Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007fba4cddb8a5 in dixGetPrivateAddr (key=0x7fba4cff0380 , privates=0x3f0) at ../include/privates.h:124 124 return (char *) (*privates) + key->offset; (gdb) bt full #0 0x00007fba4cddb8a5 in dixGetPrivateAddr (key=0x7fba4cff0380 , privates=0x3f0) at ../include/privates.h:124 No locals. #1 dixGetPrivate (key=0x7fba4cff0380 , privates=0x3f0) at ../include/privates.h:138 No locals. #2 exaGetPixmapDriverPrivate (pPix=0x1462ea0) at exa.c:68 No locals. #3 0x00007fba4e452fb9 in nouveau_pixmap (ppix=0x1462ea0) at nv_type.h:180 No locals. #4 0x00007fba4e455ac8 in drmmode_xf86crtc_resize (scrn=0x1442620, width=1920, height=1080) at drmmode_display.c:1179 xf86_config = 0x144a0d0 screen = 0x144de10 pNv = 0x1446630 drmmode_crtc = 0x1446970 drmmode = 0x1446930 old_width = 1600 old_height = 900 old_pitch = 1600 old_fb_id = 0 old_bo = 0x1462a90 ret = 0 i = 0 pitch = 7680 ppix = 0x1462ea0 #5 0x00007fba4e454308 in drmmode_set_scanout_pixmap (crtc=0x144a390, ppix=0x1bdbe50) at drmmode_display.c:561 ret = 0 screen = 0x144de10 screenpix = 0x1462ea0 #6 0x00000000004b17fb in xf86CrtcSetScanoutPixmap (randr_crtc=, pixmap=) at xf86RandR12.c:1870 crtc = #7 0x00000000004f273e in rrCreateSharedPixmap (crtc=crtc@entry=0x146b410, width=width@entry=1920, height=height@entry=1080, x=x@entry=0, y=y@entry=0) at rrcrtc.c:428 mpix = 0x1bdbd60 spix = 0x1bdbe50 master = 0x147a7a0 ret = depth = 24 mscreenpix = 0x1bd79c0 protopix = pScrPriv = 0x1468a20 #8 0x00000000004f2af4 in RRCrtcSet (crtc=0x146b410, mode=0x1bd7e70, x=0, y=0, rotation=rotation@entry=1, numOutputs=numOutputs@entry=1, outputs=outputs@entry=0x1bdc5c0) at rrcrtc.c:557 master = width = 1920 height = 1080 pScreen = 0x144de10 ret = 1 recompute = 1 pScrPriv = 0x1468a20 #9 0x00000000004f3ad6 in ProcRRSetCrtcConfig (client=0x144c670) at rrcrtc.c:1162 stuff = rep = {type = 140 '\214', status = 0 '\000', sequenceNumber = 0, length = 0, newTimestamp = 8503956, pad1 = 0, pad2 = 360, pad3 = 0, pad4 = 5133890, pad5 = 0} pScreen = pScrPriv = 0x1468a20 crtc = 0x146b410 mode = 0x1bd7e70 numOutputs = 1 outputs = 0x1bdc5c0 outputIds = ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- time = rotation = 1 ret = i = j = status = #10 0x00000000004f0221 in ProcRRDispatch (client=) at randr.c:557 stuff = #11 0x0000000000434475 in Dispatch () at dispatch.c:432 clientReady = 0x191fcd0 result = 0 client = 0x144c670 nready = 0 icheck = 0x81bf40 start_tick = 360 #12 0x0000000000424c9c in main (argc=6, argv=0x7fff4bcb9c68, envp=) at main.c:295 i = alwaysCheckForInput = {0, 1}