This patch was originally intended to support a form of gpu output source provider which made my hp envy laptop work with 950 nvidia/intel ramdac type graphics design.  Since then, there have been patches made to render/xrandr and I am not interested in porting the design forwards.  HP and NVIDIA are the beneficiary of this patch, and they did not seem interested in even looking.  Today, to use this device you must fallback to just the intel ramdac, and lose the gpu entirely.  too bad.

but thanks for looking.  your the first person to even look.

incidentally, the --retain option repairs a problem where the update is applied in the server, and then immediately replaced with the default config, which removes the effect of the xrandr reconfig.  --retain causes the change to stick, and therefore be effective.

Like I said, this change is of low value since HP / NVIDIA support is not interested in it.

On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 6:24 AM, <> wrote:
Peter Wu changed bug 93354
What Removed Added

Comment # 1 on bug 93354 from Peter Wu
Not a dev, but your chances of getting this merged will increase if you do not
put your patches in a tarball but send them to the xorg-devel list with an
appropriate commit message.

Based on the indentation, the xrrprovider.c change in x.patch seems reasonable,
it handles clients which use a different byte order. No idea about the
rrmonitor.c changes though.

About y.patch, as a user I read the manual page and still have no idea what the
"--retain" option does.

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