release build ------------- Dump of assembler code for function LLVMAddTargetDependentFunctionAttr: 0x00479730 <+0>: push %ebp 0x00479731 <+1>: push %edi 0x00479732 <+2>: push %esi 0x00479733 <+3>: push %ebx 0x00479734 <+4>: sub $0x108c,%esp 0x0047973a <+10>: orl $0x0,(%esp) 0x0047973e <+14>: add $0x1010,%esp 0x00479744 <+20>: pxor %xmm0,%xmm0 0x00479748 <+24>: mov 0x98(%esp),%eax 0x0047974f <+31>: lea 0x2c(%esp),%edx 0x00479753 <+35>: mov 0x90(%esp),%esi 0x0047975a <+42>: mov 0x94(%esp),%ebp 0x00479761 <+49>: mov %gs:0x14,%ecx 0x00479768 <+56>: mov %ecx,0x6c(%esp) 0x0047976c <+60>: xor %ecx,%ecx 0x0047976e <+62>: movaps %xmm0,0x40(%esp) 0x00479773 <+67>: movl $0x0,0x20(%esp) 0x0047977b <+75>: movl $0x0,0x24(%esp) 0x00479783 <+83>: lea 0x20(%esp),%edi 0x00479787 <+87>: movaps %xmm0,0x50(%esp) 0x0047978c <+92>: sub $0xc,%esp 0x0047978f <+95>: call 0x37a470 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx> 0x00479794 <+100>: add $0x286586c,%ebx 0x0047979a <+106>: movl $0x0,0x38(%esp) 0x004797a2 <+114>: movl $0x0,0x3c(%esp) 0x004797aa <+122>: movl $0x0,0x48(%esp) 0x004797b2 <+130>: mov %edx,0x40(%esp) 0x004797b6 <+134>: mov %edx,0x44(%esp) 0x004797ba <+138>: movl $0x0,0x18(%esp) 0x004797c2 <+146>: mov %eax,0x14(%esp) 0x004797c6 <+150>: push %eax 0x004797c7 <+151>: call 0x2e8620 0x004797cc <+156>: xor %ecx,%ecx 0x004797ce <+158>: mov %eax,0x1c(%esp) 0x004797d2 <+162>: mov %ebp,0x20(%esp) 0x004797d6 <+166>: mov %ecx,0x24(%esp) 0x004797da <+170>: mov %ebp,(%esp) 0x004797dd <+173>: call 0x2e8620 0x004797e2 <+178>: pop %edx 0x004797e3 <+179>: mov 0x1c(%esp),%edx 0x004797e7 <+183>: pushl 0x18(%esp) 0x004797eb <+187>: pushl 0x18(%esp) 0x004797ef <+191>: push %eax 0x004797f0 <+192>: push %edx 0x004797f1 <+193>: push %edi 0x004797f2 <+194>: call 0x2f3800 <_ZN4llvm11AttrBuilder12addAttributeENS_9StringRefES1_@plt> 0x004797f7 <+199>: add $0x14,%esp 0x004797fa <+202>: push %esi 0x004797fb <+203>: call 0x2dd530 <_ZNK4llvm8Function10getContextEv@plt> 0x00479800 <+208>: lea 0x2c(%esp),%edx 0x00479804 <+212>: push %edi 0x00479805 <+213>: push $0xffffffff 0x00479807 <+215>: push %eax 0x00479808 <+216>: push %edx 0x00479809 <+217>: call 0x2ece50 <_ZN4llvm12AttributeSet3getERNS_11LLVMContextEjRKNS_11AttrBuilderE@plt> 0x0047980e <+222>: pop %ecx 0x0047980f <+223>: pop %edi 0x00479810 <+224>: pushl 0x30(%esp) 0x00479814 <+228>: push $0xffffffff 0x00479816 <+230>: push %esi 0x00479817 <+231>: call 0x2f9ed0 <_ZN4llvm8Function13addAttributesEjNS_12AttributeSetE@plt> 0x0047981c <+236>: add $0x18,%esp 0x0047981f <+239>: pushl 0x38(%esp) 0x00479823 <+243>: lea 0x34(%esp),%eax 0x00479827 <+247>: push %eax 0x00479828 <+248>: call 0x2ffea0 <_ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt4pairIKS5_S5_ESt10_Select1stIS8_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS8_EE8_M_eraseEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS8_E@plt> 0x0047982d <+253>: add $0x10,%esp 0x00479830 <+256>: mov 0x6c(%esp),%eax 0x00479834 <+260>: xor %gs:0x14,%eax 0x0047983b <+267>: jne 0x479845 0x0047983d <+269>: add $0x7c,%esp 0x00479840 <+272>: pop %ebx 0x00479841 <+273>: pop %esi 0x00479842 <+274>: pop %edi 0x00479843 <+275>: pop %ebp 0x00479844 <+276>: ret 0x00479845 <+277>: call 0x1b9ed40 <__stack_chk_fail_local> End of assembler dump. relwithdeb build ---------------- Dump of assembler code for function LLVMAddTargetDependentFunctionAttr(LLVMValueRef, char