamond Light" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Apple Symbols" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "AppleGothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arabic Typesetting" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arapey" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arbutus" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Architects Daughter" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Arizonia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Armata" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Asset" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Astloch" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Asul" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Atomic Age" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Aubrey" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bad Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Baekmuk Gulim" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Balthazar" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bangers" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Basic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Baskerville" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Baumans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Belgrano" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bentham" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bevan" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Big Caslon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bigshot One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bilbo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bilbo Swash Caps" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bitter" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Black Ops One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bonbon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Boogaloo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bowlby One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bowlby One SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Brawler" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bree Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "BrushScript" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Bubblegum Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Buda" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Buenard" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Butcherman" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "CMU Bright" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cabin" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cabin Condensed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cabin Sketch" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Caesar Dressing" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cagliostro" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Calligraffitti" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cambo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Candal" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cantarell" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cantarell Regular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "CantarellRegular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cardo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Carme" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Carter One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Caudex" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cedarville Cursive" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Century Schoolbook L" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ceviche One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Changa One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Chango" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Charis SIL" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cherry Cream Soda" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Chewy" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Chicle" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Chivo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cochin" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Coda" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Coda Caption" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Comfortaa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Comfortaa Regular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "ComfortaaRegular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Coming Soon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Concert One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Contrail One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Convergence" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cookie" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Copperplate" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Copse" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Corben" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Courier Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Courier10 BT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Coustard" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Covered By Your Grace" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Crafty Girls" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Creepster" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Crete Round" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Crimson Text" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Crushed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Cuprum" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Damion" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dancing Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "David" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dawning of a New Day" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Days One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Delius" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Delius Swash Caps" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Delius Unicase" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Devonshire" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Didact Gothic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Didot" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DilenniaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "District" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "DokChampa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dorsa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dr Sugiyama" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Duru Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dutch801 Rm BT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Dynalight" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "EB Garamond" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Eater" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Electrolize" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Engagement" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Enriqueta" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "EucrosiaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Eurostile LT Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Expletus Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fanwood Text" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fascinate" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fascinate Inline" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Federant" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Federo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fjord One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Flamenco" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Flavors" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fondamento" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fontdiner Swanky" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Forum" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Francois One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FreeMono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FreeSans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FreeSerif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "FreesiaUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fresca" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Frijole" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Frutiger LT Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Frutiger-Normal" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Fugaz One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Galdeano" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gautami" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Geneva Regular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Geo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Geostar" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Geostar Fill" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Give You Glory" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gloria Hallelujah" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Goblin One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gochi Hand" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Goudy Bookletter 1911" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gravitas One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Gruppo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Habibi" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Hammersmith One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Handlee" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Helvetica" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Helvetica CY" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Helvetica Neue" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Herr Von Muellerhoff" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Holtwood One SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Homemade Apple" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell DW Pica" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell DW Pica SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell Double Pica" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell Double Pica SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell English" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell English SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell French Canon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell French Canon SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell Great Primer" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IM Fell Great Primer SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Iceland" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Inder" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Indie Flower" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "IrisUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Irish Grover" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Italianno" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "JasmineUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Jockey One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Jomolhari" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Josefin Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Josefin Sans Std Light" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Josefin Slab" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Judson" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Julee" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Jura" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Just Another Hand" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Just Me Again Down Here" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kai" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kalinga" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kameron" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kelly Slab" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kenia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Knewave" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "KodchiangUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kranky" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kreon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Kristi" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "La Belle Aurore" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Laconic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lacuna" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lancelot" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lato" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "League Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Leckerli One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lekton" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lemon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Levenim MT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "LilyUPC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Limelight" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Linden Hill" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Linux Biolinum" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Linux Libertine" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lobster" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lobster Two" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Bengali" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Devanagari" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Gujarati" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Hindi" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Kannada" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Malayalam" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Oriya" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Punjabi" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Tamil" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lohit Telugu" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lora" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Love Ya Like A Sister" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Loved by the King" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Lucida Sans Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Luckiest Guy" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Luxi Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Luxi