VBT signature: "$VBT VALLEYVIEW " VBT version: 1.0 BDB signature: "BIOS_DATA_BLOCK " BDB version: 178 BDB blocks present: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 26 27 28 40 41 42 43 44 46 51 52 53 252 253 254 BDB block 1 - General features block: Panel fitting: text & graphics Flexaim: no Message: yes Clear screen: 0 DVO color flip required: no External VBT: no Enable SSC: no LFP on override: no Disable SSC on clone: no Underscan support for VGA timings: no Hotplug support in VBIOS: no Disable smooth vision: no Single DVI for CRT/DVI: no Inverted FDI Rx polarity: no Extended VBIOS mode: no Copy iLFP DTD to SDVO LVDS DTD: no Best fit panel timing algorithm: no Ignore strap state: no Legacy monitor detect: yes Integrated CRT: no Integrated TV: no Integrated EFP: no DP SSC enable: no DP SSC dongle supported: no BDB block 2 - General definitions block: CRT DDC GMBUS addr: 0x02 Use ACPI DPMS CRT power states: no Skip CRT detect at boot: no Use DPMS on AIM devices: yes Boot display type: 0x0000 Child device size: 33 EFP device info: Device handle: 0x0008 (LFP 1 (eDP)) Device type: 0x1400 (unknown) Internal connector HDMI output MIPI output I2C speed: 0x00 DP onboard redriver: 0x00 DP ondock redriver: 0x40 HDMI max data rate: 0x00 HDMI level shifter value: 0x00 Offset to DTD buffer for edidless EFP: 0x02 Dual pipe ganged eDP: no Compression method CPS: no Compression enable: no Edidless EFP: no Compression structure index: 0x00) Slave DDI port: 0x00 (N/A) AIM offset: 0 Port: 0x15 (unknown) AIM I2C pin: 0x00 AIM Slave address: 0x00 DDC pin: 0x04 EDID buffer ptr: 0x00 DVO config: 0x00 HPD sense invert: no Iboost enable: no Onboard LSPCON: no Lane reversal: no EFP routed through dock: no HDMI compatible? no DP compatible? yes TMDS compatible? no Aux channel: 0x00 Dongle detect: 0x00 Integrated encoder instead of SDVO: yes Hotplu connect status: 0x00 SDVO stall signal available: no Pipe capabilities: 0x00 DVO wiring: 0x01 MIPI bridge type:(unknown value 0) Device class extendsion: 0x00 DVO function: 0x00 EFP device info: Device handle: 0x0004 (EFP 1 (HDMI/DVI/DP)) Device type: 0x60d2 (DVI-D) Power management Hotplug signaling HDMI output Content protection High speel link TMDS/DVI signaling Digital output I2C speed: 0x00 DP onboard redriver: 0x00 DP ondock redriver: 0xed HDMI max data rate: 0x00 HDMI level shifter value: 0x06 Offset to DTD buffer for edidless EFP: 0x00 Dual pipe ganged eDP: no Compression method CPS: no Compression enable: no Edidless EFP: no Compression structure index: 0x00) Slave DDI port: 0x00 (N/A) AIM offset: 0 Port: 0x01 (HDMI-B) AIM I2C pin: 0x00 AIM Slave address: 0x00 DDC pin: 0x05 EDID buffer ptr: 0x00 DVO config: 0x00 HPD sense invert: no Iboost enable: no Onboard LSPCON: no Lane reversal: no EFP routed through dock: no HDMI compatible? yes DP compatible? yes TMDS compatible? yes Aux channel: 0x10 Dongle detect: 0x00 Integrated encoder instead of SDVO: yes Hotplu connect status: 0x00 SDVO stall signal available: no Pipe capabilities: 0x00 DVO wiring: 0x01 MIPI bridge type:(unknown value 0) Device class extendsion: 0x00 DVO function: 0x00 BDB block 3: BDB block 4: BDB block 6: BDB block 7: BDB block 8: BDB block 9: BDB block 10: BDB block 12 - Driver feature data block: Boot Device Algorithm: os default Block display switching when DVD active: yes Allow display switching when in Full Screen DOS: no Hot Plug DVO: yes Dual View Zoom: no Driver INT 15h hook: no Enable Sprite in Clone Mode: yes Use 00000110h ID for Primary LFP: no Boot Mode X: 1024 Boot Mode Y: 768 Boot Mode Bpp: 8 Boot Mode Refresh: 60 Enable LFP as primary: no Selective Mode Pruning: no Dual-Frequency Graphics Technology: no Default Render Clock Frequency: high NT 4.0 Dual Display Clone Support: no Default Power Scheme user interface: CUI Sprite Display Assignment when Overlay is Active in Clone Mode: secondary Display Maintain Aspect Scaling via CUI: yes Preserve Aspect Ratio: no Enable SDVO device power down: no CRT hotplug: no LVDS config: Embedded DisplayPort Define Display statically: no Legacy CRT max X: 0 Legacy CRT max Y: 0 Legacy CRT max refresh: 85 BDB block 13: BDB block 16: BDB block 17: BDB block 18: BDB block 19: BDB block 20: BDB block 26: BDB block 27 - eDP block: Panel 3 * Power Sequence: T3 1000 T7 10 T9 2000 T10 500 T12 5000 Panel color depth: 18 bpp eDP sDRRS MSA Delay: Lane 1 Fast link params: rate: 1.62G lanes: x1 mode pre-emphasis: none vswing: 0.4V Stereo 3D feature: no T3 optimization: yes Vswing/preemphasis table selection: Low power (200 mV) BDB block 28: BDB block 40 - LVDS options block: Panel type: 3 LVDS EDID available: no Pixel dither: yes PFIT auto ratio: yes PFIT enhanced graphics mode: no PFIT enhanced text mode: no PFIT mode: 3 BDB block 41 - LVDS timing pointer data: Number of entries: 3 BDB block 42 - LVDS panel data block: Number of entries: 19 (preferred block marked with '*') * panel type 03: 800x1280 clock 80840000 info: LVDS: 0x00000000 PP_ON_DELAYS: 0x00000000 PP_OFF_DELAYS: 0x00000000 PP_DIVISOR: 0x00000000 PFIT: 0x00307220 timings: 800 840 844 914 1280 1290 1294 1474 80840.00 (good) BDB block 43 - Backlight info block: Inverter type: 2 polarity: 0 GPIO pins: 1 GMBUS speed: 1 PWM freq: 200 Minimum brightness: 15 I2C slave addr: 0x58 I2C command: 0xaa BDB block 44: BDB block 46: BDB block 51: BDB block 52 - MIPI configuration block: General Param BTA disable: Enabled Video Mode Color Format: RGB888 PPS GPIO Pins: Using PMIC CABC Support: not supported Mode: VIDEO Dithering: done in Panel Controller Port Desc Lane Count: 4 Dual Link Support: not supported Dphy Flags Clock Stop: DISABLED EOT disabled: EOT to be sent HSTxTimeOut: 0x3fffff LPRXTimeOut: 0xffff TurnAroundTimeOut: 0x14 DeviceResetTimer: 0xff MasterinitTimer: 0x7d0 DBIBandwidthTimer: 0x0 LpByteClkValue: 0x4 Dphy Params Exit to zero Count: 0x3f Trail Count: 0x1F Clk zero count: 0x7f Prepare count:0xf ClockLaneSwitchingCount: 0xa0014 HighToLowSwitchingCount: 0x46 Timings based on Dphy spec TClkMiss: 0x3c TClkPost: 0x3c TClkPre: 0x8 TClkPrepare: 0x32 TClkSettle: 0x69 TClkTermEnable: 0x26 TClkTrail: 0x46 TClkPrepareTClkZero: 0x136 THSExit: 0x6e THsPrepare: 0x32 THsPrepareTHsZero: 0x12c THSSettle: 0x5f THSSkip: 0x28 THsTrail: 0x3c TInit: 0x0 TLPX: 0x32 MIPI PPS Panel power ON delay: 500 Panel power on to Backlight enable delay: 1330 Backlight disable to Panel power OFF delay: 500 Panel power OFF delay: 500 Panel power cycle delay: 5000 BDB block 53 - MIPI sequence block: Sequence block version v1 Sequence 2 - MIPI_SEQ_INIT_OTP Delay: 40000 us GPIO index 5, source 0, set 1 Delay: 5000 us GPIO index 5, source 0, set 0 Delay: 5000 us GPIO index 5, source 0, set 1 Delay: 20000 us Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data ff aa 55 a5 80 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data 6f 11 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data f7 20 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data f7 a0 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 19 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data f7 12 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 08 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data fa 40 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 11 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data f3 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data f0 55 aa 52 08 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c8 80 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b1 6c 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data b6 08 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 02 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data b8 08 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bb 74 44 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bc 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data bd 02 b0 0c 0a 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data f0 55 aa 52 08 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b0 05 05 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b1 05 05 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bc 90 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bd 90 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data ca 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c0 04 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data be 29 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b3 37 37 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b4 19 19 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b9 46 46 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data ba 24 24 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data f0 55 aa 52 08 02 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data ee 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data ef 09 06 15 18 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 7, Data b0 00 00 00 25 00 43 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 7, Data b0 00 54 00 68 00 a0 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 0c Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data b0 00 c0 01 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 7, Data b1 01 30 01 78 01 ae Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 7, Data b1 02 08 02 52 02 54 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 0c Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data b1 02 99 02 f0 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 7, Data b2 03 20 03 56 03 76 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 7, Data b2 03 93 03 a4 03 b9 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 0c Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data b2 03 c9 03 e3 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data b3 03 fc 03 ff Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data f0 55 aa 52 08 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b0 00 10 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b1 12 14 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b2 16 18 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b3 1a 29 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b4 2a 08 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b5 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b6 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b7 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b8 31 0a Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b9 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data ba 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bb 0b 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bc 