Fri Oct 4 2024 21:02:02 UTC
Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but no one has entered any.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
80613 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [DRI3] dri3 breaks kwin and plasma 2014-07-24
81401 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [DRI3 kde] cursor duplication in gtk apps 2014-07-23
83101 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [dri3] delayed rendering of text under gnome-shell 2014-12-09
84108 xorg Driver/i chris RESO DUPL [ILK] [sna gen 5] Delayed drawing of strings and characters. 2014-12-09
79949 Mesa GLX mesa-dev RESO DUPL [DRI3] GTK+ Programs Not Updating Correctly 2014-07-22
5 bugs found.


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