Thread 4 (Thread 0x60ffb70 (LWP 30597)): #0 0xb77a0424 in __kernel_vsyscall () No symbol table info available. #1 0xb761809b in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:82 No locals. #2 0x7bc76658 in wait_reply (cookie=0x60fe7b0) at sync.c:807 ret = signaled = reply = {cookie = 101705648, signaled = 0, __pad = 0} #3 0x7bc78d33 in NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects (count=2, handles=0x60fe8b0, flags=4, timeout=0x0, signal_object=) at sync.c:1124 ret = i = cookie = 0 user_apc = 0 obj_handles = {104, 364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1115400, 0 , 3075400817, 3014702, 4456540, 7602273, 6029409, 6619245, 6815859, 7536741, 3145776, 6422574, 6684777, 6684672, 101646336, 2076742928, 2076835828, 2076835828, 2076246016, 0, 101705660, 3212842953, 691711794, 0, 101706120, 2076742928, 0, 2076835828, 2076246016, 2076502986, 3076812020, 3213084617, 691711794, 0, 0, 0, 0} apc_handle = 0 call = {type = APC_NONE, user = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, func = 0, args = {0, 0, 0}}, timer = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, func = 0, time = 0, arg = 0}, async_io = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, func = 0, user = 0, sb = 0}, virtual_alloc = {type = APC_NONE, op_type = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, zero_bits = 0, prot = 0}, virtual_free = {type = APC_NONE, op_type = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_query = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0}, virtual_protect = {type = APC_NONE, prot = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_flush = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_lock = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_unlock = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, map_view = {type = APC_NONE, handle = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, offset = 0, alloc_type = 0, zero_bits = 0, prot = 0}, unmap_view = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0}, create_thread = {type = APC_NONE, suspend = 0, func = 0, arg = 0, reserve = 0, commit = 0}} result = {type = APC_NONE, async_io = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, apc = 0, total = 0}, virtual_alloc = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_free = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_query = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, base = 0, alloc_base = 0, size = 0, state = 0, prot = 0, alloc_prot = 0, alloc_type = 0}, virtual_protect = { type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, prot = 0}, virtual_flush = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_lock = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_unlock = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, map_view = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, unmap_view = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0}, create_thread = { type = APC_NONE, status = 0, tid = 0, handle = 0}} abs_timeout = 9223372036854775807 #4 0x7bc78e59 in NtWaitForMultipleObjects (count=2, handles=0x60fe8b0, wait_all=0 '\000', alertable=0 '\000', timeout=0x0) at sync.c:1162 flags = #5 0x7b86a26f in WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (count=2, handles=0x60fea20, wait_all=0, timeout=4294967295, alertable=0) at sync.c:188 status = hloc = {0x68, 0x16c, 0x1, 0xa66c6e, 0x1, 0xe182e80, 0x60fe9fc, 0x1, 0x60fe9fc, 0x7f16cd, 0x1114770, 0x815f88, 0x10, 0x1114770, 0x60fea04, 0xb05eb8, 0xffffffff, 0x6e82ae, 0xe182e80, 0x3e980c4, 0x3e980c4, 0x3e980a0, 0x6e864e, 0x26939dc, 0x26939dc, 0x7bc3525f, 0x60fe960, 0x60fe960, 0x3e98000, 0x26939dc, 0x2693948, 0x3e980a0, 0x3e980c4, 0x7f16cd, 0x3e9811c, 0x6e9a1f, 0x3e980a0, 0x7b86a2b0, 