#0 _wordcopy_fwd_aligned (dstp=, srcp=, len=2305843009204575080) at wordcopy.c:107 a0 = 140736920770160 a1 = 0 #1 0x00007ffff78c7df2 in memmove (dest=0x0, src=, len=18446744073636600624) at memmove.c:76 dstp = srcp = #2 0x00007fffdd93de02 in llvm::SmallVectorImpl::operator=(llvm::SmallVectorImpl const&) () from /usr/lib/libLLVM-2.8.so.1 No symbol table info available. #3 0x00007fffddc56b30 in LLVMAddTargetData () from /usr/lib/libLLVM-2.8.so.1 No symbol table info available. #4 0x00007fffc999644b in create_pass_manager (gallivm=0x458c9c0) at gallivm/lp_bld_init.c:119 No locals. #5 init_gallivm_state (gallivm=0x458c9c0) at gallivm/lp_bld_init.c:277 No locals. #6 0x00007fffc99965bb in gallivm_create () at gallivm/lp_bld_init.c:428 No locals. #7 0x00007fffc98db485 in draw_create_gallivm (pipe=0x43b2ab0, gallivm=0x0) at draw/draw_context.c:93 draw = 0x458b940 #8 0x00007fffc99c003d in st_init_draw (st=) at state_tracker/st_draw.c:1073 ctx = #9 0x00007fffc99bea7b in st_create_context_priv (api=, pipe=0x43b2ab0, visual=, share=) at state_tracker/st_context.c:127 i = st = 0x4573640 #10 st_create_context (api=, pipe=0x43b2ab0, visual=, share=) at state_tracker/st_context.c:196 ctx = 0x450e940 shareCtx = 0x0 funcs = {GetString = 0x7fffc99baf90 , UpdateState = 0x7fffc99be610 , GetBufferSize = 0, ResizeBuffers = 0, Error = 0, Finish = 0x7fffc99b4890 , Flush = 0x7fffc99b47e0 , Clear = 0x7fffc99b38c0 , Accum = 0x7fffc99b0850 , RasterPos = 0x7fffc99ba8c0 , DrawPixels = 0x7fffc99b7080 , ReadPixels = 0x7fffc99bac90 , CopyPixels = 0x7fffc99b5f30 , Bitmap = 0x7fffc99b2050 , ChooseTextureFormat = 0x7fffc99c23a0 , TexImage1D = 0x7fffc99bdbd0 , TexImage2D = 0x7fffc99bdb40 , TexImage3D = 0x7fffc99bdab0 , TexSubImage1D = 0x7fffc99bd270 , TexSubImage2D = 0x7fffc99bd210 , TexSubImage3D = 0x7fffc99bd1f0 , GetTexImage = 0x7fffc99bba00 , CopyTexSubImage1D = 0x7fffc99bc980 , CopyTexSubImage2D = 0x7fffc99bc950 , CopyTexSubImage3D = 0x7fffc99bc940 , GenerateMipmap = 0x7fffc99c2650 , TestProxyTexImage = 0x7fffca254cc0 <_mesa_test_proxy_teximage>, CompressedTexImage1D = 0, CompressedTexImage2D = 0x7fffc99bda20 , CompressedTexImage3D = 0, CompressedTexSubImage1D = 0x7fffc99bb200 , CompressedTexSubImage2D = 0x7fffc99bb350 , CompressedTexSubImage3D = 0x7fffc99bb210 , GetCompressedTexImage = 0x7fffca2516f0 <_mesa_get_compressed_teximage>, BindTexture = 0, NewTextureObject = 0x7fffc99bb300 , DeleteTexture = 0x7fffc99bcbc0 , NewTextureImage = 0x7fffc99bb2f0 , DeleteTextureImage = 0x7fffc99bb2e0 , ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- AllocTextureImageBuffer = 0x7fffc99bcc80 , FreeTextureImageBuffer = 0x7fffc99bcb70 , MapTextureImage = 0x7fffc99bb240 , UnmapTextureImage = 0x7fffc99bb230 , MapTexture = 0, UnmapTexture = 0, AllocTextureStorage = 0x7fffc99bc9b0 , MapRenderbuffer = 0x7fffc99b8d40 , UnmapRenderbuffer = 0x7fffc99b8e80 , TextureMemCpy = 0x7fffc99bb220 , IsTextureResident = 0, BindProgram = 0x7fffc99ba1c0 , NewProgram = 0x7fffc99ba410 , DeleteProgram = 0x7fffc99ba320 , ProgramStringNotify = 0x7fffc99ba230 , IsProgramNative = 0x7fffc99ba220 , LinkShader = 0x7fffc99dde90 , AlphaFunc = 0, BlendColor = 0, BlendEquationSeparate = 0, BlendEquationSeparatei = 0, BlendFuncSeparate = 0, BlendFuncSeparatei = 0, ClearColor = 0, ClearDepth = 0, ClearStencil = 0, ClipPlane = 0, ColorMask = 0, ColorMaskIndexed = 0, ColorMaterial = 0, CullFace = 0, FrontFace = 0, DepthFunc = 0, DepthMask = 0, DepthRange = 0, DrawBuffer = 0, DrawBuffers = 0x7fffc99b8f00 , Enable = 0, Fogfv = 0, Hint = 0, Lightfv = 0, LightModelfv = 0, LineStipple = 0, LineWidth = 0, LogicOpcode = 0, PointParameterfv = 0, PointSize = 0, PolygonMode = 0, PolygonOffset = 0, PolygonStipple = 0, ReadBuffer = 0x7fffc99b8ee0 , RenderMode = 0x7fffc99b9d30 , Scissor = 0, ShadeModel = 0, StencilFuncSeparate = 0, StencilMaskSeparate = 0, StencilOpSeparate = 0, TexGen = 0, TexEnv = 0, TexParameter = 0, Viewport = 0x7fffc99be4c0 , BindBuffer = 0, NewBufferObject = 0x7fffc99b3570 , DeleteBuffer = 0x7fffc99b35d0 , BufferData = 0x7fffc99b3610 , BufferSubData = 0x7fffc99b30e0 , GetBufferSubData = 0x7fffc99b3480 , CopyBufferSubData = 0x7fffc99b3400 , MapBufferRange = 0x7fffc99b3170 , FlushMappedBufferRange = 0x7fffc99b3310 , UnmapBuffer = 0x7fffc99b3370 , BufferObjectPurgeable = 0, RenderObjectPurgeable = 0, TextureObjectPurgeable = 0, BufferObjectUnpurgeable = 0, RenderObjectUnpurgeable = 0, TextureObjectUnpurgeable = 0, NewFramebuffer = 0x7fffc99b9010 , NewRenderbuffer = 0x7fffc99b8fa0 , BindFramebuffer = 0x7fffc99b8d30 , FramebufferRenderbuffer = 0x7fffc99b8f90 , RenderTexture = 0x7fffc99b96b0 , FinishRenderTexture = 0x7fffc99b8f60 , ValidateFramebuffer = 0x7fffc99b9130 , BlitFramebuffer = 0x7fffc99b2890 , NewQueryObject = 0x7fffc99ba7c0 , DeleteQuery = 0x7fffc99ba790 , BeginQuery = 0x7fffc99ba690 , EndQuery = 0x7fffc99ba650 , CheckQuery = 0x7fffc99ba590 , WaitQuery = 0x7fffc99ba5e0 , NewArrayObject = 0x7fffca1c4ab0 <_mesa_new_array_object>, DeleteArrayObject = 0x7fffca1c45e0 <_mesa_delete_array_object>, BindArrayObject = 0, NewShader = 0x7fffc99dddd0 , DeleteShader = 0x7fffca2420e0 <_mesa_delete_shader>, NewShaderProgram = 0x7fffc99dde40 , DeleteShaderProgram = 0x7fffca242650 <_mesa_delete_shader_program>, UseProgram = 0x7fffc99ba210 , CurrentExecPrimitive = 0, CurrentSavePrimitive = 0, NeedFlush = 0, SaveNeedFlush = 0, BeginVertices = 0, FlushVertices = 0, SaveFlushVertices = 0, PrepareExecBegin = 0, NotifySaveBegin = 0, LightingSpaceChange = 0, NewList = 0, EndList = 0, BeginCallList = 0, EndCallList = 0, NewSyncObject = 0x7fffc99baf10 , FenceSync = 0x7fffc99bae90 , DeleteSyncObject = 0x7fffc99bae60 , CheckSync = 0x7fffc99bad60 , ClientWaitSync = 0x7fffc99badd0 , ServerWaitSync = 0x7fffc99bae50 , BeginConditionalRender = 0x7fffc99b4630 , EndConditionalRender = 0x7fffc99b45e0 , DrawTex = 0x7fffc99b7e90 , EGLImageTargetTexture2D = 0x7fffc99b88b0 , EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorage = 0x7fffc99b8b60 , NewTransformFeedback = 0x7fffca26be70 , DeleteTransformFeedback = 0x7fffca26c3b0 , BeginTransformFeedback = 0x7fffc99be560 , EndTransformFeedback = 0x7fffc99be570 , PauseTransformFeedback = 0x7fffc99be580 , ResumeTransformFeedback = 0x7fffc99be590 , DrawTransformFeedback = 0x7fffc99be5a0 , TextureBarrier = 0x7fffc99be490 , NewSamplerObject = 0x7fffca23f230 <_mesa_new_sampler_object>, DeleteSamplerObject = 0x7fffca23c190 <_mesa_delete_sampler_object>} #11 0x00007fffc99c394c in st_api_create_context (stapi=, smapi=0x43a6070, attribs=0x7fffffffb810, shared_stctxi=0x0) at state_tracker/st_manager.c:689 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- shared_ctx = 0x0 st = pipe = 0x43b2ab0 mode = {rgbMode = 1 '\001', floatMode = 0 '\000', colorIndexMode = 0 '\000', doubleBufferMode = 1, stereoMode = 0, haveAccumBuffer = 0 '\000', haveDepthBuffer = 1 '\001', haveStencilBuffer = 1 '\001', redBits = 8, greenBits = 8, blueBits = 8, alphaBits = 0, redMask = 0, greenMask = 0, blueMask = 0, alphaMask = 0, rgbBits = 24, indexBits = 0, accumRedBits = 0, accumGreenBits = 0, accumBlueBits = 0, accumAlphaBits = 0, depthBits = 24, stencilBits = 8, numAuxBuffers = 0, level = 0, visualRating = 0, transparentPixel = 0, transparentRed = 0, transparentGreen = 0, transparentBlue = 0, transparentAlpha = 0, transparentIndex = 0, sampleBuffers = 0, samples = 0, maxPbufferWidth = 0, maxPbufferHeight = 0, maxPbufferPixels = 0, optimalPbufferWidth = 0, optimalPbufferHeight = 0, swapMethod = 0, bindToTextureRgb = 0, bindToTextureRgba = 0, bindToMipmapTexture = 0, bindToTextureTargets = 0, yInverted = 0, sRGBCapable = 0} api = API_OPENGL #12 0x00007fffd0098691 in dri_create_context (api=, visual=0x43a98b0, cPriv=, sharedContextPrivate=) at dri_context.c:91 sPriv = screen = 0x43a6070 stapi = 0x7fffc9c88b00 ctx = 0x4391250 st_share = 0x0 attribs = {profile = ST_PROFILE_DEFAULT, major = 0, minor = 0, flags = 0, visual = {buffer_mask = 19, color_format = PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, depth_stencil_format = PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT, accum_format = PIPE_FORMAT_NONE, samples = 0, render_buffer = ST_ATTACHMENT_BACK_LEFT}} #13 0x00007fffd0071007 in dri2CreateNewContextForAPI (screen=0x43a5f50, api=, config=0x43a98b0, shared=, data=) at ../common/dri_util.c:173 context = 0x43abe30 modes = 0x43a98b0 shareCtx = 0x0 mesa_api = API_OPENGL #14 0x00007fffeb334dcf in dri2_create_context (base=0x437bbc0, config_base=0x437e990, shareList=, renderType=) at dri2_glx.c:203 pcp = 0x43910b0 pcp_shared = psc = 0x437bbc0 config = 0x437e990 shared = 0x0 #15 0x00007fffeb30afb9 in CreateContext (dpy=0x661950, generic_id=282, config=0x437e990, shareList_user=0x0, allowDirect=, code=, renderType=32788, screen=0) at glxcmds.c:276 gc = 0x0 psc = 0x437bbc0 shareList = 0x0 #16 0x00007fffeb30ba95 in glXCreateContext (dpy=0x661950, vis=0x4391340, shareList=0x0, allowDirect=1) at glxcmds.c:380 config = renderType = ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- psc = #17 0x00007fffee368bb1 in QGLContext::chooseContext (this=0x43781b0, shareContext=0x0) at qgl_x11.cpp:721 disp = 0x661950 major = 0 minor = 0 profile = 1 d = 0x43781d0 xinfo = 0x4378108 res = 0 direct = -134519807 #18 0x00007fffee2fc58c in QGLContext::create (this=0x43781b0, shareContext=0x0) at qgl.cpp:3310 d = 0x43781d0 #19 0x00007fffee367b27 in QGLWidget::setContext (this=0x4377d50, context=, shareContext=, deleteOldContext=true) at qgl_x11.cpp:1513 d = 0x4377f20 vi = a = {background_pixmap = 70747664, background_pixel = 0, border_pixmap = 4, border_pixel = 2, bit_gravity = -171947856, win_gravity = 32767, backing_store = -134523680, backing_planes = 140737319556832, backing_pixel = 140737353830400, save_under = -158847664, event_mask = 140737353835720, do_not_propagate_mask = 4294967295, override_redirect = 70746576, colormap = 4294967295, cursor = 0} p = w = cmwret = oldcx = 0x0 fmt = createFailed = false visible = false cmw = count = colmap = {d = 0x0} #20 0x00007fffee2fc8ca in QGLWidgetPrivate::initContext (this=0x4377f20, context=0x43781b0, shareWidget=0x0) at qgl.cpp:5392 q = 0x4377d50 #21 0x00007fffee3665da in QGLWidgetPrivate::init (this=, context=0x43781b0, shareWidget=0x0) at qgl_x11.cpp:1354 q = 0x4377d50 #22 0x00007fffee2fd704 in QGLWidget::QGLWidget (this=0x4377d50, parent=0x0, shareWidget=0x0, f=) at qgl.cpp:3688 d = 0x4377f20 #23 0x00007fffe3529a5f in KisOpenGL::createContext () at ../../../krita/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp:39 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "static void KisOpenGL::createContext()" #24 0x00007fffe3529c8d in KisOpenGL::sharedContextWidget () at ../../../krita/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp:62 No locals. #25 0x00007fffe3529ca9 in KisOpenGL::makeContextCurrent () at ../../../krita/ui/opengl/kis_opengl.cpp:56 No locals. ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- #26 0x00007fffe3531c83 in KisOpenGLImageTextures::getImageTextures (image=..., monitorProfile=0x18b42b0) at ../../../krita/ui/opengl/kis_opengl_image_textures.cpp:101 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "static KisOpenGLImageTexturesSP KisOpenGLImageTextures::getImageTextures(KisImageWSP, KoColorProfile*)" #27 0x00007fffe33fae73 in KisCanvas2::createOpenGLCanvas (this=0x435c1b0) at ../../../krita/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp:332 canvasWidget = #28 0x00007fffe33fb3b8 in KisCanvas2::createCanvas (this=0x435c1b0, useOpenGL=true) at ../../../krita/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp:349 cfg = {m_cfg = { = {_vptr.KConfigBase = 0x7ffff683a950}, d = {d = 0x4377cd0}}} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void KisCanvas2::createCanvas(bool)" #29 0x00007fffe33fb659 in KisCanvas2::KisCanvas2 (this=0x435c1b0, viewConverter=0x4347d90, view=0x3daa4a0, sc=0x3d683c0) at ../../../krita/ui/canvas/kis_canvas2.cpp:122 cfg = {m_cfg = { = {_vptr.KConfigBase = 0x7ffff683a950}, d = {d = 0x4377c90}}} kritaShapeController = #30 0x00007fffe34e6a59 in KisView2::KisView2 (this=0x3daa4a0, doc=, parent=, __in_chrg=, __vtt_parm=) at ../../../krita/ui/kis_view2.cpp:247 canvasController = 0x43474f0 rotateCanvasRight = rotateCanvasLeft = firstRun = cfg = {m_cfg = { = {_vptr.KConfigBase = 0x7ffff683a950}, d = {d = 0x435a960}}} resetCanvasTransformations = #31 0x00007fffe347097c in KisDoc2::createViewInstance (this=0x3a18cd0, parent=0x3a6d510) at ../../../krita/ui/kis_doc2.cc:432 v = #32 0x00007ffff756093a in KoDocument::createView (this=0x3a18cd0, parent=) at ../../../libs/main/KoDocument.cpp:428 view = #33 0x00007ffff758e46b in KoMainWindow::setRootDocument (this=0xa1f260, doc=0x3a18cd0) at ../../../libs/main/KoMainWindow.cpp:464 view = oldRootViews = {{p = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 14818}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, sharable = 1, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x7ffff637e7e0}, d = 0x7ffff637e7e0}} oldRootDoc = 0x0 enable = #34 0x00007ffff75656fa in KoDocument::deleteOpenPane (this=0x3a18cd0, closing=) at ../../../libs/main/KoDocument.cpp:2489 No locals. #35 0x00007ffff7565918 in KoDocument::qt_metacall (this=0x3a18cd0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=19, _a=0x7fffffffc820) at ./KoDocument.moc:134 No locals. #36 0x00007fffe34720a0 in KisDoc2::qt_metacall (this=0x3a18cd0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=, _a=0x7fffffffc820) at ./kis_doc2.moc:78 No locals. #37 0x00007ffff60605f8 in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x3d3bc00, m=, local_signal_index=, argv=0x0) at kernel/qobject.cpp:3287 receiverInSameThread = previousSender = 0x0 receiver = 0x3a18cd0 method = 39 currentSender = {sender = 0x3d3bc00, signal = 27, ref = 1} ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- c = 0x3d38580 last = 0x3d38580 methodOffset = signal_absolute_index = 27 empty_argv = {0x0} currentThreadData = 0x603b60 locker = {val = 60346896} connectionLists = 0x3b39f80 signalOffset = signal_index = #38 0x00007fffe355e9f7 in KisCustomImageWidget::buttonClicked (this=0x3d3bc00) at ../../../krita/ui/widgets/kis_custom_image_widget.cc:218 cs = qc = {cspec = QColor::Rgb, ct = {argb = {alpha = 65535, red = 65535, green = 65535, blue = 65535, pad = 0}, ahsv = {alpha = 65535, hue = 65535, saturation = 65535, value = 65535, pad = 0}, acmyk = {alpha = 65535, cyan = 65535, magenta = 65535, yellow = 65535, black = 0}, ahsl = {alpha = 65535, hue = 65535, saturation = 65535, lightness = 65535, pad = 0}, array = {65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0}}} resolution = 1.3888888888888888 image = {static WEAK_REF = , d = 0x3d71c50, weakReference = 0x3d97800} bgColor = {d = 0x383ebc0} #39 0x00007fffe355f4ac in KisCustomImageWidget::qt_metacall (this=0x3d3bc00, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=, _a=0x7fffffffcc20) at ./kis_custom_image_widget.moc:139 No locals. #40 0x00007ffff60605f8 in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x3d36700, m=, local_signal_index=, argv=0x7fffffffcc20) at kernel/qobject.cpp:3287 receiverInSameThread = previousSender = 0x0 receiver = 0x3d3bc00 method = 28 currentSender = {sender = 0x3d36700, signal = 29, ref = 1} c = 0x3d3cdd0 last = 0x3d3cdd0 methodOffset = signal_absolute_index = 29 empty_argv = {0x0} currentThreadData = 0x603b60 locker = {val = 60433984} connectionLists = 0x3d3ce10 signalOffset = signal_index = #41 0x00007ffff707f942 in QAbstractButton::clicked (this=, _t1=false) at .moc/release-shared/moc_qabstractbutton.cpp:206 _a = {0x0, 0x7fffffffcc1c} #42 0x00007ffff6dc8f2e in QAbstractButtonPrivate::emitClicked (this=0x3d36730) at widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:546 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- q = 0x3d36700 guard = {o = 0x3d36700} #43 0x00007ffff6dca4ab in QAbstractButtonPrivate::click (this=0x3d36730) at widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:539 changeState = guard = {o = 0x3d36700} #44 0x00007ffff6dca71c in QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent (this=0x3d36700, e=0x7fffffffd560) at widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:1121 d = 0x3d36730 #45 0x00007ffff6a58cc8 in QWidget::event (this=0x3d36700, event=0x7fffffffd560) at kernel/qwidget.cpp:8259 d = 0x3d36730 #46 0x00007ffff6a079f4 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=0x65ea20, receiver=0x3d36700, e=0x7fffffffd560) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:4462 consumed = #47 0x00007ffff6a0cdc3 