11.6.2011 [14:06] INFO: Vertex profile: arbvp1 INFO: Vertex shader options: INFO: NumTemps=32 INFO: MaxInstructions=4096 INFO: MaxAddressRegs=1 INFO: MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: Vertex shader options end INFO: Pixel profile: fp30 INFO: Pixel shader options: INFO: Pixel shader options end INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ssao_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ssao_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ssao_vertex entry point filter_horizontal INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ssao_pixel entry point filter INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ssao_vertex entry point filter_vertical INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ssao_pixel entry point filter INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point pointLight INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point spotLight INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point ambient INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point ambient INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point ambient INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point ambient INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point ambient INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point ambient INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_blur_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_blur_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point ao INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point ao INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point negative INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point negative INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point negative INFO: shader warning log: data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(418) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" data/shader/cg/deferred_light_pixel.cg(606) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "half3" INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_vertex entry point negative INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point negative INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_3D INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program deferred_light_pixel entry point negative INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ui_vertex entry point diffuse_texture_2d INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ui_pixel entry point diffuse_texture INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ui_vertex entry point diffuse_3d INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program ui_pixel entry point diffuse_notexture INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program particle_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program particle_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program particle_vertex entry point distortion INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program particle_pixel entry point distortion INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_target_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_target_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_target_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_target_pixel entry point offset INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_DISTORTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_DISTORTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_GLOW=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_GLOW=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_GLOW=1 INFO: -DUSE_DISTORTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_GLOW=1 INFO: -DUSE_DISTORTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program rendertarget_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_vertex entry point filter_horizontal INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_pixel entry point filter INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_vertex entry point filter_vertical INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_pixel entry point filter INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_vertex entry point filter_hdr INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_pixel entry point filter_hdr INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=0 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 10 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 10 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=2 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 10 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=3 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 10 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 9 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 10 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DLIGHT_AMOUNT=5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR=1 INFO: -DUSE_LOCAL_REFLECTION=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program lighting_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program spot_projection_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program spot_projection_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program spot_projection_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program spot_projection_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program spot_projection_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DNORMALIZE_VECTORS=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program spot_projection_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_mesh_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program glow_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_depthnormal INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_depthnormal INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_depthnormal INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program fastz_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program fastz_mesh_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program fastz_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (3) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor3" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (3) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor3" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (3) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor3" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -DMORE_ACCURATE INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_all ERROR: Cg error: 1 1 (The compile returned an error.) ERROR: data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (1) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (2) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5102: output semantic attribute "COLOR" has too big of a numeric index (3) data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(26) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor1" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(27) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor2" data/shader/cg/depthpass_mesh_pixel.cg(30) : error C5041: cannot locate suitable resource to bind parameter "oColor3" ERROR: Cg error while loading shader depthpass_mesh_pixel : The compile returned an error. INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 8 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DUSE_SPECULAR INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_all INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_depth INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_depth INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_depth INFO: command line: 4 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_pixel entry point mesh_deferred_depth INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_depth INFO: command line: 7 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -DUSE_ALPHATEST INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program depthpass_mesh_vertex entry point mesh_deferred_depth INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_mesh_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program distortion_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program background_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program background_mesh_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program backlight_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program backlight_mesh_pixel entry point mesh INFO: command line: 6 INFO: -DUSE_BONES=1 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program backlight_mesh_vertex entry point mesh INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program cone_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program cone_pixel entry point main INFO: command line: 5 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: -po INFO: NumTemps=32,MaxInstructions=4096,MaxAddressRegs=1,MaxLocalParams=1024 INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program display_scale_vertex entry point main INFO: command line: 3 INFO: -O3 INFO: -bestprecision INFO: [end] INFO: Compiling program display_scale_pixel entry point main