0x60fea10, 0x7bc9fff4, 0x26939dc, 0x3e980ec, 0x3e9811c, 0x3e98104, 0x3e980c4, 0x2693948, 0x3ea77b60, 0x6b5f626f, 0x776f6c6f, 0x30746f72, 0x6e5f31, 0x7e87f0bc, 0x34bd6880, 0x31b1401, 0x8, 0x40, 0x40, 0x200, 0x200, 0x1c6a1e10, 0x100, 0x1c6a2f70, 0x80, 0x1c36cf10} time = {u = {LowPart = 64, HighPart = 885176880}, QuadPart = 3801805750775316544} i = #6 0x7b86a2ea in WaitForMultipleObjects (count=2, handles=0x60fea20, wait_all=0, timeout=4294967295) at sync.c:148 No locals. #7 0x006e9a73 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #8 0x78132a47 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #9 0x7bc74a00 in call_thread_entry_point (entry=0x781329e1, arg=0x331ab10) at signal_i386.c:2499 __f = {frame = {Prev = 0xffffffff, Handler = 0x7bc894a0 <__wine_exception_handler>}, u = { filter = 0x7b839870 , finally_func = 0x7b839870 }, jmp = {{ __jmpbuf = {2076835828, -2116579568, 2014521825, 101706568, -1080492087, 786322738}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = { __val = {2076949440, 3076612433, 0, 74, 79, 1209936248, 30147047, 0, 418, 2076397969, 0, 0, 0, 2076398175, 0, 0, 0, 2076835828, 1116216, 2076835828, 101706568, 2076495982, 2076870884, 0, 2178387968, 2076835828, 2178383872, 2076835828, 0, 2076870884, 2076871712, 0}}}}, ExceptionCode = 2076646171, ExceptionRecord = 0x7bc9fff4} __first = 0 #10 0x7bc7a895 in start_thread (info=0x81d78fb8) at thread.c:404 teb = 0x7b8693a0 thread_data = func = 0x3e980a0 arg = 0x331ab10 debug_info = {str_pos = 0x60feb7c "", out_pos = 0x60fef7c "", strings = '\000' , output = '\000' } #11 0xb7610955 in start_thread (arg=0x60ffb70) at pthread_create.c:300 __res = __ignore1 = __ignore2 = pd = 0x60ffb70 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {-1218310156, 0, 4001536, 101708952, -1079337015, 1650439339}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #12 0xb758fe7e in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:130 No locals. Thread 3 (Thread 0xfe2fb70 (LWP 30598)): #0 0xb77a0424 in __kernel_vsyscall () No symbol table info available. #1 0xb761809b in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:82 No locals. #2 0x7bc76658 in wait_reply (cookie=0xfe2e6d8) at sync.c:807 ret = signaled = reply = {cookie = 256, signaled = 476155152, __pad = 0} #3 0x7bc78d33 in NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects (count=1, handles=0xfe2e7d8, flags=4, timeout=0x0, signal_object=) at sync.c:1124 ret = i = cookie = 266528536 user_apc = 0 obj_handles = {412, 24, 266528208, 3076827147, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3076824754, 3078017012, 266528264, 266529068, 64, 266528264, 3076620452, 64, 2076642640, 85, 266529068, 64, 2111992335, 3076030856, 266528376, 2106126216, 0, 266528376, 3076620452, 266528376, 2111667453, 99, 266528408, 2114485080, 0, 266528408, 3076620452, 266528408, 2111667453, 9, 2114485168, 4096, 2106130452, 0, 266529332, 2106126304, 2114482704, 2114485116, 2114489292, 4294967295, 2114489316, 3076599335, 476155160, 2114485168, 2111992335, 2114485080, 2111727872, 30598, 2111727872, 3076599335, 0, 3076604441, 2111992335, 2106126228, 266528440} apc_handle = 0 call = {type = APC_NONE, user = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, func = 0, args = {0, 0, 0}}, timer = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, func = 0, time = 0, arg = 0}, async_io = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, func = 0, user = 0, sb = 0}, virtual_alloc = {type = APC_NONE, op_type = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, zero_bits = 0, prot = 0}, virtual_free = {type = APC_NONE, op_type = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_query = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0}, virtual_protect = {type = APC_NONE, prot = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_flush = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_lock = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_unlock = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, map_view = {type = APC_NONE, handle = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, offset = 0, alloc_type = 0, zero_bits = 0, prot = 0}, unmap_view = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0}, create_thread = {type = APC_NONE, suspend = 0, func = 0, arg = 0, reserve = 0, commit = 0}} result = {type = APC_NONE, async_io = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, apc = 0, total = 0}, virtual_alloc = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_free = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_query = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, base = 0, alloc_base = 0, size = 0, state = 0, prot = 0, alloc_prot = 0, alloc_type = 0}, virtual_protect = { type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, prot = 0}, virtual_flush = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_lock = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_unlock = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, map_view = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, unmap_view = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0}, create_thread = { type = APC_NONE, status = 0, tid = 0, handle = 0}} abs_timeout = 9223372036854775807 #4 0x7bc78e59 in NtWaitForMultipleObjects (count=1, handles=0xfe2e7d8, wait_all=0 '\000', alertable=0 '\000', timeout=0x0) at sync.c:1162 flags = #5 0x7b86a26f in WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (count=1, handles=0xfe2e9bc, wait_all=0, timeout=4294967295, alertable=0) at sync.c:188 status = hloc = {0x19c, 0x4ff, 0x7df078a8, 0x7dff4ff4, 0xfe2e808, 0x7dfc25f0, 0x7dff89e0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7df90c90, 0x4ff, 0x7d88e5c0, 0x0, 0xfe2e87c, 0x7e087210, 0xfe2e8bc, 0x7df90c90, 0x0, 0x55, 0xfe2e95c, 0x40, 0x7bc9fff4, 0x0, 0xfe2e97c, 0x0, 0x7df90c90, 0x4ff, 0x7d88e5c0, 0x0, 0xfe2e8bc, 0x0, 0xfe2e99c, 0xfe2e938, 0x0, 0x2, 0xfe2e870, 0x0, 0x880c, 0x0, 0x9, 0x0, 0xd, 0x101, 0x1001b, 0x984a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0x7bc9fff4, 0xfe2e8ec, 0x7bc4f708, 0x7bca88e4, 0x7bc70dbb, 0x7ed36ff4, 0x0, 0xfe2e92c, 0xfe2e978, 0x7ecd8401, 0x0, 0x1b, 0x1, 0x80, 0x984a, 0x0} time = {u = {LowPart = 266529192, HighPart = 1489783808}, QuadPart = 6398572733736872360} i = #6 0x7df9432d in X11DRV_MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx (count=1, handles=0xfe2e9bc, timeout=4294967295, mask=1279, flags=0) at event.c:427 ret = data = 0x1c8f39b0 #7 0x7ed15cb8 in wait_message (count=1, handles=0xfe2e9bc, timeout=4294967295, mask=1279, flags=0) at winproc.c:1126 ret = #8 0x7ecdeb08 in GetMessageW (msg=0xfe2ea34, hwnd=0x0, first=0, last=0) at message.c:3604 server_queue = 0x19c mask = 1279 #9 0x7ea4412b in hook_thread_proc (param=0x1c6f654) at dinput_main.c:978 kbd_hook = 0x20090 mouse_hook = 0x0 msg = {hwnd = 0x0, message = 1040, wParam = 1, lParam = 0, time = 22131, pt = {x = 0, y = 0}} __FUNCTION__ = "hook_thread_proc" #10 0x7bc71f18 in call_thread_func () from /usr/bin/../lib/wine/ No symbol table info available. #11 0x7bc74a00 in call_thread_entry_point ( entry=0x7ea440b0 , arg=0x1c6f654) at signal_i386.c:2499 __f = {frame = {Prev = 0xffffffff, Handler = 0x7bc894a0 <__wine_exception_handler>}, u = { filter = 0x7b839870 , finally_func = 0x7b839870 }, jmp = {{ __jmpbuf = {2076835828, -2116595952, 2124693680, 266529608, 1704525786, 786322738}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = { __val = {2076949440, 3076612433, 0, 74, 80, 1209936248, 