#sessionInfo releaseName 2014.x #sessionInfo releaseId 0xcafebabe #sessionInfo targetName "Default" #beginSession #beginTestCaseResult dEQP-GLES2.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.red_unsigned_byte
Type: GL_TEXTURE_2D Internal format: GL_RED Format type: GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE Width: 64 Height: 64 Levels: 1
Target: GL_FRAMEBUFFER Type: GL_TEXTURE Image Name: 1 Mipmap Level: 0 Texture Target: GL_TEXTURE_2D
Expected one of GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT or GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. Received GL_INVALID_OPERATION (during FBO initialization). 4575 Framebuffer checked as incomplete, but with wrong status #endTestCaseResult #beginTestCaseResult dEQP-GLES2.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.depth_component16
Type: GL_TEXTURE_2D Internal format: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 Width: 64 Height: 64 Levels: 1
Target: GL_FRAMEBUFFER Type: GL_TEXTURE Image Name: 2 Mipmap Level: 0 Texture Target: GL_TEXTURE_2D
Expected one of GL_INVALID_ENUM (during FBO initialization), GL_INVALID_VALUE (during FBO initialization), GL_INVALID_OPERATION (during FBO initialization) or GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. Received GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE. 2495 Framebuffer checked as complete, expected incomplete #endTestCaseResult #beginTestCaseResult dEQP-GLES2.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.depth_component24
Type: GL_TEXTURE_2D Internal format: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 Width: 64 Height: 64 Levels: 1
Target: GL_FRAMEBUFFER Type: GL_TEXTURE Image Name: 3 Mipmap Level: 0 Texture Target: GL_TEXTURE_2D
Expected one of GL_INVALID_ENUM (during FBO initialization), GL_INVALID_VALUE (during FBO initialization), GL_INVALID_OPERATION (during FBO initialization) or GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. Received GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE. 8803 Framebuffer checked as complete, expected incomplete #endTestCaseResult #beginTestCaseResult dEQP-GLES2.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.rg_unsigned_byte
Type: GL_TEXTURE_2D Internal format: GL_RG Format type: GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE Width: 64 Height: 64 Levels: 1
Target: GL_FRAMEBUFFER Type: GL_TEXTURE Image Name: 4 Mipmap Level: 0 Texture Target: GL_TEXTURE_2D
Expected one of GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT or GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. Received GL_INVALID_OPERATION (during FBO initialization). 32184 Framebuffer checked as incomplete, but with wrong status #endTestCaseResult #beginTestCaseResult dEQP-GLES2.functional.fbo.completeness.renderable.texture.depth.depth24_stencil8
Type: GL_TEXTURE_2D Internal format: GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 Width: 64 Height: 64 Levels: 1
Target: GL_FRAMEBUFFER Type: GL_TEXTURE Image Name: 5 Mipmap Level: 0 Texture Target: GL_TEXTURE_2D
Expected one of GL_INVALID_ENUM (during FBO initialization), GL_INVALID_VALUE (during FBO initialization), GL_INVALID_OPERATION (during FBO initialization) or GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. Received GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE. 32327 Framebuffer checked as complete, expected incomplete #endTestCaseResult #endSession