# http://alsa.opensupmix_20to21rc.org/SurroundSound # http://alsa.opensrc.org/Low-pass_filter_for_subwoofer_channel_%28HOWTO%29 # analyseplugin cmt # http://plugin.org.uk/ladspa-swh/docs/ladspa-swh.html # LADSPA-Filters by Richard Taylor (http://faculty.tru.ca/rtaylor/rt-plugins/index.html) pcm.upmixplug { type plug slave.pcm "upmix_20" #target for audiostream slave.channels 2 slave.format S32_LE hint { show on description "UpMix" #name for phonon-device } } pcm.upmix_20{ # type plug # slave.pcm "upmixfilters" # slave.channels 3 type route slave.pcm { type lfloat slave.pcm "upmixfilters" slave.format FLOAT_LE } slave.channels 3 slave.format S32_LE ttable { #mixing: add to multiplied by #. 0.0 1 # left channel 1.1 1 # right channel 0.2 0.5 # mix left and right ... 1.2 0.5 # ... channel for subwoofer } } pcm.upmixfilters { #input: channel 0: Left, channel 1: right, channel2: left/2+right/2 type ladspa slave.pcm upmix_to21 path "/usr/lib/ladspa" channels 3 plugins { 0 { id 1098 # Identity (Audio) (1098/identity_audio) policy duplicate input.bindings.0 "Input"; output.bindings.0 "Output"; } 1 { id 9021 #Linkwitz-Riley 4th-order high-pass by Richard Taylor policy none input.bindings.0 "Input"; output.bindings.0 "Output"; input { controls [ 80 ] } } 2 { id 9021 #Linkwitz-Riley 4th-order high-pass by Richard Taylor policy none input.bindings.1 "Input"; output.bindings.1 "Output"; input { controls [ 80 ] } } 3 { id 9020 #Linkwitz-Riley 4th-order low-pass by Richard Taylor policy none input.bindings.2 "Input"; output.bindings.2 "Output"; input { controls [ 80 ] } } #output: channel 0: left highpass-filtered (80Hz), channel 2: right highpass-filtered (80Hz), channel2: left/2+right/2 lowpass-filtered (80Hz) for subwoofer } } pcm.upmix_to21 { #uncomment lines for 5.1 type plug slave.pcm "surround51:CARD=D2X" slave.channels 6 ttable { 0.0 1 # front left 1.1 1 # front right #0.2 1 # rear left #1.3 1 # rear right # Front left/right to center. #0.4 0.5 #1.4 0.5 # Subwoofer, more powerful to compensate for bass-removal from other speakers. # Would normally be 1. 2.5 2 } }