From 1b4bd3d8dca6b4320a3e90f93f8bc640389fcb18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Ohly <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 02:34:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] EDS: fix calendar performance improvements

When creating a parent event after its children, the children
really need to be removed first, even with EDS >= 3.6, otherwise
e_cal_client_create_object_sync() fails with "object exists".

This case is rare, so to avoid the performance overhead when
adding in the normal order or just a parent without children,
we optimistically try the operation and only remove if it fails.

That way the normal case is faster while the exceptional case
is slightly slower (two create attempts instead of just one).
 src/backends/evolution/EvolutionCalendarSource.cpp |   42 +++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backends/evolution/EvolutionCalendarSource.cpp b/src/backends/evolution/EvolutionCalendarSource.cpp
index 3968809..2bccde4 100644
--- a/src/backends/evolution/EvolutionCalendarSource.cpp
+++ b/src/backends/evolution/EvolutionCalendarSource.cpp
@@ -630,25 +630,41 @@ EvolutionCalendarSource::InsertItemResult EvolutionCalendarSource::insertItem(co
                 // adding the parent, then updating it with the
                 // saved children.
+                // With EDS >= 3.6 we need to do this when creating a
+                // parent after its child(ren) because
+                // e_cal_client_create_object() checks that the UID
+                // is not in use already. This is a rare situation, so
+                // we try to create the event and only remove the children
+                // when that fails.
                 ICalComps_t children;
                 if (id.m_rid.empty()) {
                     children = removeEvents(id.m_uid, true);
                 // creating new objects works for normal events and detached occurrences alike
-                if (
+                bool success;
-                    e_cal_client_create_object_sync(m_calendar, subcomp, (gchar **)&uid, 
-                                                    NULL, gerror)
+                success = e_cal_client_create_object_sync(m_calendar, subcomp, (gchar **)&uid,
+                                                          NULL, gerror);
+                if (!success &&
+                    gerror.matches(E_CAL_CLIENT_ERROR, E_CAL_CLIENT_ERROR_OBJECT_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS) &&
+                    id.m_rid.empty()) {
+                    // Try again after removing children.
+                    children = removeEvents(id.m_uid, true);
+                    gerror.clear();
+                    success = e_cal_client_create_object_sync(m_calendar, subcomp, (gchar **)&uid,
+                                                              NULL, gerror);
+                }
-                    e_cal_create_object(m_calendar, subcomp, (gchar **)&uid, gerror)
+                success = e_cal_create_object(m_calendar, subcomp, (gchar **)&uid, gerror);
-                    ) {
+                if (success) {
                     PlainGStr owner((gchar *)uid);
                     // Evolution workaround: don't rely on uid being set if we already had
                     // one. In Evolution 2.12.1 it was set to garbage. The recurrence ID
                     // shouldn't have changed either.
@@ -660,17 +676,23 @@ EvolutionCalendarSource::InsertItemResult EvolutionCalendarSource::insertItem(co
                     throwError(SE_HERE, "storing new item", gerror);
                 // Recreate any children removed earlier: when we get here,
                 // the parent exists and we must update it.
                 BOOST_FOREACH(boost::shared_ptr< eptr<icalcomponent> > &icalcomp, children) {
-                    if (!e_cal_modify_object(m_calendar, *icalcomp,
+                    if (
+                        !e_cal_client_modify_object_sync(m_calendar, *icalcomp,
+                                                         CALOBJ_MOD_THIS, NULL,
+                                                         gerror)
+                        !e_cal_modify_object(m_calendar, *icalcomp,
-                                             gerror)) {
+                                             gerror)
+                        ) {
                         throwError(SE_HERE, string("recreating item ") + newluid, gerror);