Serif" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "M+ 2p" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MS-Mincho" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Maiden Orange" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Marck Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Marko One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Marmelad" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Marvel" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mate" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mate SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Maven Pro" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Meddon" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MedievalSharp" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Medula One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Megalopolis" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Megrim" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Merienda One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Merriweather" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Metamorphous" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Metrophobic" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MgOpen Canonica" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MgOpen Cosmetica" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MgOpen Modata" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MgOpen Moderna" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Michroma" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miltonian" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miltonian Tattoo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miniver" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miriam" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miss Fajardose" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Miss Saint Delafield" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Modern Antiqua" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Monofett" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Monoton" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Monsieur La Doulaise" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Montez" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Montserrat" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mountains of Christmas" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mr Bedford" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mr Dafoe" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mr De Haviland" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Mrs Sheppards" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Muli" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Myriad Pro" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "MyriadRegular" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Neucha" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "News Cycle" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Niconne" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nimbus Mono L" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nimbus Roman No9 L" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nimbus Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nimbus Sans L" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nixie One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nobile" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nobile-bold" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nobile-bold-italic002" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nobile-italic002" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nobile002" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nosifer" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nothing You Could Do" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Noticia Text" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Numans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Nunito" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "OTS derived font" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "OTS derivied font " [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ocean Sans Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Old Standard TT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Optima" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Orbitron" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Original Surfer" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Oswald" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Over the Rainbow" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Overlock" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Overlock SC" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ovo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Oxygen" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Pacifico" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Palladio" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Passero One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Passion One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Patrick Hand" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Patua One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Paytone One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Permanent Marker" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Petrona" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Philosopher" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Piedra" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Pinyon Script" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Plaster" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Playball" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Playfair Display" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Podkova" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Poller One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Poly" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Pompiere" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Prata" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "PrimaSans BT" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Prociono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Puritan" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Quantico" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Quattrocento" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Quattrocento Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Questrial" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Quicksand" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Qwigley" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Radley" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Raleway" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rammetto One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rancho" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rationale" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Redressed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ribeye" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ribeye Marrow" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Righteous" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rochester" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rock Salt" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rokkitt" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Rosario" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ruge Boogie" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ruslan Display" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ruthie" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sail" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Salsa" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sancreek" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sansita One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sarina" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Satisfy" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Schoolbell" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Shadows Into Light" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Shanti" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Short Stack" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sigmar One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Signika" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Signika Negative" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "SimHei" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Six Caps" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Slackey" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Smokum" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Smythe" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sniglet" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Snippet" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sofia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sorts Mill Goudy" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Special Elite" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Spicy Rice" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Spinnaker" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Spirax" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Squada One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Stardos Stencil" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Stint Ultra Condensed" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Stoke" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sue Ellen Francisco" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Sunshiney" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Supermercado One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Swanky and Moo Moo" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Swansea" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Swiss721" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Syncopate" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tenor Sans" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Terminal Dosis" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "The Girl Next Door" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "TheSans Mono" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tienne" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Times LT Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Times New Roman MT Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Times Roman" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Times Ten LT Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Trade Winds" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Trykker" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Tulpen One" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "URWClassico" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ultra" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Ultra-Light 100" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Uncial Antiqua" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "UnifrakturCook" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "UnifrakturMaguntia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Univers LT Std" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Unkempt" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Unlock" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Unna" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Utopia" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "VT323" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Varela" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Varela Round" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vast Shadow" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Verdimka" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vibur" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Vidaloka" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Viga" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Volkhov" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Voltaire" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add Subst match [test] font any family Equal "Waiting for the Sunrise" [edit] Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font"; Add 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"Sazanami Gothic" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "sans-serif"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Baekmuk Gulim" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "sans-serif"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arimo" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "sans-serif"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fixed" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "monospace"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cumberland AMT" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "monospace"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SUSE Sans Mono" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "monospace"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeMono" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "monospace"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Sans Mono" [edit] Edit family AppendLast "monospace"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Droid Sans Mono" [edit] Edit 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Comma "Verdana" Comma "Arial" Comma "Albany AMT" Comma "Luxi Sans" Comma "Nimbus Sans L" Comma "Helvetica" Comma "Lucida Sans Unicode" Comma "BPG Glaho International" Comma "Tahoma"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" [edit] Edit family Prepend "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" Comma "DejaVu Sans Mono" Comma "Inconsolata" Comma "Andale Mono" Comma "Courier New" Comma "Cumberland AMT" Comma "Luxi Mono" Comma "Nimbus Mono L" Comma "Courier"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "fantasy" [edit] Edit family Prepend "Impact" Comma "Copperplate Gothic Std" Comma "Cooper Std" Comma "Bauhaus Std"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "cursive" [edit] Edit family Prepend "ITC Zapf Chancery Std" Comma "Zapfino" Comma "Comic Sans MS"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "System" [edit] Edit family Prepend "DejaVu Sans"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MS Shell Dlg" [edit] Edit family Prepend "DejaVu Sans"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MS Sans Serif" [edit] Edit family Prepend "DejaVu Sans"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nesf" [edit] Edit