? root.patch Index: rules/base.xml.in =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config/rules/base.xml.in,v retrieving revision 1.227 diff -r1.227 base.xml.in 2534,2535c2534,2535 < yz < <_description>Z and ZHE swapped --- > cyrillic > <_description>Cyrillic 2540,2541c2540,2541 < latin < <_description>Latin --- > cyrillicyz > <_description>Cyrillic, Z and ZHE swapped 2547c2547 < <_description>Latin Unicode --- > <_description>Latin unicode 2559c2559 < <_description>Latin Unicode qwerty --- > <_description>Latin unicode qwerty 2564,2565c2564,2565 < alternatequotes < <_description>With guillemets --- > cyrillicalternatequotes > <_description>Cyrillic with guillemets Index: symbols/me =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config/symbols/me,v retrieving revision 1.1 diff -r1.1 me 9,10c9,10 < include "rs(basic)" < name[Group1]= "Montenegro"; --- > include "rs(latin)" > name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Latin"; 15,17c15,17 < xkb_symbols "latin" { < include "rs(latin)" < name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Latin"; --- > xkb_symbols "cyrillic" { > include "rs(basic)" > name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Cyrillic"; 22c22 < xkb_symbols "yz" { --- > xkb_symbols "cyrillicyz" { 24c24 < name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Z and ZHE swapped"; --- > name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Cyrillic, Z and ZHE swapped"; 30c30 < name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Latin Unicode"; --- > name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Latin unicode"; 42c42 < name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Latin Unicode qwerty"; --- > name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Latin unicode qwerty"; 45c45 < xkb_symbols "alternatequotes" { --- > xkb_symbols "cyrillicalternatequotes" { 47c47 < name[Group1]= "Montenegro - With guillemets"; --- > name[Group1]= "Montenegro - Cyrillic with guillemets";