ID▼ | Product | Comp | Assignee | Status | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
97851 | xorg | Driver/f | atilinuxbugsunassigned | NEW | --- | Xorg crashes when trying to initialize hybrid amd video | 2016-09-18 |
97086 | libva | intel | yakui.zhao | NEW | --- | [SNB]invalid VASurfaceID when filtering a surface for color space transform | 2017-03-06 |
91509 | Mesa | Drivers/ | dri-devel | NEW | --- | Depth render buffer corruption | 2015-08-03 |
48203 | Mesa | Drivers/ | dri-devel | NEW | --- | texture problem with KMS | 2014-02-25 |
44499 | Mesa | Drivers/ | dri-devel | NEW | --- | r280 and xbmc - choppy menu and video playback | 2014-03-01 |
42117 | Mesa | Drivers/ | dri-devel | NEW | --- | R200 driver performance, UMS, all mesa versions from 7.6 | 2017-11-03 |
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