30147047, 0, 418, 2076397969, 0, 0, 0, 2076398175, 0, 0, 0, 2076835828, 1116216, 2076835828, 266529608, 2076495982, 2076870884, 0, 2178371584, 2076835828, 2178367488, 2076835828, 0, 2076870884, 2076871712, 0}}}}, ExceptionCode = 2076646171, ExceptionRecord = 0x7bc9fff4} __first = 0 #12 0x7bc7a895 in start_thread (info=0x81d74fb8) at thread.c:404 teb = 0x81d74000 thread_data = func = 0x7ea440b0 arg = 0x1c6f654 debug_info = {str_pos = 0xfe2eb7c "", out_pos = 0xfe2ef7c "", strings = '\000' , output = '\000' } #13 0xb7610955 in start_thread (arg=0xfe2fb70) at pthread_create.c:300 __res = __ignore1 = __ignore2 = pd = 0xfe2fb70 now = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {-1218310156, 0, 4001536, 266531992, 1705680858, 1650439339}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}} not_first_call = freesize = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread" #14 0xb758fe7e in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:130 No locals. Thread 2 (Thread 0x3d2afb70 (LWP 30663)): #0 0xb77a0424 in __kernel_vsyscall () No symbol table info available. #1 0xb7589011 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:82 No locals. #2 0x7bc791fa in NtDelayExecution (alertable=0 '\000', timeout=0x3d2ae9b0) at sync.c:1240 tv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 999956} now = {u = {LowPart = 1731173188, HighPart = 30147047}, QuadPart = 129480582667148100} when = 129480582677148090 diff = #3 0x7b86a112 in SleepEx (timeout=1000, alertable=0) at sync.c:108 status = time = {u = {LowPart = 4284967296, HighPart = -1}, QuadPart = -10000000} #4 0x7b86a155 in Sleep (timeout=1000) at sync.c:97 No locals. #5 0x00734bd0 in ?? () No symbol table info available. Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?) Thread 1 (Thread 0xb74bf6c0 (LWP 30593)): #0 0xb77a0424 in __kernel_vsyscall () No symbol table info available. #1 0xb761809b in read () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:82 No locals. #2 0x7bc76658 in wait_reply (cookie=0x1c6dc30) at sync.c:807 ret = signaled = reply = {cookie = 7449355419116203116, signaled = 1631723621, __pad = 807429491} #3 0x7bc78d33 in NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects (count=1, handles=0x1c6dd70, flags=4, timeout=0x0, signal_object=) at sync.c:1124 ret = i = cookie = 0 user_apc = 0 obj_handles = {432, 2147319808, 3076030856, 3, 29809560, 2076835828, 259, 2, 29809632, 2076642964, 2, 29809432, 0, 7602291, 0, 0, 64, 2076642640, 4, 29809780, 64, 775041901, 225866340, 1634552074, 1109419367, 2147319808, 29809632, 0, 29809656, 3076612433, 0, 29809844, 29809728, 2076642964, 2, 29809528, 0, 2016419898, 0, 29809632, 29809592, 2147319808, 29809632, 29809632, 29811508, 64, 29809632, 3076620452, 64, 2076642640, 4, 29811508, 64, 0, 29810032, 0, 1440, 2147319808, 3076030856, 3, 29809784, 2076835828, 0, 2} apc_handle = 0 call = {type = APC_NONE, user = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, func = 0, args = {0, 0, 0}}, timer = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, func = 0, time = 0, arg = 0}, async_io = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, func = 0, user = 0, sb = 0}, virtual_alloc = {type = APC_NONE, op_type = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, zero_bits = 0, prot = 0}, virtual_free = {type = APC_NONE, op_type = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_query = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0}, virtual_protect = {type = APC_NONE, prot = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_flush = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_lock = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_unlock = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, map_view = {type = APC_NONE, handle = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, offset = 0, alloc_type = 0, zero_bits = 0, prot = 0}, unmap_view = {type = APC_NONE, __pad = 0, addr = 0}, create_thread = {type = APC_NONE, suspend = 0, func = 0, arg = 0, reserve = 0, commit = 0}} result = {type = APC_NONE, async_io = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, apc = 0, total = 0}, virtual_alloc = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_free = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_query = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, base = 0, alloc_base = 0, size = 0, state = 0, prot = 0, alloc_prot = 0, alloc_type = 0}, virtual_protect = { type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0, prot = 0}, virtual_flush = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_lock = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, virtual_unlock = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, map_view = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0, addr = 0, size = 0}, unmap_view = {type = APC_NONE, status = 0}, create_thread = { type = APC_NONE, status = 0, tid = 0, handle = 0}} abs_timeout = 9223372036854775807 #4 0x7bc3e44e in send_debug_event (rec=0x1c6e79c, first_chance=0, context=0x1c6e4d0) at exception.c:138 ret = i = handle = 0x1b0 params = {1, 3124896, 428, 1099546395736, 8901540535895153977, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29810144, 13213949782231801336, 0, 0, 0} server_context = {cpu = 0, flags = 63, ctl = {i386_regs = {eip = 432, ebp = 29812804, esp = 29812728, eflags = 66118, cs = 115, ss = 123}, x86_64_regs = {rip = 128045018182058416, rbp = 283974677489656, rsp = 528280977523, cs = 0, ss = 0, flags = 0, __pad = 0}, alpha_regs = {fir = 128045018182058416, psr = 29812728, __pad = 66118}, powerpc_regs = {iar = 432, msr = 29812804, ctr = 29812728, lr = 66118, dar = 115, dsisr = 123, trap = 0, __pad = 0}, arm_regs = {sp = 432, lr = 29812804, pc = 29812728, cpsr = 66118}, sparc_regs = { psr = 432, pc = 29812804, npc = 29812728, y = 66118, wim = 115, tbr = 123}}, integer = {i386_regs = {eax = 0, ebx = 3072642004, ecx = 108, edx = 0, esi = 496021184, edi = 3124896}, x86_64_regs = {rax = 13196896919495901184, rbx = 108, rcx = 13421326619422400, rdx = 0, rsi = 0, rdi = 0, r8 = 0, r9 = 0, r10 = 0, r11 = 0, r12 = 0, r13 = 0, r14 = 0, r15 = 0}, alpha_regs = {v0 = 13196896919495901184, t0 = 108, t1 = 13421326619422400, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0, t7 = 0, t8 = 0, t9 = 0, t10 = 0, t11 = 0, t12 = 0, s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0, s4 = 0, s5 = 0, s6 = 0, a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0, a5 = 0, at = 0}, powerpc_regs = {gpr = { 0, 3072642004, 108, 0, 496021184, 3124896, 0 }, cr = 0, xer = 0}, arm_regs = {r = {0, 3072642004, 108, 0, 496021184, 3124896, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}, sparc_regs = {g = {0, 3072642004, 108, 0, 496021184, 3124896, 0, 0}, o = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, l = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, i = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}, seg = {i386_regs = { ds = 123, es = 123, fs = 51, gs = 59}, x86_64_regs = {ds = 123, es = 123, fs = 51, gs = 59}}, fp = {i386_regs = { ctrl = 4294902399, status = 4294918199, tag = 4294967295, err_off = 3071407341, err_sel = 98041971, data_off = 0, data_sel = 123, cr0npx = 16439, regs = "\226\235\220\200\000\000\000\000\377\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\377", '\000' "\304, \316̟\004@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\377?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\340\001@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\016@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\376?"