info: D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Probing D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 info: D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Probing D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 info: D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Using feature level D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 warn: D3D11DeviceContainer::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query warn: 9d06dffa-d1e5-4d07-83a8-1bb123f2f841 warn: D3D11DeviceContext::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query warn: 420d5b32-b90c-4da4-bef0-359f6a24a83a warn: D3D11DeviceContainer::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query warn: 6007896c-3244-4afd-bf18-a6d3beda5023 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11: Unsupported format: 4294967295 err: D3D11Device: CheckFeatureSupport: Unknown feature: 10 err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Mapping memory failed with VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Memory allocation failed Size: 6291456 Alignment: 65536 Mem flags: 0x1 Mem types: 0x7 err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Memory allocation failed