$Id: 090_xkb_fix_uk_macintosh_problems.diff 1524 2004-06-08 06:35:29Z branden $ Fix a few problems with the U.K. Macintosh keyboard layout: * Map key to "section, plusminus". * Map key to "quoteleft, asciitilde". * Map AltGr+ to "EuroSign". * Include group(switch) symbols so that the already-defined mapping of AltGr+ { [ 3, sterling ], + key { [ section, plusminus ] }; + key { [], + [ EuroSign ] }; + key { [ 3, sterling ], [ numbersign ] }; + key { [ quoteleft, asciitilde ] }; - // End alphanumeric section - + include "group(switch)" }; - -