family Append "Nesf2"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nesf2" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_sansserif_default"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nazanin" [edit] Edit family Append "Nazli"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Lotus" [edit] Edit family Append "Lotoos"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Yaqut" [edit] Edit family Append "Yaghoot"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Yaghut" [edit] Edit family Append "Yaghoot"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Traffic" [edit] Edit family Append "Terafik"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Ferdowsi" [edit] Edit family Append "Ferdosi"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fantezy" [edit] Edit family Append "Fantezi"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Jadid" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_title"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Titr" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_title"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Kamran" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_fantasy" Comma "Homa"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Homa" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_fantasy" Comma "Kamran"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fantezi" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_fantasy"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Tabassom" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_fantasy"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arshia" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_square"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nasim" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_square"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Elham" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_square" Comma "Farnaz"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Farnaz" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_square" Comma "Elham"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sina" [edit] Edit family Append "Persian_square"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Persian_title" [edit] Edit family Append "Titr" Comma "Jadid" Comma "Persian_serif"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Persian_fantasy" [edit] Edit family Append "Homa" Comma "Kamran" Comma "Fantezi" Comma "Tabassom" Comma "Persian_square"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Persian_square" [edit] Edit family Append "Arshia" Comma "Elham" Comma "Farnaz" Comma "Nasim" Comma "Sina" Comma "Persian_serif"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Elham" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Homa" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Koodak" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nazli" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Roya" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Terafik" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Titr" [edit] Edit foundry Assign "farsiweb"; Add Subst match [test] font any foundry Equal "TURNED-OFF" font any foundry Equal "farsiweb" font any slant Equal roman pattern any slant NotEqual roman [edit] Edit matrix Assign matrix Times [1 -0.2; 0 1]; Edit slant Assign oblique; Add Subst match [test] font any foundry Equal "farsiweb" [edit] Edit autohint Assign false; Edit hinting Assign false; Edit embeddedbitmap Assign false; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" [edit] Edit family Append "Nazli" Comma "Lotoos" Comma "Mitra" Comma "Ferdosi" Comma "Badr" Comma "Zar"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" [edit] Edit family Append "Roya" Comma "Koodak" Comma "Terafik"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" [edit] Edit family Append "Terafik"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "fantasy" [edit] Edit family Append "Homa" Comma "Kamran" Comma "Fantezi" Comma "Tabassom"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "cursive" [edit] Edit family Append "IranNastaliq" Comma "Nafees Nastaleeq"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "serif" pattern any weight MoreEqual 200 pattern any size MoreEqual 24 [edit] Edit family Prepend "Titr"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" pattern any weight MoreEqual 200 pattern any size MoreEqual 24 [edit] Edit family Prepend "Titr"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "Persian_sansserif_default" pattern any weight MoreEqual 200 pattern any size MoreEqual 24 [edit] Edit family Prepend "Titr"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal "Persian_sansserif_default" [edit] Edit family Assign "Roya"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" [edit] Edit family Prepend "Artsounk" Comma "BPG UTF8 M" Comma "Kinnari" Comma "Norasi" Comma "Frank Ruehl" Comma "Dror" Comma "JG LaoTimes" Comma "Saysettha Unicode" Comma "Pigiarniq" Comma "B Davat" Comma "B Compset" Comma "Kacst-Qr" Comma "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode" Comma "Raghindi" Comma "Mukti Narrow" Comma "malayalam" Comma "Sampige" Comma "padmaa" Comma "Hapax Berbère" Comma "MS Mincho" Comma "SimSun" Comma "PMingLiu" Comma "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" Comma "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "AR PL New Sung" Comma "ZYSong18030" Comma "HanyiSong" Comma "MgOpen Canonica" Comma "Sazanami Mincho" Comma "IPAMonaMincho" Comma "IPAMincho" Comma "Kochi Mincho" Comma "AR PL SungtiL GB" Comma "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Comma "AR PL Zenkai Uni" Comma "MS 明朝" Comma "ZYSong18030" Comma "NanumMyeongjo" Comma "UnBatang" Comma "Baekmuk Batang" Comma "KacstQura" Comma "Frank Ruehl CLM" Comma "Lohit Bengali" Comma "Lohit Gujarati" Comma "Lohit Hindi" Comma "Lohit Marathi" Comma "Lohit Maithili" Comma "Lohit Kashmiri" Comma "Lohit Konkani" Comma "Lohit Nepali" Comma "Lohit Sindhi" Comma "Lohit Punjabi" Comma "Lohit Tamil" Comma "Meera" Comma "Lohit Malayalam" Comma "Lohit Kannada" Comma "Lohit Telugu" Comma "Lohit Oriya" Comma "LKLUG"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" [edit] Edit family Prepend "Nachlieli" Comma "Lucida Sans Unicode" Comma "Yudit Unicode" Comma "Kerkis" Comma "ArmNet Helvetica" Comma "Artsounk" Comma "BPG UTF8 M" Comma "Waree" Comma "Loma" Comma "Garuda" Comma "Umpush" Comma "Saysettha Unicode" Comma "JG Lao Old Arial" Comma "GF Zemen Unicode" Comma "Pigiarniq" Comma "B Davat" Comma "B Compset" Comma "Kacst-Qr" Comma "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode" Comma "Raghindi" Comma "Mukti Narrow" Comma "malayalam" Comma "Sampige" Comma "padmaa" Comma "Hapax Berbère" Comma "MS Gothic" Comma "UmePlus P Gothic" Comma "SimSun" Comma "PMingLiu" Comma "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" Comma "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "AR PL New Sung" Comma "MgOpen Modata" Comma "VL Gothic" Comma "IPAMonaGothic" Comma "IPAGothic" Comma "Sazanami Gothic" Comma "Kochi Gothic" Comma "AR PL KaitiM GB" Comma "AR PL KaitiM Big5" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "AR PL SungtiL GB" Comma "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Comma "MS ゴシック" Comma "ZYSong18030" Comma "TSCu_Paranar" Comma "NanumGothic" Comma "UnDotum" Comma "Baekmuk Dotum" Comma "Baekmuk Gulim" Comma "KacstQura" Comma "Lohit Bengali" Comma "Lohit Gujarati" Comma "Lohit Hindi" Comma "Lohit Marathi" Comma "Lohit Maithili" Comma "Lohit Kashmiri" Comma "Lohit Konkani" Comma "Lohit Nepali" Comma "Lohit Sindhi" Comma "Lohit Punjabi" Comma "Lohit Tamil" Comma "Meera" Comma "Lohit Malayalam" Comma "Lohit Kannada" Comma "Lohit Telugu" Comma "Lohit Oriya" Comma "LKLUG"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" [edit] Edit family Prepend "Miriam Mono" Comma "VL Gothic" Comma "IPAMonaGothic" Comma "IPAGothic" Comma "Sazanami Gothic" Comma "Kochi Gothic" Comma "AR PL KaitiM GB" Comma "MS Gothic" Comma "UmePlus Gothic" Comma "NSimSun" Comma "MingLiu" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "AR PL New Sung Mono" Comma "HanyiSong" Comma "AR PL SungtiL GB" Comma "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Comma "ZYSong18030" Comma "NanumGothicCoding" Comma "NanumGothic" Comma "UnDotum" Comma "Baekmuk Dotum" Comma "Baekmuk Gulim" Comma "TlwgTypo" Comma "TlwgTypist" Comma "TlwgTypewriter" Comma "TlwgMono" Comma "Hasida" Comma "Mitra Mono" Comma "GF Zemen Unicode" Comma "Hapax Berbère" Comma "Lohit Bengali" Comma "Lohit Gujarati" Comma "Lohit Hindi" Comma "Lohit Marathi" Comma "Lohit Maithili" Comma "Lohit Kashmiri" Comma "Lohit Konkani" Comma "Lohit Nepali" Comma "Lohit Sindhi" Comma "Lohit Punjabi" Comma "Lohit Tamil" Comma "Meera" Comma "Lohit Malayalam" Comma "Lohit Kannada" Comma "Lohit Telugu" Comma "Lohit Oriya" Comma "LKLUG"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" [edit] Edit family Prepend "FreeSerif" Comma "Code2000" Comma "Code2001"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" [edit] Edit family Prepend "FreeSans" Comma "Arial Unicode MS" Comma "Arial Unicode" Comma "Code2000" Comma "Code2001"; Add Subst match [test] pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" [edit] Edit family Prepend "FreeMono"; Add Subst match [test] scan any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Delicious" scan any style Equal "Heavy" [edit] Edit weight Assign heavy; Add Subst match [test] font any slant Equal roman pattern any slant NotEqual roman [edit] Edit matrix Assign matrix Times [1 0.2; 0 1]; Edit slant Assign oblique; Edit embeddedbitmap Assign false; Add Subst match [test] font any weight LessEqual medium pattern any weight More medium [edit] Edit embolden Assign true; Edit weight Assign bold; FcConfigSubstitute Pattern has 3 elts (size 16) family: "sans"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans" Substitute Edit family Assign "sans-serif" Append list before "sans"(s) [marker] Append list after "sans"(s) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 3 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) Substitute Edit force_hintstyle Assign "none" Append list before [marker] Append list after "none"(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 4 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) Substitute Edit force_autohint Assign false Append list before [marker] Append list after False(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 5 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) Substitute Edit force_bw Assign false Append list before [marker] Append list after False(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 6 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) Substitute Edit force_bw_monospace Assign false Append list before [marker] Append list after False(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 7 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit lcdfilter Assign lcdnone Append list before [marker] Append list after 0(i)(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 8 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit rgba Assign none Append list before [marker] Append list after 5(i)(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nimbus Sans L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Heros" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Heros Cn" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nimbus Roman No9 L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nimbus Mono L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Cursor" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Avant Garde" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "URW Gothic L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Adventor" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bookman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "URW Bookman L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Bonum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bookman Old Style" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Zapf Chancery" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "URW Chancery L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Chorus" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "URW Palladio L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Pagella" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Palatino Linotype" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Century Schoolbook L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "TeX Gyre Schola" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Century Schoolbook" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arimo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Sans Narrow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Albany" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Albany AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Tinos" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Thorndale" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Thorndale AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cousine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cumberland" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cumberland AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Gelasio" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Caladea" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Carlito" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SymbolNeu" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica Condensed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Courier" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arial" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arial Narrow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times New Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Courier New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica Condensed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Courier" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ITC Avant Garde Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ITC Bookman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ITC Zapf Chancery" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Palatino" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "New Century Schoolbook" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arial" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arial Narrow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times New Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Courier