[compute shader]
#version 450

layout(binding = 3) buffer block {
        vec2 values[];

shared bool shared_bool;
shared bvec2 shared_next;

	// For this bug we just need to use a shared bool
        shared_bool = true;
	shared_next[0] = true;

        values[gl_WorkGroupID.x + gl_WorkGroupID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x] =

# Set the buffer at binding 3 to be large enough to hold 256x256 vec2s
ssbo 3 524288

# Use the compute shader to fill each vec2 with its grid position
compute 256 256 1

# Probe a few points in the buffer

# Four corners of the grid
probe ssbo vec2 3 0 == 0 0
probe ssbo vec2 3 2040 == 255 0
probe ssbo vec2 3 522240 == 0 255
probe ssbo vec2 3 524280 == 255 255

# Center
probe ssbo vec2 3 263168 == 128 128