const*, char const*): 0x00480390 <+0>: push %ebp 0x00480391 <+1>: push %edi 0x00480392 <+2>: push %esi 0x00480393 <+3>: push %ebx 0x00480394 <+4>: sub $0x108c,%esp 0x0048039a <+10>: orl $0x0,(%esp) 0x0048039e <+14>: add $0x1010,%esp 0x004803a4 <+20>: mov 0x98(%esp),%eax 0x004803ab <+27>: mov 0x90(%esp),%esi 0x004803b2 <+34>: lea 0x38(%esp),%edx 0x004803b6 <+38>: mov 0x94(%esp),%ebp 0x004803bd <+45>: movl $0x0,0x2c(%esp) 0x004803c5 <+53>: mov %gs:0x14,%ecx 0x004803cc <+60>: mov %ecx,0x6c(%esp) 0x004803d0 <+64>: xor %ecx,%ecx 0x004803d2 <+66>: movl $0x0,0x30(%esp) 0x004803da <+74>: movl $0x0,0x38(%esp) 0x004803e2 <+82>: lea 0x2c(%esp),%edi 0x004803e6 <+86>: movl $0x0,0x3c(%esp) 0x004803ee <+94>: movl $0x0,0x48(%esp) 0x004803f6 <+102>: sub $0xc,%esp 0x004803f9 <+105>: mov %edx,0x4c(%esp) 0x004803fd <+109>: mov %edx,0x50(%esp) 0x00480401 <+113>: movl $0x0,0x58(%esp) 0x00480409 <+121>: movl $0x0,0x5c(%esp) 0x00480411 <+129>: movl $0x0,0x60(%esp) 0x00480419 <+137>: movl $0x0,0x64(%esp) 0x00480421 <+145>: movl $0x0,0x68(%esp) 0x00480429 <+153>: movl $0x0,0x6c(%esp) 0x00480431 <+161>: movl $0x0,0x70(%esp) 0x00480439 <+169>: movl $0x0,0x74(%esp) 0x00480441 <+177>: movl $0x0,0x18(%esp) 0x00480449 <+185>: mov %eax,0x14(%esp) 0x0048044d <+189>: call 0x390db0 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx> 0x00480452 <+194>: add $0x278dbae,%ebx 0x00480458 <+200>: push %eax 0x00480459 <+201>: call 0x3022d0 0x0048045e <+206>: xor %ecx,%ecx 0x00480460 <+208>: mov %eax,0x1c(%esp) 0x00480464 <+212>: mov %ebp,0x20(%esp) 0x00480468 <+216>: mov %ecx,0x24(%esp) 0x0048046c <+220>: mov %ebp,(%esp) 0x0048046f <+223>: call 0x3022d0 0x00480474 <+228>: pop %edx 0x00480475 <+229>: mov 0x1c(%esp),%edx 0x00480479 <+233>: pushl 0x18(%esp) 0x0048047d <+237>: pushl 0x18(%esp) 0x00480481 <+241>: push %eax 0x00480482 <+242>: push %edx 0x00480483 <+243>: push %edi 0x00480484 <+244>: call 0x30dcd0 <_ZN4llvm11AttrBuilder12addAttributeENS_9StringRefES1_@plt> 0x00480489 <+249>: add $0x14,%esp 0x0048048c <+252>: push %esi 0x0048048d <+253>: call 0x2f6b40 <_ZNK4llvm8Function10getContextEv@plt> 0x00480492 <+258>: lea 0x2c(%esp),%edx 0x00480496 <+262>: push %edi 0x00480497 <+263>: push $0xffffffff 0x00480499 <+265>: push %eax 0x0048049a <+266>: push %edx 0x0048049b <+267>: call 0x306eb0 <_ZN4llvm12AttributeSet3getERNS_11LLVMContextEjRKNS_11AttrBuilderE@plt> 0x004804a0 <+272>: pop %ecx 0x004804a1 <+273>: pop %edi 0x004804a2 <+274>: pushl 0x30(%esp) 0x004804a6 <+278>: push $0xffffffff 0x004804a8 <+280>: push %esi 0x004804a9 <+281>: call 0x314830 <_ZN4llvm8Function13addAttributesEjNS_12AttributeSetE@plt> 0x004804ae <+286>: add $0x18,%esp 0x004804b1 <+289>: pushl 0x44(%esp) 0x004804b5 <+293>: lea 0x40(%esp),%eax 0x004804b9 <+297>: push %eax 0x004804ba <+298>: call 0x31ab90 <_ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt4pairIKS5_S5_ESt10_Select1stIS8_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS8_EE8_M_eraseEPSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS8_E@plt> 0x004804bf <+303>: add $0x10,%esp 0x004804c2 <+306>: mov 0x6c(%esp),%eax 0x004804c6 <+310>: xor %gs:0x14,%eax 0x004804cd <+317>: jne 0x4804d7 0x004804cf <+319>: add $0x7c,%esp 0x004804d2 <+322>: pop %ebx 0x004804d3 <+323>: pop %esi 0x004804d4 <+324>: pop %edi 0x004804d5 <+325>: pop %ebp 0x004804d6 <+326>: ret 0x004804d7 <+327>: call 0x1ad4de0 <__stack_chk_fail_local> End of assembler dump. quit