warning: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xinput does not end in .sh extension, ignoring warning: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xmbind does not end in .sh extension, ignoring Agent pid 3592 usage: 3ddesk [ OPTIONS ] Activates the 3d Desktop. 3ddeskd daemon must be running. Where OPTIONS are: --view=xxx Uses the options from the view in 3ddesktop.conf --mode=xxx Sets the arrangement mode (one of carousel, cylinder, linear, viewmaster, priceisright, flip, or random) --acquire[=#] Grab images for all the desktops by cycling thru (sleep for x millisecs at each screen for refresh) --acquirecurrent Grab image for current desktop --nozoom Disable the zoom out --gotoright Goto the desktop to the right --gotoleft Goto the desktop to the left --gotoup Goto the desktop to the up --gotodown Goto the desktop to the down --goto=# Goto specified column (deprecated) --gotocolumn=# Goto specified column --gotorow=# Goto specified row --dontexit Don't exit after a goto --stop Stop 3ddesktop (kill 3ddeskd daemon) --reload Force a reload of 3ddesktop.conf --noautofun Don't Automatically turn on Fun Mode --revmousewheel Reverse the mousewheel --swapmousebuttons Swap the mousebuttons --altmousebuttons Use alternate mousebuttons scheme command line options: - minimized The main window will be minimized after start up - nosplash No splash screen during start up GOT SIGHUP