}, x86_64_regs = { fpregs = {{low = 18446533207995122303, high = 13191594086584287231}, {low = 98041971, high = 70604967379067}, {low = 2156961174, high = 65535}, { low = 4294901760, high = 0}, {low = 4612987620325326848, high = 9223372036854775808}, {low = 16383, high = 1073864704}, {low = 70431021203456, high = 4611403443939049472}, {low = 0, high = 0} }}, alpha_regs = {f = { 18446533207995122303, 13191594086584287231, 98041971, 70604967379067, 2156961174, 65535, 4294901760, 0, 4612987620325326848, 9223372036854775808, 16383, 1073864704, 70431021203456, 4611403443939049472, 0 }, fpcr = 0, softfpcr = 0}, powerpc_regs = {fpr = { -nan(0xf4037ffff027f), -2.0130220349071594e-43, 4.8439169721663764e-316, 3.4883488807738882e-310, 1.0656804154868034e-314, 3.2378592100206092e-319, 2.1219634118791065e-314, 0, 2.5780273583950475, -0, 8.0942774758171421e-320, 5.3055965852787905e-315, 3.4797547978144018e-310, 1.937255859375, 0 }, fpscr = 0}}, debug = {i386_regs = { dr0 = 0, dr1 = 0, dr2 = 0, dr3 = 0, dr6 = 0, dr7 = 0}, x86_64_regs = {dr0 = 0, dr1 = 0, dr2 = 0, dr3 = 0, dr6 = 0, dr7 = 0}, powerpc_regs = {dr = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}, ext = { i386_regs = "\177\002\067@\000\000\330\005\355\364\021\267s\000\000\000\000\000\000\000{\000\000\000\277\037\000\000\377\377\000\000\226\235\220\200\000\000\000\000\377\377", '\000' "\377, \377", '\000' "\304, \316̟\004@", '\000' "\200, \377?", '\000' "\340, \001@", '\000' "\200, \016@", '\000' "\377, \376?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?", '\000' "\200, ?", '\000' , "\037\003\306D", '\000' "\255, x\264D", '\000' , "\037\003\306D", '\000' "\373, \214\246A", '\000' , "SXPF\264\002\000\000\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\002", '\000' }} #5 0x7bc725fd in raise_exception (rec=, context=0x1c6e4d0, first_chance=1) at signal_i386.c:700 status = __FUNCTION__ = "raise_exception" #6 0x7bc744bd in NtRaiseException (rec=0x1c6e79c, context=0x1c6e4d0, first_chance=1) at signal_i386.c:2422 status = #7 0x7bc746b4 in raise_segv_exception (rec=0x1c6e79c, context=0x1c6e4d0) at signal_i386.c:1751 status = #8 0xdeadbabe in ?? () No symbol table info available. #9 0x01c6e79c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #10 0xb7142959 in u_vbuf_upload_buffers (mgrb=0x7e113b68, info=0x1c6eb4c, buffers_updated=0x1c6eb7b "\267\260\032~}", uploader_flushed=0x1c6eb7a "\t\267\260\032~}") at util/u_vbuf_mgr.c:549 first = 3124896 size = 432 flushed = 1 '\001' instance_div = 0 index = 496021184 vb = 0xe0d96c68 i = nr = 3 count = 18 uploaded = '\000' #11 u_vbuf_mgr_draw_begin (mgrb=0x7e113b68, info=0x1c6eb4c, buffers_updated=0x1c6eb7b "\267\260\032~}", uploader_flushed=0x1c6eb7a "\t\267\260\032~}") at util/u_vbuf_mgr.c:592 mgr = 0x7e113b68 bufs_updated = upload_flushed = 0 '\000' min_index = 130204 max_index = #12 0xb6f4812d in r300_draw_vbo (pipe=0x7e15cf90, dinfo=0x1c6ebe4) at r300_render.c:781 info = {indexed = 0 '\000', mode = 5, start = 130204, count = 18, start_instance = 0, instance_count = 1, index_bias = 0, min_index = 130204, max_index = 130221, primitive_restart = 0 '\000', restart_index = 0} buffers_updated = uploader_flushed = 9 '\t' #13 0xb6ff7103 in st_draw_vbo (ctx=0x7d7e1ab0, arrays=0x7d8197e8, prims=0x1c6ec74, nr_prims=1, ib=0x0, index_bounds_valid=1 '\001', min_index=130204, max_index=130221) at state_tracker/st_draw.c:756 st = 0x1fc01 pipe = 0x7e15cf90 ibuffer = {index_size = 0, offset = 0, buffer = 0x0} info = {indexed = 0 '\000', mode = 5, start = 130204, count = 18, start_instance = 0, instance_count = 1, index_bias = 0, min_index = 130204, max_index = 130221, primitive_restart = 0 '\000', restart_index = 0} i = num_instances = new_array = 1 '\001' #14 0xb70a8559 in vbo_draw_arrays (ctx=0x7d7e1ab0, mode=5, start=130204, count=18, numInstances=1) at vbo/vbo_exec_array.c:640 vbo = 0x7d817368 exec = 0x7d817cb8 prim = {{mode = 5, indexed = 0, begin = 1, end = 1, weak = 0, no_current_update = 0, pad = 0, start = 130204, count = 18, basevertex = 0, num_instances = 1}, {mode = 0, indexed = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, weak = 0, no_current_update = 0, pad = 0, start = 0, count = 0, basevertex = 0, num_instances = 0}} #15 0x7e79a81c in drawStridedFast (device=0x31b1460, index_count=18, StartIdx=130204, idxSize=0, idxData=0x0) at drawprim.c:47 No locals. #16 drawPrimitive (device=0x31b1460, index_count=18, StartIdx=130204, idxSize=0, idxData=0x0) at drawprim.c:718 glPrimType = 5 emulation = stream_info = 0x31b4200 stridedlcl = {elements = {{format = 0x7dff4ff4, stride = 29814212, data = 0x7dfc25f0 "\213]\374\203\354\004\311Ð\215\264&", stream_idx = 2113898976, buffer_object = 108}, { format = 0x7e76b31b, stride = 2122674164, data = 0x0, stream_idx = 0, buffer_object = 29814900}, {format = 0x7e799d62, stride = 2223744, data = 0x54
, stream_idx = 1, buffer_object = 29814264}, {format = 0x7e765810, stride = 5, data = 0x1
, stream_idx = 2105416368, buffer_object = 3072472818}, { format = 0x7e7657f9, stride = 2122674164, data = 0xc
, stream_idx = 2121566568, buffer_object = 52053636}, {format = 0x1, stride = 4, data = 0x8000000 "", stream_idx = 4, buffer_object = 891}, { format = 0x3c3, stride = 134217728, data = 0x1ad97ff8 "", stream_idx = 12, buffer_object = 52062024}, { format = 0x7e77ba1a, stride = 52062024, data = 0x1
, stream_idx = 16, buffer_object = 888}, {format = 0x3c3, stride = 29814840, data = 0x1c6eff8 "\311JT", stream_idx = 2076397969, buffer_object = 29814432}, {format = 0x7e77be9a, stride = 52106336, data = 0x7bc3525f "\201Õ\255\006", stream_idx = 4294967295, buffer_object = 2076398175}, { format = 0x7d7e1ab0, stride = 2122674164, data = 0xc
, stream_idx = 2122674164, buffer_object = 29814424}, {format = 0x7e81e890, stride = 2122681952, data = 0x7e81e890 "\213]\374\203\354\004\311Ð\215\264&", stream_idx = 2122681952, buffer_object = 2122899444}, { format = 0x7e81e879, stride = 2122899444, data = 0x1c6eed8 "\220\360\306\001\030\305\352\001", stream_idx = 2122782054, buffer_object = 52106336}, { format = 0xc, stride = 450461688, data = 0x4
, stream_idx = 2223744, buffer_object = 3072642004}, {format = 0x7d7e1ab0, stride = 5123, data = 0x7e81bdac "\201\303H\262\003", stream_idx = 2121686222, buffer_object = 0}, { format = 0x1ad98080, stride = 450370720, data = 0x4
, stream_idx = 29814928, buffer_object = 32163096}}, position_transformed = 52064000, swizzle_map = 12, use_map = 0} state = 0x31b45cc context = 0x21ee80 i = __FUNCTION__ = "drawPrimitive" #17 0x7e77b668 in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_DrawPrimitive (iface=0x31b1460, StartVertex=130204, vertex_count=18) at device.c:4871 This = 0x31b1460 __FUNCTION__ = "IWineD3DDeviceImpl_DrawPrimitive" #18 0x7e871acf in IDirect3DDevice9Impl_DrawPrimitive (iface=0x31a6f00, PrimitiveType=D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, StartVertex=130204, PrimitiveCount=16) at device.c:1918 This = 0x31a6f00 hr = __FUNCTION__ = "IDirect3DDevice9Impl_DrawPrimitive" #19 0x00544ac9 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #20 0x006bbcc3 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #21 0x00bb0144 in ?? () No symbol table info available. Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?) A debugging session is active. Inferior 1 [process 30593] will be detached. Quit anyway? (y or n) Detaching from program: /usr/bin/wine, process 30593