On 9/24/2013 11:14 PM, bugzilla-daemon@freedesktop.org wrote:
changed bug 69758
What Removed Added
CC   barta@quipo.it

Comment # 1 on bug 69758 from
not reproducible on under Win764. I see down arrows.
could you please provide a screenshot? is you Win8 a 32 or 64bit machine?

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Please see attached screenshots. The areas with missing dropdown arrow controls are circled. ("Spinner" controls do not have this problem.) I'm on Windows 8.0 x64 Build 9200, Samsung Series 7 all-in-one. I checked all other LibreOffice components--Calc, Draw, Impress, Base. They all have the same identical issue. Thank you.

David Hicks

S. David Hicks
5316 Gardner Court
Williamsburg VA 23188-1973

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