New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Georgia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cambria" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Calibri" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Symbol" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Zapf Dingbats" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ITC Zapf Dingbats" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Symbol" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "Cantarell" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Linux Libertine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Linux Libertine Display" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Linux Libertine Initials" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Linux Libertine Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Linux Biolinum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Linux Biolinum Keyboard" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any force_bw Equal true No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any force_bw Equal true No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any force_bw Equal true No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nazli" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Lotoos" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Mitra" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Ferdosi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Badr" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Zar" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Titr" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Jadid" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Kochi Mincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "AR PL SungtiL GB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MS 明朝" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "NanumMyeongjo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "UnBatang" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Baekmuk Batang" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MgOpen Canonica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sazanami Mincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "AR PL ZenKai Uni" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ZYSong18030" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeSerif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SimSun" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arshia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Elham" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Farnaz" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nasim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sina" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Roya" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Koodak" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Terafik" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Kochi Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "AR PL KaitiM GB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "AR PL KaitiM Big5" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MS ゴシック" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "NanumGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "UnDotum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Baekmuk Dotum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MgOpen Modata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sazanami Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ZYSong18030" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeSans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "NSimSun" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ZYSong18030" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "NanumGothicCoding" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeMono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Homa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Kamran" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fantezi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Tabassom" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IranNastaliq" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nafees Nastaleeq" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bitstream Vera Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times New Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nimbus Roman No9 L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Luxi Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Thorndale AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Thorndale" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Georgia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Garamond" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Palatino Linotype" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Trebuchet MS" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bitstream Vera Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arial" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Verdana" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Albany AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Albany" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nimbus Sans L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Luxi Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Inconsolata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Courier New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Courier" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Andale Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Luxi Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cumberland AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cumberland" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nimbus Mono L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Impact" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Copperplate Gothic Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cooper Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bauhaus Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "ITC Zapf Chancery Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Zapfino" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Comic Sans MS" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Georgia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bell MT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Thorndale AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SUSE Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeSerif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Droid Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGMinchoL" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGPMinchoL" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGPMinchoB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGSMinchoB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGMinchoE" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGPMinchoE" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGSMinchoE" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IPAMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IPAPMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IPAexMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sazanami Mincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "STIXGeneral" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Tinos" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Trebuchet" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Segoe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Andale Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Albany AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SUSE Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeSans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Droid Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cantarell" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGGothicB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGPGothicB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGGothicE" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGPGothicE" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGSGothicE" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGGothicM" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGPGothicM" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "HGSGothicM" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IPAGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IPAPGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "IPAexGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sazanami Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Baekmuk Gulim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arimo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fixed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cumberland AMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SUSE Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "FreeMono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "DejaVu Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Droid Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Liberation Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Cousine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "symbol" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "console" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern all family NotEqual "sans-serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Prepend "Nimbus Sans L" Prepend list before [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any lang Equal "zh-hk" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any lang Equal "zh-cn" Substitute Edit family Prepend "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any lang Equal "zh-tw" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any lang Equal "ja" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any lang Equal "ko" Substitute Edit family Prepend "Droid Sans Fallback" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Helvetica Neue" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arial" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Times New Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Microsoft YaHei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SimSun" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "SimHei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Prepend "Arial" Comma "Albany AMT" Comma "Verdana" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any force_bw Equal true No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any force_bw Equal false Substitute Edit family Prepend "DejaVu Sans" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit family Prepend "Liberation Sans" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Prepend "DejaVu Sans" Comma "Liberation Sans" Comma "Droid Sans" Comma "Arimo" Comma "Cantarell" Comma "SUSE Sans" Comma "Bitstream Vera Sans" Comma "Nimbus Sans L" Comma "Luxi Sans" Comma "Mukti Narrow" Comma "KacstBook" Comma "Nachlieli CLM" Comma "Helvetica" Comma "Khmer OS System" Comma "Lohit Punjabi" Comma "Lohit Oriya" Comma "Pothana2000" Comma "TSCu_Paranar" Comma "BPG Glaho" Comma "Terafik" Comma "FreeSans" Comma "Meiryo" Comma "MS PGothic" Comma "MS Gothic" Comma "HGPGothicB" Comma "HGGothicB" Comma "IPAPGothic" Comma "IPAGothic" Comma "IPAexGothic" Comma "VL PGothic" Comma "VL Gothic" Comma "Sazanami Gothic" Comma "Kochi Gothic" Comma "CMEXSong" Comma "FZSongTi" Comma "WenQuanYi Micro Hei" Comma "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song" Comma "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "FZMingTiB" Comma "AR PL SungtiL GB" Comma "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Comma "NanumGothic" Comma "UnDotum" Comma "Baekmuk Gulim" Comma "Baekmuk Dotum" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Prepend "Bitstream Vera Sans" Comma "DejaVu Sans" Comma "Verdana" Comma "Arial" Comma "Albany AMT" Comma "Luxi Sans" Comma "Nimbus Sans L" Comma "Helvetica" Comma "Lucida Sans Unicode" Comma "BPG Glaho International" Comma "Tahoma" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "sans-serif"(s) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "sans-serif"(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "fantasy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "cursive" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "System" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MS Shell Dlg" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "MS Sans Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nesf" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nesf2" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nazanin" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Lotus" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Yaqut" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Yaghut" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Traffic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Ferdowsi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fantezy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Jadid" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Titr" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Kamran" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Homa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Fantezi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Tabassom" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Arshia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Nasim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Elham" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Farnaz" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Sina" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Persian_title" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Persian_fantasy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Persian_square" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Append "Roya" Comma "Koodak" Comma "Terafik" Append list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "sans-serif"(s) [marker] Append list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "fantasy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "cursive" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "sans-serif" FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any weight MoreEqual 200 No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "Persian_sansserif_default" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal "Persian_sansserif_default" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Prepend "Nachlieli" Comma "Lucida Sans Unicode" Comma "Yudit Unicode" Comma "Kerkis" Comma "ArmNet Helvetica" Comma "Artsounk" Comma "BPG UTF8 M" Comma "Waree" Comma "Loma" Comma "Garuda" Comma "Umpush" Comma "Saysettha Unicode" Comma "JG Lao Old Arial" Comma "GF Zemen Unicode" Comma "Pigiarniq" Comma "B Davat" Comma "B Compset" Comma "Kacst-Qr" Comma "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode" Comma "Raghindi" Comma "Mukti Narrow" Comma "malayalam" Comma "Sampige" Comma "padmaa" Comma "Hapax Berbère" Comma "MS Gothic" Comma "UmePlus P Gothic" Comma "SimSun" Comma "PMingLiu" Comma "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" Comma "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "AR PL New Sung" Comma "MgOpen Modata" Comma "VL Gothic" Comma "IPAMonaGothic" Comma "IPAGothic" Comma "Sazanami Gothic" Comma "Kochi Gothic" Comma "AR PL KaitiM GB" Comma "AR PL KaitiM Big5" Comma "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" Comma "AR PL SungtiL GB" Comma "AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Comma "MS ゴシック" Comma "ZYSong18030" Comma "TSCu_Paranar" Comma "NanumGothic" Comma "UnDotum" Comma "Baekmuk Dotum" Comma "Baekmuk Gulim" Comma "KacstQura" Comma "Lohit Bengali" Comma "Lohit Gujarati" Comma "Lohit Hindi" Comma "Lohit Marathi" Comma "Lohit Maithili" Comma "Lohit Kashmiri" Comma "Lohit Konkani" Comma "Lohit Nepali" Comma "Lohit Sindhi" Comma "Lohit Punjabi" Comma "Lohit Tamil" Comma "Meera" Comma "Lohit Malayalam" Comma "Lohit Kannada" Comma "Lohit Telugu" Comma "Lohit Oriya" Comma "LKLUG" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "sans-serif" Substitute Edit family Prepend "FreeSans" Comma "Arial Unicode MS" Comma "Arial Unicode" Comma "Code2000" Comma "Code2001" Prepend list before "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) [marker] "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) Prepend list after "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any family Equal(ignore blanks) "monospace" No match FcConfigSubstitute donePattern has 9 elts (size 16) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(s) "Droid Sans Fallback"(s) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Verdana"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Liberation Sans"(w) "Droid Sans"(w) "Arimo"(w) "Cantarell"(w) "SUSE Sans"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "KacstBook"(w) "Nachlieli CLM"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Khmer OS System"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "Pothana2000"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "BPG Glaho"(w) "Terafik"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Meiryo"(w) "MS PGothic"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "HGPGothicB"(w) "HGGothicB"(w) "IPAPGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "IPAexGothic"(w) "VL PGothic"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "CMEXSong"(w) "FZSongTi"(w) "WenQuanYi Micro Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "FZMingTiB"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Bitstream Vera Sans"(w) "DejaVu Sans"(w) "Verdana"(w) "Arial"(w) "Albany AMT"(w) "Luxi Sans"(w) "Nimbus Sans L"(w) "Helvetica"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "BPG Glaho International"(w) "Tahoma"(w) "Nachlieli"(w) "Lucida Sans Unicode"(w) "Yudit Unicode"(w) "Kerkis"(w) "ArmNet Helvetica"(w) "Artsounk"(w) "BPG UTF8 M"(w) "Waree"(w) "Loma"(w) "Garuda"(w) "Umpush"(w) "Saysettha Unicode"(w) "JG Lao Old Arial"(w) "GF Zemen Unicode"(w) "Pigiarniq"(w) "B Davat"(w) "B Compset"(w) "Kacst-Qr"(w) "Urdu Nastaliq Unicode"(w) "Raghindi"(w) "Mukti Narrow"(w) "malayalam"(w) "Sampige"(w) "padmaa"(w) "Hapax Berbère"(w) "MS Gothic"(w) "UmePlus P Gothic"(w) "SimSun"(w) "PMingLiu"(w) "WenQuanYi Zen Hei"(w) "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL New Sung"(w) "MgOpen Modata"(w) "VL Gothic"(w) "IPAMonaGothic"(w) "IPAGothic"(w) "Sazanami Gothic"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L Big5"(w) "MS ゴシック"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "TSCu_Paranar"(w) "NanumGothic"(w) "UnDotum"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Gulim"(w) "KacstQura"(w) "Lohit Bengali"(w) "Lohit Gujarati"(w) "Lohit Hindi"(w) "Lohit Marathi"(w) "Lohit Maithili"(w) "Lohit Kashmiri"(w) "Lohit Konkani"(w) "Lohit Nepali"(w) "Lohit Sindhi"(w) "Lohit Punjabi"(w) "Lohit Tamil"(w) "Meera"(w) "Lohit Malayalam"(w) "Lohit Kannada"(w) "Lohit Telugu"(w) "Lohit Oriya"(w) "LKLUG"(w) "FreeSans"(w) "Arial Unicode MS"(w) "Arial Unicode"(w) "Code2000"(w) "Code2001"(w) "sans-serif"(s) "Roya"(w) "Koodak"(w) "Terafik"(w) rgba: 5(i)(w) lang: ko(s) "zh-CN"(w) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) prgname: "fc-match"(s) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute Pattern has 35 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(s) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Adamina" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aguafina Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Alice" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Allan" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aller" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aller Display" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aller Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Amatic SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Andale Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Andalus" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Angsana New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "AngsanaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Anonymous" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Anonymous Pro" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Antic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aparajita" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Apple Chancery" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Apple LiGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aquabase" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arabic Typesetting" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial Black" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial MT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial Monospaced" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial Narrow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial SF MT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arial Unicode MS" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "ArialMT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arimo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arimo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Artifika" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arvo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "BPmono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Batang" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "BatangChe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bitstream Charter" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bitstream Vera Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bitstream Vera Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Book Antiqua" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bookman Old Style" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Browallia New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "BrowalliaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Calibri" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cambria" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cambria Math" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Candara" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Century" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Century Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chalkboard" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chalkduster" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Charcoal" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Charcoal CY" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Charis SIL" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chicago" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Comic Sans MS" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Consolas" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Constantia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Corbel" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cordia New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "CordiaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Courier" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Courier 10 Pitch" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Courier New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cousine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DFKai-SB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dark Courier" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DaunPenh" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "David" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DejaVu LGC Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DejaVu Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DejaVu Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DejaVu Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Delicious" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DilleniaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DokChampa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dotum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DotumChe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ebrima" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Essential PragmataPro" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Estrangelo Edessa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "EucrosiaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Euphemia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FangSong" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FrankRuehl" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Franklin Gothic Medium" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FreesiaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Frutiger Linotype" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Futura" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gabriola" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Garamond" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gautami" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Geneva" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Geneva CY" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gentium" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gentium Basic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gentium Book Basic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Georgia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gill Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gisha" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gotham Book" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gotham Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gotham Medium" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Guatami" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gulim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "GulimChe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gungsuh" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "GungsuhChe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Hard Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Herculanum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Hoefler Text" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Impact" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Inconsolata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IrisUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Iskoola Pota" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Istok Web" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "JasmineUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "KaiTi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kalinga" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kartika" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Khmer UI" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "KodchiangUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kokila" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lao UI" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Latha" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Leelawadee" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Levenim MT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Liberation Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Liberation Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Liberation Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "LilyUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Linux Libertine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lobster" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lucida Console" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lucida Grande" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lucida Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lucida Sans Typewriter" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lucida Sans Unicode" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Luxi Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MS Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MS Mincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MS PGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MS PMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MS UI Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MV Boli" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mako" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Malgun Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mangal" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Marker Felt" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Meiryo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Meiryo UI" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Menlo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MetaBold-Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MetaBook-Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MetaMedium-Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft Himalaya" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft JhengHei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft New Tai Lue" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft PhagsPa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft Sans Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft Tai Le" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft Uighur" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft YaHei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Microsoft Yi Baiti" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MingLiU" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MingLiU-ExtB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MingLiU_HKSCS" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miriam" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miriam Fixed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Molengo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Monaco" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mongolian Baiti" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MoolBoran" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "NSimSun" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Narkisim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Neuton" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nina" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Cut" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Flat" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Oval" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Round" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Slim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nova Square" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "NovaMono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nyala" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Open Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PMingLiU" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PMingLiU-ExtB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PT Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PT Sans Caption" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PT Sans Narrow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PT Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PT Serif Caption" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Padauk" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Palatino Linotype" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Papyrus" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Plantagenet Cherokee" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Play" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Pragmata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PragmataPro" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Raavi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Reenie Beanie" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rod" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sakkal Majalla" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe Print" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe UI" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe UI Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe UI Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe UI Semibold" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe UI Symbol" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe WP" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe WP Black" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe WP Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe WP SemiLight" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Segoe WP Semibold" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Shonar Bangla" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Shruti" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "SimHei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "SimSun" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "SimSun-ExtB" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Simplified Arabic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Simplified Arabic Fixed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Skia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sylfaen" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Symbol" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "TITUS Cyberbit Basic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tahoma" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tangerine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Times" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Times New Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tinos" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Traditional Arabic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Trebuchet MS" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tunga" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ubuntu" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ubuntu Condensed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ubuntu Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Utsaah" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vani" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Verdana" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vijaya" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vollkorn" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vrinda" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Webdings" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Wingdings" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Yanone Kaffeesatz" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Zapfino" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Abel" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Abril Fatface" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aclonica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Acme" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Actor" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aladin" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aldrich" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Alex Brush" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Alfa Slab One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Alike" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Alike Angular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Allerta" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Allerta Stencil" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Almendra" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Almendra SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Amaranth" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "American Typewriter" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Andada" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Andika" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Annie Use Your Telescope" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Anton" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Apple Garamond" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Apple Garamond Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Apple Symbols" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "AppleGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arabic Typesetting" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arapey" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arbutus" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Architects Daughter" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Arizonia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Armata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Asset" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Astloch" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Asul" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Atomic Age" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aubrey" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bad Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Baekmuk Gulim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Balthazar" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bangers" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Basic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Baskerville" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Baumans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Belgrano" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bentham" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bevan" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Big Caslon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bigshot One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bilbo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bilbo Swash Caps" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bitter" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Black Ops One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bonbon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Boogaloo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bowlby One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bowlby One SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Brawler" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bree Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "BrushScript" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Bubblegum Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Buda" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Buenard" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Butcherman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "CMU Bright" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cabin" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cabin Condensed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cabin Sketch" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Caesar Dressing" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cagliostro" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Calligraffitti" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cambo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Candal" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cantarell" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cantarell Regular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "CantarellRegular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cardo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Carme" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Carter One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Caudex" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cedarville Cursive" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Century Schoolbook L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ceviche One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Changa One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chango" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Charis SIL" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cherry Cream Soda" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chewy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chicle" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Chivo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cochin" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Coda" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Coda Caption" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Comfortaa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Comfortaa Regular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "ComfortaaRegular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Coming Soon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Concert One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Contrail One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Convergence" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cookie" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Copperplate" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Copse" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Corben" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Courier Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Courier10 BT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Coustard" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Covered By Your Grace" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Crafty Girls" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Creepster" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Crete Round" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Crimson Text" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Crushed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Cuprum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Damion" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dancing Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "David" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dawning of a New Day" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Days One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Delius" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Delius Swash Caps" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Delius Unicase" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Devonshire" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Didact Gothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Didot" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DilenniaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "District" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "DokChampa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dorsa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dr Sugiyama" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Duru Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dutch801 Rm BT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Dynalight" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "EB Garamond" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Eater" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Electrolize" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Engagement" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Enriqueta" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "EucrosiaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Eurostile LT Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Expletus Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fanwood Text" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fascinate" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fascinate Inline" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Federant" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Federo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fjord