WARNING: could not read config file (/home/guest/.chromium) WARNING: could not read score file (/home/guest/.chromium-score) randomizing. SDL initialized. r300: Making miptree for texture, format i8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (1x1x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 64 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (800x600x1 px, pitch 3328 bytes) 2023424 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format x8z24_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (800x600x1 px, pitch 3200 bytes) 1945600 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE video mode set (bpp=32 RGB=888 depth=24) -OpenGL----------------------------------------------------- Vendor : X.Org R300 Project Renderer : Gallium 0.4 on ATI RS600 Version : 2.1 Mesa 11.3.0-devel (git-c95d5c5) Extensions : GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_multitexture GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_fog_distance GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_KHR_debug GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_KHR_context_flush_control ------------------------------------------------------------ r300: Making miptree for texture, format l8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x128x1 px, pitch 512 bytes) 65536 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format l8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x128x1 px, pitch 512 bytes) 65536 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (128x128x1 px, pitch 512 bytes) 65536 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (128x128x1 px, pitch 512 bytes) 65536 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x128x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 131072 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x128x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 131072 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x128x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 131072 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x128x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 131072 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (128x128x1 px, pitch 512 bytes) 65536 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (128x128x1 px, pitch 512 bytes) 65536 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x16x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 512 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x16x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 512 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x32x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 2048 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x32x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 2048 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x64x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 2048 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x64x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x128x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Texture miptree: Level 1 (16x64x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 20480 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 2 (8x32x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 21504 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 3 (4x16x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 22016 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 4 (2x8x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 22272 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 5 (1x4x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 22400 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 6 (1x2x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 22464 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 7 (1x1x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 22528 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x128x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x64x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x32x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 2048 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (4x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x8x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 512 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (1x4x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 256 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (1x2x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 128 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (1x1x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 64 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x128x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x128x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 8192 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x16x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x16x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Texture miptree: Level 1 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 20480 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Texture miptree: Level 2 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 21504 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 3 (8x8x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 21760 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 4 (4x4x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 21888 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 5 (2x2x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 21952 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Texture miptree: Level 6 (1x1x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 22016 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (64x64x1 px, pitch 256 bytes) 16384 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (32x32x1 px, pitch 128 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (16x16x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 1024 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (8x8x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 512 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (4x4x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 256 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x2x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 128 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (1x1x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 64 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE 1 CDROM drive(s). open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ATTENTION !! - one or more errors were encountered during audio check. !! Audio will be disabled. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: could not read score file (/home/guest/.chromium-score) r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x128x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x128x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 8192 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE ...startup complete. high scores: 01/01/2000 nobody 250000 01/01/2000 nobody 200000 01/01/2000 nobody 150000 01/01/2000 nobody 100000 01/01/2000 nobody 50000 r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled TRUE r300: Making miptree for texture, format r8g8b8a8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (256x256x1 px, pitch 1024 bytes) 262144 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x128x1 px, pitch 32 bytes) 4096 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE r300: Making miptree for texture, format b8g8r8x8_unorm r300: Texture miptree: Level 0 (2x128x1 px, pitch 64 bytes) 8192 bytes total, macrotiled FALSE active power ups = 1 active power ups = 0 init----> 18.28fps gameSpeed = 0.52 init----> 42.92fps gameSpeed = 0.54 init----> 42.02fps gameSpeed = 0.56 init----> 43.48fps gameSpeed = 0.58 init----> 42.92fps gameSpeed = 0.6 init----> 46.08fps gameSpeed = 0.62 init----> 45.25fps gameSpeed = 0.64 init----> 44.05fps gameSpeed = 0.66 init----> 47.39fps gameSpeed = 0.68 init----> 45.45fps gameSpeed = 0.7 init----> 49.26fps targetAdj = 1, tmp = 1.003 init----> 47.85fps gameSpeed = 0.72 init----> 52.63fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.99 init----> 50.76fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.989 init----> 51.55fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.986 init----> 49.75fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.993 init----> 50.51fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.99 init----> 52.08fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.984 init----> 52.08fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.976 init----> 50.25fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.983 init----> 53.48fps targetAdj = 0.97, tmp = 0.971 init----> 52.63fps targetAdj = 0.97, tmp = 0.966 init----> 49.50fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.978 init----> 51.02fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.98 init----> 50.25fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.983 init----> 51.81fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.977 init----> 52.91fps targetAdj = 0.97, tmp = 0.973 init----> 49.26fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.979 init----> 46.30fps gameSpeed = 0.74 init----> 50.25fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.983 init----> 51.81fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.977 init----> 51.55fps targetAdj = 0.98, tmp = 0.978 init----> 49.75fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.985 init----> 50.76fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.989 init----> 49.50fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.994 init----> 51.02fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.988 init----> 51.81fps targetAdj = 0.99, tmp = 0.985 init----> 49.26fps targetAdj = 1, tmp = 0.995 init----> 50.51fps targetAdj = 1, tmp = 0.998 exit. wrote config file (/home/guest/.chromium) done. Download the latest version of Chromium B.S.U. at http://www.reptilelabour.com/software/chromium