09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845578752 NOTICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Linux (Ubuntu 11.04, 2.6.38-8-generic-pae i686). Built on Jun 13 2011 (Git:20110613-ff081e3) 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/xbmc 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/xbmc 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /home/xbmc/.xbmc 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/temp 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: Log File is located: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845361664 NOTICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845652480 NOTICE: Setup SDL 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Available videomodes (xrandr): 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Number of connected outputs: 1 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Output 'HDMI3' has 8 modes 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x48 Name:1920x1080@50p Refresh:50.000000 Width:1920 Height:1080 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.001495 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x49 Name:1920x1080 Refresh:60.000000 Width:1920 Height:1080 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.001495 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x4a Name:1920x1080@60p Refresh:60.000000 Width:1920 Height:1080 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.001495 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x4b Name:1920x1080@59.94p Refresh:59.940201 Width:1920 Height:1080 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.001495 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x4c Name:1920x1080@24p Refresh:23.976101 Width:1920 Height:1080 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.001495 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x4d Name:1024x768 Refresh:60.003841 Width:1024 Height:768 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.335326 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x4e Name:800x600 Refresh:60.316540 Width:800 Height:600 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.335326 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: ID:0x4f Name:640x480 Refresh:60.000000 Width:640 Height:480 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 INFO: Pixel Ratio: 1.335326 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3845398528 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit on /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager with interface org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager and method CanStop 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3844952064 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UPower on /org/freedesktop/UPower with interface org.freedesktop.UPower and method EnumerateDevices 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843928064 INFO: Selected UPower and ConsoleKit as PowerSyscall 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843928064 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit on /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager with interface org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager and method CanStop 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843928064 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit on /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager with interface org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager and method CanRestart 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843567616 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UPower on /org/freedesktop/UPower with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method Get 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843567616 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times. 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843567616 NOTICE: load settings... 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843567616 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/ 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843567616 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now... 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: Using digital output 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: AC3 pass through is disabled 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: DTS pass through is disabled 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: AAC pass through is disabled 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: MP1 pass through is disabled 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: MP2 pass through is disabled 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: MP3 pass through is disabled 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml. 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player DVDPlayer for core 1 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player oldmplayercore for core 1 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player PAPlayer for core 3 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtv 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/myth/rtmp/mms/udp 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: flv/aacp/sdp 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdfile 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml. 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping. 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: No advancedsettings.xml to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml) 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Log level changed to 2 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting (2) 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: creating subdirectories 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/ 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: recording folder: 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843059712 INFO: screenshots folder: 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843313664 INFO: thumbnails folder: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843178496 INFO: load language info file: special://xbmc/language/English/langinfo.xml 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843178496 DEBUG: trying to set locale to en_US.UTF-8 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843178496 INFO: global locale set to en_US.UTF-8 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3843178496 INFO: load language file:special://xbmc/language/English/strings.xml 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3842670592 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/libcpluff-i486-linux.so) 09:38:39 T:3045041984 M:3842670592 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/libcpluff-i486-linux.so 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'Could not read plug-in directory /usr/lib/xbmc/addons: No such file or directory' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.albums.allmusic.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.xbmc.org has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.rsxs.euphoria has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.debug has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.black has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.projectm has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.allmusic.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.themoviedb.org has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.fox.news has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.glspectrum has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.milkdrop has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.dxspectrum has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.hgtv has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.youtube has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.rsxs.solarwinds has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.slideshow has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.htbackdrops.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.allmusic.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.tvdb.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in weather.xbmc.builtin has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.last.fm has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.themoviedb.org has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.imdb.