=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2017.08.08 11:05:22 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= login as: gfx Distro : Ubuntu 16.10 Memory : 8 GB Processor : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3455 @ 1.50GHz Graphic card : Intel Corporation Device 5a85 (rev 0b) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) OS-Type : 64-bit Disk : 74GiB (80GB) Hostname : BXT-1 ,-. __ ,' `---.___.---' `. ,' ,- `-._ ,' / \ ,\/ / \\ )`._)>) | \\ `>,' _ \ / |\ ) \ | | | |\\ . , / \ | `. | | )) \`. \`-' )-| `. | /(( \ `-` a` _/ ;\ _ )`-.___.--\ / `' `._ ,' \`j`.__/ \ `. \ / , ,' _)\ /` _) ( \ / \__ / / _) ( / __\_) ( `--' /_ __\ / ___\ gfx@'s password: Welcome to Ubuntu 16.10 (GNU/Linux 4.13.0-rc4-drm-tip-ww32-commit-3d87f89+ x86_64) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com * Management: https://landscape.canonical.com * Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage 377 packages can be updated. 204 updates are security updates. Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore. For upgrade information, please visit: http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife New release '17.04' available. Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it. ####################################################### # # # +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ # # |I|n|t|e|l| |G|r|a|p|h|i|c|s| |f|o|r| |L|i|n|u|x| # # +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ # # # # https://01.org/linuxgraphics # # https://github.com/IntelGraphics/dev # # https://linuxgraphics.intel.com # # Project: 01.org Intel Open Source # # # # # ####################################################### .88888888:. 88888888.88888. .8888888888888888. 888888888888888888 88' _`88'_ `88888 88 88 88 88 88888 88_88_::_88_:88888 88:::,::,:::::8888 88`:::::::::'`8888 .88 `::::' 8:88. 8888 `8:888. .8888' `888888. .8888:.. .::. ...:'8888888:. .8888.' :' `'::`88:88888 .8888 ' `.888:8888. 888:8 . 888:88888 .888:88 .: 888:88888: 8888888. :: 88:888888 `.::.888. :: .88888888 .::::::.888. :: :::`8888'.:. ::::::::::.888 ' .:::::::::::: ::::::::::::.8 ' .:8::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::. .:888::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::88:.__..:88888:::::::::::' `'.:::::::::::88888888888.88:::::::::' `':::_:' -- '' -'-' `':_::::'` Last login: Tue Aug 8 06:04:24 2017 from (06:05 AM) [gfx@BXT-1] [~]$ : (06:05 AM) [gfx@BXT-1] [~]$ : cd dev/tests/ (06:05 AM) [gfx@BXT-1] [tests]$ : python getdrivers.py --g  ======================================  Graphic stack ====================================== ====================================== Software ====================================== kernel version : 4.13.0-rc4-drm-tip-ww32-commit-3d87f89+ hostname : BXT-1 architecture : x86_64 os version : Ubuntu 16.10 os codename : yakkety kernel driver : i915 bios revision : 5.6 bios release date : 06/19/2017 ksc : 18.0 hardware acceleration : disabled swap partition : enabled on (/dev/sda3) ====================================== Graphic drivers ====================================== grep: /opt/X11R7/var/log/Xorg.0.log: No such file or directory libdrm : 2.4.82 cairo : 1.15.7 intel-gpu-tools (tag) : intel-gpu-tools-1.19-166-geeff6a1 intel-gpu-tools (commit) : eeff6a1 ====================================== Hardware ====================================== motherboard model : NUC6CAYS motherboard id : NUC6CAYB form factor : Desktop manufacturer : Intelcorporation cpu family : Celeron cpu family id : 6 cpu information : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3455 @ 1.50GHz gpu card : Intel Corporation Device 5a85 (rev 0b) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) memory ram : 15.54 GB max memory ram : 32 GB cpu thread : 4 cpu core : 4 cpu model : 92 cpu stepping : 9 socket : Other signature : Type 0, Family 6, Model 92, Stepping 9 hard drive : 74GiB (80GB) current cd clock frequency : 384000 kHz maximum cd clock frequency : 624000 kHz displays connected : DP-1 DP-2 ====================================== Firmware ====================================== dmc fw loaded : yes dmc version : 1.7 guc fw loaded : SUCCESS guc version wanted : 8.7 guc version found : 8.7 huc fw loaded : yes ====================================== kernel parameters ====================================== quiet drm.debug=0x1e i915.enable_guc_loading=2 i915.enable_guc_submission=2 auto panic=1 nmi_watchdog=panic resume=/dev/sda3 fastboot (06:05 AM) [gfx@BXT-1] [tests]$ : ^C (06:06 AM) [gfx@BXT-1] [tests]$ : sudo dmesg -C (06:06 AM) [gfx@BXT-1] [tests]$ : dmesg -w [ 2502.012793] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25 [ 2502.013000] [IGT] gem_ringfill: executing [ 2502.033479] [drm:vgem_gem_dumb_create [vgem]] Created object of size 1 [ 2502.040513] [IGT] gem_ringfill: starting subtest basic-default-hang [ 2505.695326] [drm:missed_breadcrumb [i915]] rcs0 missed breadcrumb at intel_breadcrumbs_hangcheck+0x5c/0x80 [i915], irq posted? yes, current seqno=a0, last=11d