One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Flamenco" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Flavors" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fondamento" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fontdiner Swanky" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Forum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Francois One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FreeMono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FreeSans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FreeSerif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "FreesiaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fresca" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Frijole" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Frutiger LT Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Frutiger-Normal" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Fugaz One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Galdeano" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gautami" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Geneva Regular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Geo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Geostar" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Geostar Fill" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Give You Glory" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gloria Hallelujah" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Goblin One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gochi Hand" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Goudy Bookletter 1911" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gravitas One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gruppo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Habibi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Hammersmith One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Handlee" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Helvetica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Helvetica CY" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Helvetica Neue" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Herr Von Muellerhoff" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Holtwood One SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Homemade Apple" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell DW Pica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell DW Pica SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell Double Pica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell Double Pica SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell English" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell English SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell French Canon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell French Canon SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell Great Primer" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IM Fell Great Primer SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Iceland" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Inder" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Indie Flower" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "IrisUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Irish Grover" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Italianno" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "JasmineUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Jockey One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Jomolhari" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Josefin Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Josefin Sans Std Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Josefin Slab" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Judson" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Julee" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Jura" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Just Another Hand" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Just Me Again Down Here" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kai" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kalinga" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kameron" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kelly Slab" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kenia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Knewave" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "KodchiangUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kranky" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kreon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Kristi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "La Belle Aurore" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Laconic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lacuna" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lancelot" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lato" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "League Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Leckerli One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lekton" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lemon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Levenim MT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "LilyUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Limelight" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Linden Hill" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Linux Biolinum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Linux Libertine" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lobster" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lobster Two" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Bengali" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Devanagari" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Gujarati" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Hindi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Kannada" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Malayalam" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Oriya" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Punjabi" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Tamil" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lohit Telugu" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lora" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Love Ya Like A Sister" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Loved by the King" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Lucida Sans Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Luckiest Guy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Luxi Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Luxi Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "M+ 2p" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MS-Mincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Maiden Orange" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Marck Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Marko One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Marmelad" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Marvel" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mate" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mate SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Maven Pro" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Meddon" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MedievalSharp" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Medula One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Megalopolis" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Megrim" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Merienda One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Merriweather" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Metamorphous" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Metrophobic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MgOpen Canonica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MgOpen Cosmetica" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MgOpen Modata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MgOpen Moderna" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Michroma" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miltonian" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miltonian Tattoo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miniver" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miriam" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miss Fajardose" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Miss Saint Delafield" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Modern Antiqua" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Monofett" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Monoton" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Monsieur La Doulaise" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Montez" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Montserrat" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mountains of Christmas" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mr Bedford" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mr Dafoe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mr De Haviland" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Mrs Sheppards" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Muli" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Myriad Pro" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "MyriadRegular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Neucha" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "News Cycle" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Niconne" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nimbus Mono L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nimbus Roman No9 L" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nimbus Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nimbus Sans L" Substitute Edit font_type Assign "NON TT Instructed Font" Append list before [marker] Append list after "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 36 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(s) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: True(s) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nixie One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nobile" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nobile-bold" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nobile-bold-italic002" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nobile-italic002" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nobile002" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nosifer" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nothing You Could Do" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Noticia Text" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Numans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Nunito" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "OTS derived font" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "OTS derivied font " No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ocean Sans Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Old Standard TT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Optima" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Orbitron" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Original Surfer" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Oswald" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Over the Rainbow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Overlock" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Overlock SC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ovo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Oxygen" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Pacifico" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Palladio" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Passero One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Passion One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Patrick Hand" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Patua One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Paytone One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Permanent Marker" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Petrona" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Philosopher" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Piedra" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Pinyon Script" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Plaster" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Playball" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Playfair Display" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Podkova" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Poller One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Poly" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Pompiere" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Prata" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "PrimaSans BT" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Prociono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Puritan" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Quantico" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Quattrocento" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Quattrocento Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Questrial" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Quicksand" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Qwigley" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Radley" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Raleway" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rammetto One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rancho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rationale" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Redressed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ribeye" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ribeye Marrow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Righteous" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rochester" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rock Salt" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rokkitt" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Rosario" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ruge