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.rsxs.plasma has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.foodnetwork has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pysqlite has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.mtv.com has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.itunes has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.hdtrailers.net has been installed.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Not all directories were successfully scanned.' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 INFO: LIRC Initialize: using: /dev/lircd 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 INFO: LIRC Initialize: connect failed: No such file or directory 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 DEBUG: Failed to connect to LIRC. Retry in 10s. 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3843076096 INFO: XRANDR: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr --output HDMI3 --mode 0x48 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3840897024 NOTICE: Using visual 0x22 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838865408 INFO: GL: Maximum texture width: 8192 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838865408 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838865408 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 DEBUG: GLX_EXTENSIONS: GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent GLX_MESA_swap_control GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_OML_sync_control GLX_SGI_make_current_read GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap GLX_INTEL_swap_event 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Tungsten Graphics, Inc 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = Mesa DRI Intel(R) Sandybridge Desktop x86/MMX/SSE2 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = 2.1 Mesa 7.11-devel (git-2f0b44f) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 1.20 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_logic_op GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_vertex_program GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_OES_EGL_image GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_ARB_robustness 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 INFO: GL: Maximum texture width: 8192 09:38:40 T:3008416624 M:3838320640 DEBUG: Thread CVideoReferenceClock start, auto delete: 0 09:38:40 T:3008416624 M:3838320640 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Setting up GLX 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3838320640 INFO: load default splash image: /usr/share/xbmc/media/Splash.png 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: load keymapping 09:38:40 T:3008416624 M:3820290048 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: GL_VENDOR:tungsten graphics, inc, not using nvidia-settings 09:38:40 T:3008416624 M:3820290048 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Using RandR for refreshrate detection 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Alienware.Dual.Compatible.Controller.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.AppleRemote.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Harmony.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Interact.AxisPad.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Logitech.RumblePad.2.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.360.Controller.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.Controller.S.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.PS3.Remote.Keyboard.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Sony.PLAYSTATION(R)3.Controller.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.WiiRemote.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/mouse.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mceusb' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'XboxDVDDongle' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Microsoft_Xbox' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'PinnacleSysPCTVRemote' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'anysee' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'iMON-PAD' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Antec_Veris_RM200' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'MCE_via_iMON' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'TwinHanRemote' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'linux-input-layer' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Linking remote mapping for 'linux-input-layer' to 'cx23885_remote' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: * Linking remote mapping for 'linux-input-layer' to 'devinput' 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: CButtonTranslator::Load - no userdata Lircmap.xml found, skipping 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 INFO: GUI format 1920x1080 1920x1080 @ 50.00 - Full Screen 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks with interface org.freedesktop.UDisks and method EnumerateDevices 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: Selected UDisks as storage provider 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method Get 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DaemonVersion 1 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: Querying available devices 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks with interface org.freedesktop.UDisks and method EnumerateDevices 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded (/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda2) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda2 with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method GetAll 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method Get 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: Is not able to mount DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda2: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition true IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded - DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda2: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition true IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded (/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method GetAll 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: Is not able to mount DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition false IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded - DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition false IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded (/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda5) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda5 with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method GetAll 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method Get 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: Is not able to mount DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda5: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition true IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded - DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda5: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition true IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded (/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sr0) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sr0 with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method GetAll 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: Is not able to mount DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sr0: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal false IsMounted false IsRemovable true IsPartition false IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded - DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sr0: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal false IsMounted false IsRemovable true IsPartition false IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded (/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda1) 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda1 with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method GetAll 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method Get 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: Is not able to mount DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda1: IsFileSystem true HasFileSystem ext4 IsSystemInternal true IsMounted true IsRemovable false IsPartition true IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceAdded - DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda1: IsFileSystem true HasFileSystem ext4 IsSystemInternal true IsMounted true IsRemovable false IsPartition true IsOptical false 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer 09:38:40 T:3045041984 M:3820290048 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer 09:38:40 T:3042204528 M:3820290048 DEBUG: Thread MEDIA_DETECT::CDetectDVDMedia start, auto delete: 0 09:38:40 T:3042204528 M:3820290048 DEBUG: Compiled with libcdio Version 0.81 09:38:41 T:3008416624 M:3820331008 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Detected refreshrate: 50 hertz 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3820306432 DEBUG: DPMS: supported power-saving modes: SUSPEND OFF STANDBY 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3820306432 INFO: Unloading old skin ... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3820306432 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------ 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3820306432 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogMuteBug.xml) ------ 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3820306432 INFO: load skin from:/usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3820306432 INFO: Loading skin includes from /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/includes.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3818782720 INFO: load fonts for skin... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3818782720 INFO: Loading fonts from /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/Font.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3814465536 INFO: load new skin... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3814465536 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load Home.xml: 14.30ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading user windows, path /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 19.79ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: initialize new skin... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load Pointer.xml: 0.33ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: OpenBundle - Opened bundle /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/media/Textures.xbt 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 1.32ms (0.39 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load DialogVolumeBar.xml: 0.66ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.77ms (0.72 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load DialogSeekBar.xml: 2.81ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 2.96ms (2.89 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKaiToast.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load DialogKaiToast.xml: 0.73ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.79ms (0.79 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogMuteBug.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Load DialogMuteBug.xml: 0.32ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.38ms (0.37 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::Initialize 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813957632 INFO: Loading /usr/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/sounds/sounds.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 INFO: skin loaded... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12999 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Startup.xml) ------ 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 INFO: Loading skin file: Startup.xml 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: Load Startup.xml: 0.61ms 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.67ms (0.67 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 INFO: removing tempfiles 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons. 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 NOTICE: initialize done 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 NOTICE: Running the application... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ReplaceWindow(Home) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ReplaceWindow(Home) 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Startup.xml) ------ 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813703680 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------ 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813449728 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.98ms (0.00 ms skin load) 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs() query: SELECT songview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM albumview ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN songview ON songview.idAlbum=recentalbums.idAlbum 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: select * from albumview order by idAlbum desc limit 10 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: RunQuery took 0 ms for 0 items query: select * from movieview order by idMovie desc limit 10 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: RunQuery took 0 ms for 0 items query: select * from episodeview order by idEpisode desc limit 10 09:38:41 T:2936527728 M:3813449728 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813449728 DEBUG: Process - no profile autoexec.py (/home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/autoexec.py) found, skipping 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813449728 DEBUG: NetworkMessage - Starting network services 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813449728 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813449728 NOTICE: DS: Starting dbus server 09:38:41 T:2928135024 M:3813449728 DEBUG: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: 0 09:38:41 T:2928135024 M:3813449728 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on 09:38:41 T:2928135024 M:3813195776 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3813576704 ERROR: DS: Failed to connect to the D-Bus session daemon: Empty address '' 09:38:41 T:2928135024 M:3813322752 INFO: CZeroconfAvahi::clientCallback: avahi server not available. But may become later... 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 INFO: JSONRPC Server: Successfully initialized 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.eventserver type: _xbmc-events._udp name:XBMC Event Server port:9777 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService: client not running, queued for publishing 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.jsonrpc type: _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp name:XBMC JSONRPC port:9090 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService: client not running, queued for publishing 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 DEBUG: CLastfmScrobbler: Clearing session. 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3812814848 DEBUG: CLibrefmScrobbler: Clearing session. 09:38:41 T:2909793136 M:3812814848 DEBUG: Thread JSONRPC::CTCPServer start, auto delete: 0 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3812134912 DEBUG: Thread CRssReader start, auto delete: 0 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3812134912 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libcurl-gnutls.so.4) 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3811434496 DEBUG: Loading: libcurl-gnutls.so.4 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3811151872 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0xae02b138) http://feeds.feedburner.com/xbmc 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3811151872 INFO: easy_aquire - Created session to http://feeds.feedburner.com 09:38:41 T:2895162224 M:3810283520 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1 09:38:41 T:2895162224 M:3959083008 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather 09:38:41 T:2895162224 M:3810283520 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0xac90a108) http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/USNY0996?cc=*&unit=m&dayf=4&prod=xoap&link=xoap&par=1004124588&key=079f24145f208494 09:38:41 T:2895162224 M:3810283520 INFO: easy_aquire - Created session to http://xoap.weather.com 09:38:41 T:2895162224 M:3810500608 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful 09:38:41 T:2895162224 M:3810500608 DEBUG: GetZipList - Processing zip://special%3a%2f%2fxbmc%2fmedia%2fweather%2ezip/ 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3810349056 DEBUG: Got rss feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/xbmc 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3810349056 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3810349056 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/xbmc 09:38:41 T:2919414640 M:3810349056 DEBUG: Thread CRssReader 2919414640 terminating 09:38:41 T:3045041984 M:3810320384 DEBUG: UPower: Recieved an unknown signal NameAcquired 09:38:49 T:3045041984 M:3810562048 INFO: LIRC Initialize: using: /dev/lircd 09:38:49 T:3045041984 M:3810562048 DEBUG: Failed to connect to LIRC. Retry in 20s. 09:38:59 T:3045041984 M:3802517504 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:38:59 T:3045041984 M:3802517504 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Videos) 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Videos) 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------ 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------ 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3802591232 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3801575424 DEBUG: Load MyVideoNav.xml: 39.25ms 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3801321472 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 50.61ms (39.76 ms skin load) 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3801321472 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory () 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3801321472 DEBUG: ParentPath = [] 09:39:01 T:3045041984 M:3801321472 DEBUG: RunQuery took 0 ms for 1 items query: select strFilename,playCount from files where idPath=2 09:39:01 T:2878884720 M:3801321472 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0 09:39:01 T:2878884720 M:3801321472 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2878884720 terminating 09:39:04 T:3045041984 M:3800784896 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:39:04 T:3045041984 M:3800784896 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select 09:39:04 T:3045041984 M:3800784896 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (sources://video/) 09:39:04 T:3045041984 M:3800784896 DEBUG: ParentPath = [] 09:39:04 T:2878884720 M:3800657920 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0 09:39:04 T:2878884720 M:3800657920 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2878884720 terminating 09:39:05 T:3045041984 M:3800375296 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 74, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0 09:39:05 T:3045041984 M:3800375296 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down 09:39:06 T:3045041984 M:3800346624 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:39:06 T:3045041984 M:3800346624 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select 09:39:06 T:3045041984 M:3800346624 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (/storage/) 09:39:06 T:3045041984 M:3800346624 DEBUG: ParentPath = [sources://video/] 09:39:06 T:3045041984 M:3800346624 DEBUG: RunQuery took 0 ms for 2 items query: select strFilename,playCount from files where idPath=3 09:39:06 T:2878884720 M:3800346624 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0 09:39:06 T:2936527728 M:3800346624 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file /storage/The Dark Knight.mkv 09:39:06 T:2936527728 M:3800346624 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file /storage/Transformers.mkv 09:39:06 T:2878884720 M:3800489984 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2878884720 terminating 09:39:07 T:3045041984 M:3800297472 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 74, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0 09:39:07 T:3045041984 M:3800297472 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down 09:39:07 T:3045041984 M:3800211456 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 74, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0 09:39:07 T:3045041984 M:3800211456 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers(/storage/The Dark Knight.mkv) 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: system rules 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: system rules 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtv 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: hdhomerun/myth/rtmp/mms/udp 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: lastfm/shout 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtsp 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: streams 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvd 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdfile 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdimage 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: sdp/asf 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: nsv 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: matched 0 rules with players 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding videodefaultplayer (1) 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=0 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=1 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding player: DVDPlayer (1) 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3800403968 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: added 1 players 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3799642112 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: /storage/The Dark Knight.mkv 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3799642112 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayer start, auto delete: 0 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 NOTICE: Creating InputStream 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 DEBUG: ScanForExternalSubtitles: Searching for subtitles... 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 DEBUG: ScanForExternalSubtitles: END (total time: 11 ms) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-50-i486-linux.so) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799642112 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-50-i486-linux.so 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799613440 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcore-0-i486-linux.so) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799613440 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avcore-0-i486-linux.so 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799359488 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-52-i486-linux.so) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3799359488 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-52-i486-linux.so 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3796246528 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-52-i486-linux.so) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3796246528 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-52-i486-linux.so 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3795623936 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------ 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3795623936 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3795623936 DEBUG: Load DialogBusy.xml: 1.27ms 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3795623936 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 1.34ms (1.34 ms skin load) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3795341312 DEBUG: Open - probing detected format [matroska,webm] 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3794776064 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info starting 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info finished 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Input #0, matroska,webm, from '/storage/The Dark Knight.mkv': 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Duration: 02:32:13.33, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 26656 kb/s 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.0: start 0.000000, end 383.966911 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 00 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.1: start 383.966911, end 636.260622 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 01 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.2: start 636.260622, end 832.581733 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 02 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.3: start 832.581733, end 1074.198111 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 03 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.4: start 1074.198111, end 1299.339689 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 04 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.5: start 1299.339689, end 1570.026778 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 05 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.6: start 1570.026778, end 1776.274489 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 06 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.7: start 1776.274489, end 1902.483911 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 07 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.8: start 1902.483911, end 2269.058444 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 08 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.9: start 2269.058444, end 2614.069778 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 09 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.10: start 2614.069778, end 2799.546733 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 10 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.11: start 2799.546733, end 2937.768156 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 11 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.12: start 2937.768156, end 3199.446244 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 12 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.13: start 3199.446244, end 3435.640533 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 13 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.14: start 3435.640533, end 3566.354444 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 14 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.15: start 3566.354444, end 3839.627444 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 15 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.16: start 3839.627444, end 4103.557778 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 16 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.17: start 4103.557778, end 4248.327400 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 17 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.18: start 4248.327400, end 4464.918778 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 18 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.19: start 4464.918778, end 4685.639289 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 19 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.20: start 4685.639289, end 4942.437489 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 20 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.21: start 4942.437489, end 5088.583489 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 21 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.22: start 5088.583489, end 5448.443000 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 22 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.23: start 5448.443000, end 5644.972667 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 23 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.24: start 5644.972667, end 5997.783444 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 24 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.25: start 5997.783444, end 6125.494356 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 25 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.26: start 6125.494356, end 6299.918622 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 26 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.27: start 6299.918622, end 6420.872778 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 27 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.28: start 6420.872778, end 6669.913244 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 28 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.29: start 6669.913244, end 6854.639444 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 29 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.30: start 6854.639444, end 7024.017000 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 30 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.31: start 7024.017000, end 7214.248689 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 31 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.32: start 7214.248689, end 7417.576822 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 32 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.33: start 7417.576822, end 7747.614867 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 33 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.34: start 7747.614867, end 7947.314356 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 34 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.35: start 7947.314356, end 8122.781333 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 35 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.36: start 8122.781333, end 8398.681956 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 36 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.37: start 8398.681956, end 8666.658000 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 37 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Chapter #0.38: start 8666.658000, end 9133.332000 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : Chapter 38 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.0(eng): Video: vc1, yuv420p, 1920x1080 [PAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 1k tbn, 23.98 tbc 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, s16, 640 kb/s 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : 3/2+1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.2(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, s16, 640 kb/s 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : 3/2+1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.3(fra): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, s16, 640 kb/s 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : 3/2+1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.4(spa): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, s16, 640 kb/s 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Metadata: 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: title : 3/2+1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.5(eng): Subtitle: pgssub 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.6(fra): Subtitle: pgssub 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.7(spa): Subtitle: pgssub 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.8(fra): Subtitle: pgssub 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 INFO: ffmpeg[AB183B70]: Stream #0.9(spa): Subtitle: pgssub 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 73 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 DEBUG: CDVDFactoryCodec: compiled in hardware support: CrystalHD:no OpenMax:no VDPAU:no VAAPI:yes 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: - Opening 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swscale-0-i486-linux.so) 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792740352 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/players/dvdplayer/swscale-0-i486-linux.so 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793190912 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: SMPTE VC-1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793190912 DEBUG: VAAPI - attempting to open codec 73 with profile -99 at level -99 with 1 reference frames 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - initialize version 0.32 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 0 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 5 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 6 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 7 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 8 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 9 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 10 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - making sure 4 surfaces are allocated for given 1 references 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - attempting to open codec 73 with profile -99 at level -99 with 1 reference frames 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 0 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 1 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 5 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 6 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 7 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 8 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 9 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - profile 10 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3793612800 DEBUG: VAAPI - making sure 4 surfaces are allocated for given 1 references 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: ff-vc1-vaapi - Opened 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 NOTICE: Creating video thread 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3792089088 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo start, auto delete: 0 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86019 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: PassthroughFFmpeg - Opening 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 INFO: CDVDAudioCodecPassthroughFFmpeg::Open - Won't transcode for HDMI 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3792089088 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: PassthroughFFmpeg - Failed 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: FFmpeg - Opening 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: FFmpeg - Opened 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 NOTICE: Creating audio thread 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 NOTICE: Opening Subtitle stream: 5 source: 256 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio start, auto delete: 0 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process() 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Overlay: FFmpeg Subtitle Decoder - Opening 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Overlay: FFmpeg Subtitle Decoder - Opened 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 DEBUG: ReadEditDecisionLists - Checking for edit decision lists (EDL) on local drive or remote share for: /storage/The Dark Knight.mkv 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 INFO: AudioRendererFactory: not a explicit device, trying to autodetect. 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 INFO: CPCMRemap: Configured speaker layout: 2.0 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 INFO: CPCMRemap: I channel map: FL,FR,CE,LFE,SL,SR 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: Forcing side channel map to back channels 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 INFO: CPCMRemap: O channel map: FL,FR 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: Downmix normalization is disabled 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: FL = FL(1.000000) CE(0.707107) LFE(0.707107) BL(1.000000) 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: FR = FR(1.000000) CE(0.707107) LFE(0.707107) BR(1.000000) 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CPulseAudioDirectSound::CPulseAudioDirectSound - Requested channels changed from 6 to 2 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 1 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3791835136 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3786481664 DEBUG: SetActiveDevice - SetActiveDevice from 0 to 2 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3786481664 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 0 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3785502720 DEBUG: PulseAudio: Context failed 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3785248768 ERROR: PulseAudio: Waited for the Context but it failed 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3785248768 ERROR: PulseAudio: Failed to create context 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3785248768 DEBUG: SetActiveDevice - SetActiveDevice from 2 to 1 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3785248768 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 2 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3784994816 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::Initialize 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3783217152 INFO: CPCMRemap: Configured speaker layout: 2.0 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782963200 INFO: CPCMRemap: I channel map: FL,FR,CE,LFE,SL,SR 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782963200 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: Forcing side channel map to back channels 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782963200 INFO: CPCMRemap: O channel map: FL,FR 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782963200 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: Downmix normalization is disabled 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782963200 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: FL = FL(1.000000) CE(0.707107) LFE(0.707107) BL(1.000000) 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782709248 DEBUG: CPCMRemap: FR = FR(1.000000) CE(0.707107) LFE(0.707107) BR(1.000000) 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782709248 DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - Requested channels changed from 6 to 2 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782709248 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 1 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3782709248 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::DeInitialize 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3789049856 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3789049856 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3789049856 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3789049856 INFO: CDVDPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3788759040 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(41000.000000, 0) 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3788439552 NOTICE: fps: 23.976024, pwidth: 1920, pheight: 1080, dwidth: 1920, dheight: 1080 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3788439552 DEBUG: OutputPicture - change configuration. 1920x1080. framerate: 23.98. format: VAAPI 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3788439552 NOTICE: Display resolution DESKTOP : 1920x1080 @ 50.00 - Full Screen (12) 09:39:08 T:2849274736 M:3788439552 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Clock speed 100.100000% 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3788439552 DEBUG: SetActiveDevice - SetActiveDevice from 0 to 2 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3788439552 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 0 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3788439552 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12005 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3788439552 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------ 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3788439552 DEBUG: Initialize - using alsa device plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=7 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3788439552 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------ 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3788439552 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoFullScreen.xml 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3788439552 DEBUG: Load VideoFullScreen.xml: 4.02ms 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3788439552 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 4.22ms (4.13 ms skin load) 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3788664832 DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::Initialize - frame count:512, packet count:16, buffer size:8192 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3789115392 DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::Initialize - Channels: 6 - SampleRate: 48000 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - IsMusic false - IsPassthrough false - audioDevice: plughw:CARD=PCH,DEV=7 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3789115392 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: synctype set to 2: resample 09:39:08 T:2840882032 M:3788607488 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerResampler: resized buffers to hold 15360 frames 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3787055104 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3787055104 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786809344 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786809344 NOTICE: GL: Using VAAPI render method 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786809344 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786809344 NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786670080 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(/storage/The Dark Knight.mkv) 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786670080 DEBUG: GetMovieId (/storage/The Dark Knight.mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=9 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786670080 DEBUG: GetEpisodeId (/storage/The Dark Knight.mkv), query = select idEpisode from episode where idFile=9 09:39:08 T:3045041984 M:3786670080 DEBUG: GetMusicVideoId (/storage/The Dark Knight.mkv), query = select idMVideo from musicvideo where idFile=9 09:39:08 T:2870492016 M:3782352896 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1 09:39:09 T:2849274736 M:3772964864 WARNING: CRenderManager::FlipPage - timeout waiting for flip to complete 09:39:09 T:2870492016 M:3766362112 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2 09:39:09 T:2870492016 M:3766362112 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 3 09:39:09 T:2840882032 M:3766362112 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(32000.000000, 1) 09:39:09 T:2840882032 M:3766267904 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity - was:32000.000000, should be:32000.000000, error:0.000000 09:39:09 T:2870492016 M:3766267904 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0 09:39:09 T:2849274736 M:3766267904 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Clock speed 104.270833% 09:39:09 T:2849274736 M:3766267904 WARNING: CRenderManager::FlipPage - timeout waiting for previous frame 09:39:09 T:3045041984 M:3765780480 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL::UploadVAAPITexture - creating vaapi surface for texture 1 09:39:09 T:3045041984 M:3741351936 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------ 09:39:09 T:3045041984 M:3740983296 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL::UploadVAAPITexture - creating vaapi surface for texture 0 09:39:10 T:3045041984 M:3710459904 INFO: LIRC Initialize: using: /dev/lircd 09:39:10 T:3045041984 M:3710459904 DEBUG: Failed to connect to LIRC. Retry in 40s. 09:39:11 T:3045041984 M:3700174848 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to http://feeds.feedburner.com (easy=0xacd10e10, multi=0xacd20a80) 09:39:11 T:3045041984 M:3700174848 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to http://xoap.weather.com (easy=0xadff2de0, multi=0xadffb5f0) 09:39:11 T:3045041984 M:3700174848 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceChanged (/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda) 09:39:11 T:3045041984 M:3700174848 DEBUG: DBus: Creating message to org.freedesktop.UDisks on /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda with interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties and method GetAll 09:39:11 T:3045041984 M:3700174848 DEBUG: UDisks: DeviceChanged - DeviceUDI /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda: IsFileSystem false HasFileSystem IsSystemInternal true IsMounted false IsRemovable false IsPartition false IsOptical false 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694923776 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694923776 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is OSD 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694923776 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoOSD.xml) ------ 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694923776 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoOSD.xml 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694923776 DEBUG: Load VideoOSD.xml: 2.85ms 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3695067136 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 7.33ms (2.94 ms skin load) 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694813184 INFO: msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/0/auto-099aea7f.tbn Error: (2) 09:39:13 T:3045041984 M:3694813184 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/0/auto-099aea7f.tbn 09:39:14 T:2849274736 M:3694264320 DEBUG: CPullupCorrection: detected pattern of length 1: 41708.33, frameduration: 41708.333333 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694264320 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 0113, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694264320 DEBUG: OnKey: right (f027) pressed, action is Right 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694313472 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 24, sym: 000d, unicode: 000d, modifier: 0 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694313472 DEBUG: OnKey: return (f00d) pressed, action is Select 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694313472 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating PlayerControl(Stop) 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694313472 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To PlayerControl(Stop) 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694313472 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile() 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay 09:39:14 T:3045041984 M:3694313472 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: Closing audio stream 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit 09:39:14 T:2840882032 M:3694313472 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit() 09:39:14 T:2840882032 M:3694313472 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerAudio 2840882032 terminating 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: Closing audio device 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 DEBUG: SetActiveDevice - SetActiveDevice from 2 to 1 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 DEBUG: RemoveActiveDevice - Removing device 2 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::Initialize 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: Closing video stream 09:39:14 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit 09:39:15 T:2849274736 M:3694313472 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread 09:39:15 T:2849274736 M:3694313472 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayerVideo 2849274736 terminating 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3694313472 NOTICE: deleting video codec 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 DEBUG: VAAPI - destroying surface 0x4000007 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 DEBUG: VAAPI - destroying surface 0x4000005 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing subtitle stream 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 NOTICE: Closing subtitle stream 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop 09:39:15 T:2870492016 M:3695837184 DEBUG: Thread CDVDPlayer 2870492016 terminating 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3695837184 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3695837184 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3695837184 DEBUG: VAAPI - destroying surface 0x4000004 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3695837184 DEBUG: VAAPI - destroying glx surface 0xb1d694b8 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3719708672 DEBUG: VAAPI - destroying surface 0x4000006 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3719708672 DEBUG: VAAPI - destroying glx surface 0xb1d7bd68 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743117312 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743117312 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------ 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743117312 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (VideoOSD.xml) ------ 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------ 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: Load MyVideoNav.xml: 34.66ms 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: Alloc resources: 36.33ms (35.18 ms skin load) 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (/storage/) 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: ParentPath = [/storage/] 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3744133120 DEBUG: RunQuery took 0 ms for 2 items query: select strFilename,playCount from files where idPath=3 09:39:15 T:2878884720 M:3744133120 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0 09:39:15 T:2936527728 M:3744133120 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file /storage/The Dark Knight.mkv 09:39:15 T:2936527728 M:3743879168 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file /storage/Transformers.mkv 09:39:15 T:2878884720 M:3743428608 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 2878884720 terminating 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743596544 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile() 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743596544 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743596544 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743596544 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting 09:39:15 T:3045041984 M:3743596544 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources 09:39:15 T:3008416624 M:3743596544 DEBUG: CVideoReferenceClock: Cleaning up GLX 09:39:15 T:3008416624 M:3744612352 DEBUG: Thread CVideoReferenceClock 3008416624 terminating 09:39:15 T:2895162224 M:3745374208 DEBUG: DoWork - Saving file state for video item /storage/The Dark Knight.mkv