in QApplication::notify (this=, receiver=0x3d36700, e=0x7fffffffd560) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:4023 me = { = { = {_vptr.QEvent = 0x7ffff74b2e90, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6118840 "QEvent", data = 0x7ffff6119220, extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x0, t = 3, posted = 0, spont = 1, m_accept = 1, reserved = 13}, modState = {i = 0}}, p = {xp = 40, yp = 6}, g = {xp = 1317, yp = 743}, b = Qt::LeftButton, mouseState = {i = 0}} w = mouse = 0x7fffffffd560 eventAccepted = relpos = {xp = 40, yp = 6} pw = {o = 0x3d36700} d = 0x65ea20 res = #48 0x00007ffff33f3a76 in KApplication::notify (this=0x7fffffffe080, receiver=0x3d36700, event=0x7fffffffd560) at ../../kdeui/kernel/kapplication.cpp:311 No locals. #49 0x00007ffff604b49c in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal (this=0x7fffffffe080, receiver=0x3d36700, event=0x7fffffffd560) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:731 threadData = 0x603b60 returnValue = result = false cbdata = {0x3d36700, 0x7fffffffd560, 0x7fffffffd3ef} d = #50 0x00007ffff6a08a1d in sendEvent (receiver=0x3d36700, event=0x7fffffffd560, alienWidget=0x3d36700, nativeWidget=0xa1f260, buttonDown=0x7ffff74eb218, lastMouseReceiver=..., spontaneous=true) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:215 No locals. #51 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent (receiver=0x3d36700, event=0x7fffffffd560, alienWidget=0x3d36700, nativeWidget=0xa1f260, buttonDown=0x7ffff74eb218, lastMouseReceiver=..., spontaneous=true) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:3122 alienGuard = {o = 0x3d36700} receiverGuard = {o = 0x3d36700} nativeGuard = {o = 0xa1f260} activePopupWidget = {o = 0x0} graphicsWidget = false wasLeaveAfterRelease = true ---Type to continue, or q to quit---~ result = #52 0x00007ffff6a8a190 in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent (this=0xa1f260, event=) at kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:4558 alienWidget = 0x3d36700 widget = 0x3d36700 oldOpenPopupCount = 0 e = { = { = {_vptr.QEvent = 0x7ffff74b2e90, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6118840 "QEvent", data = 0x7ffff6119220, extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x0, t = 3, posted = 0, spont = 1, m_accept = 1, reserved = 112}, modState = {i = 0}}, p = {xp = 40, yp = 6}, g = {xp = 1317, yp = 743}, b = Qt::LeftButton, mouseState = {i = 0}} type = QEvent::MouseButtonRelease globalPos = {xp = 1317, yp = 743} button = Qt::LeftButton nextEvent = {type = 6679072, xany = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440}, xkey = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, root = 140737320891755, subwindow = 6679072, time = 62745440, x = 62745440, y = 0, x_root = -8960, y_root = 32767, state = 6679072, keycode = 0, same_screen = -157255180}, xbutton = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, root = 140737320891755, subwindow = 6679072, time = 62745440, x = 62745440, y = 0, x_root = -8960, y_root = 32767, state = 6679072, button = 0, same_screen = -157255180}, xmotion = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, root = 140737320891755, subwindow = 6679072, time = 62745440, x = 62745440, y = 0, x_root = -8960, y_root = 32767, state = 6679072, is_hint = 0 '\000', same_screen = -157255180}, xcrossing = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, root = 140737320891755, subwindow = 6679072, time = 62745440, x = 62745440, y = 0, x_root = -8960, y_root = 32767, mode = 6679072, detail = 0, same_screen = -157255180, focus = 32767, state = 4294959232}, xfocus = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, mode = -167463573, detail = 32767}, xexpose = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, x = -167463573, y = 32767, width = 6679072, height = 0, count = 62745440}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, drawable = 62745440, x = -167463573, y = 32767, width = 6679072, height = 0, count = 62745440, major_code = 0, minor_code = 62745440}, xnoexpose = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, drawable = 62745440, major_code = -167463573, minor_code = 32767}, xvisibility = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, state = -167463573}, xcreatewindow = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, parent = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, x = 6679072, y = 0, width = 62745440, height = 0, border_width = 62745440, override_redirect = 0}, xdestroywindow = { type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755}, xunmap = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, from_configure = 6679072}, xmap = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, override_redirect = 6679072}, xmaprequest = { type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, parent = 62745440, window = 140737320891755}, xreparent = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, parent = 6679072, x = 62745440, y = 0, override_redirect = 62745440}, xconfigure = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, x = 6679072, y = 0, width = 62745440, height = 0, border_width = 62745440, above = 140737488346368, override_redirect = 6679072}, xgravity = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, x = 6679072, y = 0}, xresizerequest = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, width = -167463573, height = 32767}, xconfigurerequest = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, parent = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, x = 6679072, y = 0, width = 62745440, height = 0, border_width = 62745440, above = 140737488346368, detail = 6679072, value_mask = 140737331100148}, xcirculate = { type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, event = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, place = 6679072}, xcirculaterequest = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, parent = 62745440, window = 140737320891755, place = 6679072}, xproperty = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, atom = 140737320891755, time = 6679072, ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- state = 62745440}, xselectionclear = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, selection = 140737320891755, time = 6679072}, xselectionrequest = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, owner = 62745440, requestor = 140737320891755, selection = 6679072, target = 62745440, property = 62745440, time = 140737488346368}, xselection = { type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, requestor = 62745440, selection = 140737320891755, target = 6679072, property = 62745440, time = 62745440}, xcolormap = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, colormap = 140737320891755, c_new = 6679072, state = 0}, xclient = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, message_type = 140737320891755, format = 6679072, data = {b = "`k\275\003\000\000\000\000`k\275\003\000\000\000\000\000\335\377\377", s = {27488, 957, 0, 0, 27488, 957, 0, 0, -8960, -1}, l = {62745440, 62745440, 140737488346368, 6679072, 140737331100148}}}, xmapping = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, request = -167463573, first_keycode = 32767, count = 6679072}, xerror = { type = 6679072, display = 0x3bd6b60, resourceid = 140737488346368, serial = 973152, error_code = 96 '`', request_code = 107 'k', minor_code = 189 '\275'}, xkeymap = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, window = 62745440, key_vector = "k\265\004\366\377\177\000\000 \352e\000\000\000\000\000`k\275\003\000\000\000\000`k\275\003\000\000\000"}, xgeneric = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, extension = 62745440, evtype = 0}, xcookie = {type = 6679072, serial = 62745440, send_event = -8960, display = 0xed960, extension = 62745440, evtype = 0, cookie = 4127503723, data = 0x65ea20}, pad = {6679072, 62745440, 140737488346368, 973152, 62745440, 140737320891755, 6679072, 62745440, 62745440, 140737488346368, 6679072, 140737331100148, 140737488347264, 140737488347264, 140737488346368, 140737488347264, 140737488346368, 140737331119034, 0, 140737331545423, 140737488345176, 1, 30962724179542029, 140737488346816}} d = pos = {xp = 40, yp = 6} #53 0x00007ffff6a88ab7 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent (this=0x7fffffffe080, event=0x7fffffffdec0) at kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:3680 alien = enter = leave = keywidget = grabbed = false widget = 0xa1f260 d = 0x65ea20 isXI2Event = false #54 0x00007ffff6ab2224 in QEventDispatcherX11::processEvents (this=0x603340, flags=...) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_x11.cpp:132 event = {type = 5, xany = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592}, xkey = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, root = 334, subwindow = 0, time = 22688015, x = 1317, y = 724, x_root = 1317, y_root = 743, state = 256, keycode = 1, same_screen = 1}, xbutton = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, root = 334, subwindow = 0, time = 22688015, x = 1317, y = 724, x_root = 1317, y_root = 743, state = 256, button = 1, same_screen = 1}, xmotion = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, root = 334, subwindow = 0, time = 22688015, x = 1317, y = 724, x_root = 1317, y_root = 743, state = 256, is_hint = 1 '\001', same_screen = 1}, xcrossing = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, root = 334, subwindow = 0, time = 22688015, x = 1317, y = 724, x_root = 1317, y_root = 743, mode = 256, detail = 1, same_screen = 1, focus = 0, state = 0}, xfocus = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, mode = 334, detail = 0}, xexpose = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, x = 334, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, count = 22688015}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, drawable = 56624592, x = 334, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, count = 22688015, major_code = 0, minor_code = 1317}, xnoexpose = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, drawable = 56624592, major_code = 334, minor_code = 0}, xvisibility = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, state = 334}, xcreatewindow = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, parent = 56624592, window = 334, x = 0, y = 0, width = 22688015, height = 0, border_width = 1317, ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- override_redirect = 724}, xdestroywindow = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334}, xunmap = { type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334, from_configure = 0}, xmap = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334, override_redirect = 0}, xmaprequest = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, parent = 56624592, window = 334}, xreparent = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334, parent = 0, x = 22688015, y = 0, override_redirect = 1317}, xconfigure = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334, x = 0, y = 0, width = 22688015, height = 0, border_width = 1317, above = 3191160702245, override_redirect = 256}, xgravity = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334, x = 0, y = 0}, xresizerequest = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, width = 334, height = 0}, xconfigurerequest = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, parent = 56624592, window = 334, x = 0, y = 0, width = 22688015, height = 0, border_width = 1317, above = 3191160702245, detail = 256, value_mask = 1}, xcirculate = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, event = 56624592, window = 334, place = 0}, xcirculaterequest = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, parent = 56624592, window = 334, place = 0}, xproperty = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, atom = 334, time = 0, state = 22688015}, xselectionclear = { type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, selection = 334, time = 0}, xselectionrequest = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, owner = 56624592, requestor = 334, selection = 0, target = 22688015, property = 3109556323621, time = 3191160702245}, xselection = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, requestor = 56624592, selection = 334, target = 0, property = 22688015, time = 3109556323621}, xcolormap = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, colormap = 334, c_new = 0, state = 0}, xclient = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, message_type = 334, format = 0, data = { b = "\017\061Z\001\000\000\000\000%\005\000\000\324\002\000\000%\005\000", s = {12559, 346, 0, 0, 1317, 0, 724, 0, 1317, 0}, l = {22688015, 3109556323621, 3191160702245, 4294967552, 1}}}, xmapping = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, request = 334, first_keycode = 0, count = 0}, xerror = {type = 5, display = 0xd70f, resourceid = 0, serial = 6691152, error_code = 208 '\320', request_code = 5 '\005', minor_code = 96 '`'}, xkeymap = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, window = 56624592, key_vector = "N\001", '\000' , "\017\061Z\001\000\000\000\000%\005\000\000\324\002\000"}, xgeneric = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, extension = 56624592, evtype = 0}, xcookie = {type = 5, serial = 55055, send_event = 0, display = 0x661950, extension = 56624592, evtype = 0, cookie = 334, data = 0x0}, pad = {140733193388037, 55055, 0, 6691152, 56624592, 334, 0, 22688015, 3109556323621, 3191160702245, 4294967552, 1, 0 }} d = 0x65ec60 marker = 55056 nevents = 1 #55 0x00007ffff604a882 in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=, flags=...) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:149 d = 0xa614c0 #56 0x00007ffff604aabc in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x7fffffffe040, flags=...) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:201 d = 0xa614c0 app = 0x7fffffffe080 #57 0x00007ffff604eecb in QCoreApplication::exec () at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1008 threadData = 0x603b60 eventLoop = { = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7ffff637c910, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6106140 "QObject", data = 0x7ffff61061e0, extradata = 0x7ffff6374240}}, d_ptr = {d = 0xa614c0}, static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff610ee20 "Qt", data = 0x7ffff61126a0, extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff6374220, stringdata = 0x7ffff6118640 "QEventLoop", data = 0x7ffff6118660, extradata = 0x0}}} returnCode = #58 0x00007ffff7bda225 in kdemain (argc=, argv=0x7fffffffe218) at ../../krita/main.cc:49 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- state = aboutData = 0x618320 options = {d = 0x658a40} app = { = { = { = { = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7ffff7834dd0, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff6106140 "QObject", data = 0x7ffff61061e0, extradata = 0x7ffff6374240}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x65ea20}, static staticQtMetaObject = { d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffff610ee20 "Qt", data = 0x7ffff61126a0, extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = { superdata = 0x7ffff6374220, stringdata = 0x7ffff61186e0 "QCoreApplication", data = 0x7ffff6118780, extradata = 0x0}}, static self = 0x7fffffffe080}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff637c9a0, stringdata = 0x7ffff708bbc0 "QApplication", data = 0x7ffff708be00, extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffff74b25e0, stringdata = 0x7ffff3562c20 "KApplication", data = 0x7ffff3562dc0, extradata = 0x0}}, static loadedByKdeinit = false, static KApp = 0x7fffffffe080, d = 0x771ca0}, static staticMetaObject = {d = { superdata = 0x7ffff3804120, stringdata = 0x7ffff76073c0 "KoApplication", data = 0x7ffff7607460, extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x7892d0, static m_starting = false} #59 0x00007ffff7861eff in __libc_start_main (main=0x400730 , argc=1, ubp_av=0x7fffffffe218, init=, fini=, rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x7fffffffe208) at libc-start.c:226 result = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0, -129417601546216673, 4195888, 140737488347664, 0, 0, 129417600788044575, 129434975720413983}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x400740, 0x7fffffffe218}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 4196160}}} not_first_call = #60 0x0000000000400659 in _start ()