Boogie" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ruslan Display" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ruthie" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sail" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Salsa" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sancreek" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sansita One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sarina" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Satisfy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Schoolbell" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Shadows Into Light" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Shanti" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Short Stack" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sigmar One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Signika" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Signika Negative" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "SimHei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Six Caps" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Slackey" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Smokum" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Smythe" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sniglet" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Snippet" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sofia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sorts Mill Goudy" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Special Elite" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Spicy Rice" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Spinnaker" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Spirax" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Squada One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Stardos Stencil" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Stint Ultra Condensed" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Stoke" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sue Ellen Francisco" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Sunshiney" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Supermercado One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Swanky and Moo Moo" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Swansea" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Swiss721" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Syncopate" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tenor Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Terminal Dosis" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "The Girl Next Door" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "TheSans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tienne" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Times LT Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Times New Roman MT Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Times Roman" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Times Ten LT Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Trade Winds" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Trykker" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Tulpen One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "URWClassico" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ultra" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ultra-Light 100" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Uncial Antiqua" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "UnifrakturCook" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "UnifrakturMaguntia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Univers LT Std" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Unkempt" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Unlock" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Unna" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Utopia" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "VT323" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Varela" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Varela Round" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vast Shadow" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Verdimka" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vibur" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Vidaloka" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Viga" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Volkhov" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Voltaire" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Waiting for the Sunrise" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Wallpoet" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Walter Turncoat" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Wire One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Yellowtail" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Yeseva One" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Yesteryear" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Zeyada" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "cmbx10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "cmex10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "cmmi10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "cmr10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "cmsy10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "cmtt10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "eufm10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "msam10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "msbm10" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "proxima nova" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "proxima nova bold" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "proxima nova regular" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "proxima-nova-1" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "proxima-nova-2" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "wasy10" No match Substitute Edit embeddedbitmap Assign false Append list before [marker] Append list after False(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 36 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(s) hinting: True(s) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any lang Contains "ja" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any lang Contains "ko" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any lang Contains "zh-CN" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any lang Contains "zh-TW" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any lang Contains "zh-HK" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any lang Contains "zh-SG" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any scalable Equal false No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any scalable Equal false No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any scalable Equal false No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any scalable Equal false No match Substitute Edit hinting Assign true Append list before [marker] Append list after True(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 36 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(s) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: False(s) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit autohint Assign true Append list before [marker] Append list after True(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 36 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(s) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any font_type Equal "TT Instructed Font" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any font_type Equal "NON TT Instructed Font" Substitute Edit autohint Assign true Append list before [marker] Append list after True(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 36 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(s) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any fontformat Equal "CFF" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_autohint Equal true No match Substitute Edit hintstyle Assign hintslight Append list before [marker] Append list after 1(i)(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 36 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any autohint Equal false No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_hintstyle Equal "hintnone" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_hintstyle Equal "hintslight" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_hintstyle Equal "hintmedium" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_hintstyle Equal "hintfull" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any outline Equal true Substitute Edit antialias Assign true Append list before [marker] Append list after True(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 37 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_bw Equal true No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any force_bw_monospace Equal true No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAexGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAexMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAGothic BoldItalic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAGothic Bold" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAGothic Italic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAPGothic BoldItalic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAPGothic Bold" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAPGothic Italic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAPGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAPMincho" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any fullname Equal "IPAUIGothic" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Sans Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Aquabase" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Browallia New" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "BrowalliaUPC" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Courier" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gentium" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gill Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gill Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Gill Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Droid Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "Ubuntu Mono" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bitstream Vera Sans" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bitstream Vera Serif" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal(ignore blanks) "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" No match Substitute Edit antialias Assign true Append list before [marker] Append list after True(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 37 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit hinting Assign true Append list before [marker] Append list after True(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 37 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 1(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit hintstyle Assign hintfull Append list before [marker] Append list after 3(i)(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 37 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) Substitute Edit rgba Assign none Append list before [marker] Append list after 5(i)(w) FcConfigSubstitute editPattern has 37 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "WenQuanYi Micro Hei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "文泉驿微米黑" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "文泉驛微米黑" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any family Equal "WenQuanYi Zen Hei" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any foundry Equal "TURNED-OFF" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any foundry Equal "farsiweb" No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any slant Equal roman FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any slant NotEqual roman No match FcConfigSubstitute test font any weight LessEqual medium FcConfigSubstitute test pattern any weight More medium No match FcConfigSubstitute donePattern has 37 elts (size 48) family: "Nimbus Sans L"(s) style: "Regular"(w) slant: 0(i)(s) weight: 80(i)(s) width: 100(i)(s) size: 12(f)(s) pixelsize: 12.5(f)(s) foundry: "urw"(w) antialias: True(w) hintstyle: 3(i)(w) hinting: True(w) verticallayout: False(s) autohint: True(w) globaladvance: True(s) file: "/usr/share/fonts/ghostscript/n019003l.pfb"(w) index: 0(i)(w) outline: True(w) scalable: True(w) dpi: 75(f)(s) rgba: 5(i)(w) scale: 1(f)(s) charset: 0000: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 7fffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 0001: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00040000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0002: 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f0002c0 00000000 0003: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 10000000 00000000 00000000 0004: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 fffff000 ffffffff ffff199f 033fffff 0020: 77180000 06010047 00000010 00000000 00000000 00001000 00000000 00000000 0021: 00400000 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022: 46260044 00000000 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0025: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000000 00f6: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000 00fb: 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (w) lang: aa|ab|af|av|ay|ba|be|bg|bi|br|bs|bua|ca|ce|ch|chm|co|cs|cv|da|de|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|kaa|ki|kk|kl|kum|kv|ky|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mk|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|sah|se|sel|sh|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tg|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|tt|tyv|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|mn-mn|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za(s) fontversion: 0(i)(s) fontformat: "Type 1"(w) embeddedbitmap: False(w) decorative: False(s) lcdfilter: 0(i)(w) namelang: "zh-CN"(s) prgname: "fc-match"(s) hash: "sha256:c2934b6166d6d37abb612f0c0830c1acaef39d76934598e1688328acb7bad84e"(w) postscriptname: "NimbusSanL-Regu"(w) font_type: "NON TT Instructed Font"(w) force_hintstyle: "none"(w) force_autohint: False(w) force_bw: False(w) force_bw_monospace: False(w) n019003l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans L" "Regular"