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bd 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data be 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data bf 09 2a Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c0 29 1b Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c1 19 17 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c2 15 13 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c3 11 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data e5 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c4 09 1b Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c5 19 17 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c6 15 13 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c7 11 29 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c8 2a 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c9 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data ca 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data cb 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data cc 31 0b Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data cd 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data ce 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data cf 0a 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d0 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d1 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d2 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d3 00 2a Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d4 29 10 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d5 12 14 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d6 16 18 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data d7 1a 08 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data e6 31 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data d8 00 00 00 54 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data d9 00 15 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data e7 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data f0 55 aa 52 08 03 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b0 20 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b1 20 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data b2 05 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data b6 05 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data b7 05 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data ba 57 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data bb 57 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data c0 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 5, Data c1 00 00 00 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c4 60 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c5 40 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data f0 55 aa 52 08 05 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data bd 03 01 03 03 03 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b0 17 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b1 17 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b2 17 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b3 17 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b4 17 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data b5 17 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data b8 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data b9 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data ba 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data bb 02 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data bc 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c0 07 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c4 80 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data c5 a4 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c8 05 30 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 3, Data c9 01 31 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 4, Data cc 00 00 3c Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 4, Data cd 00 00 3c Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data d1 00 04 fd 07 10 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 6, Data d2 00 05 02 07 10 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 39, Length 2, Data e5 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data e6 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data e7 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data e8 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data e9 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data ea 06 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data ed 30 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data 6f 11 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 15, Length 2, Data f3 01 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 05, Length 2, Data 35 00 Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 05, Length 2, Data 11 00 Delay: 120000 us Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 05, Length 2, Data 29 00 Delay: 10000 us Sequence 4 - MIPI_SEQ_DISPLAY_OFF Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 05, Length 2, Data 28 00 Delay: 40000 us Send DCS: Port A, VC 0, LP, Type 05, Length 2, Data 10 00 Sequence 5 - MIPI_SEQ_DEASSERT_RESET Delay: 100000 us GPIO index 5, source 0, set 0 BDB block 252: BDB block 253: BDB block 254: