As I also reported, the computer was completely non-responsive when the crash occurred. No mouse, No Ctrl-Alt F keys response to access virtual consoles, no response to Ctrl-Shift Backspace. So there was no chance to investigate further.

I can try to check it out if I notice the laptop making a lot of noise and feeling hot to the touch again. Any chance of making a change so it records necessary information on disk which survives reboots? Perhaps in my case, a script which records something every hour or minute?

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:10 PM, <> wrote:
Chris Wilson changed bug 99611
What Removed Added

Comment # 1 on bug 99611 from Chris Wilson
The overheating is unlikely to be causal for the GPU hang or the system crash.
However, all the information we need to triage the bug is in error state - whic
as you found out is not preserved across reboot. Any chance you can grab it
before the system lockup/reboot?

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  • You reported the bug.

Chris Tillman