Bug 3896 - python-dbus: sending empty lists doesn't work
Summary: python-dbus: sending empty lists doesn't work
Alias: None
Product: dbus
Classification: Unclassified
Component: core (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86 (IA32) Linux (All)
: high normal
Assignee: Havoc Pennington
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Reported: 2005-07-28 03:49 UTC by Lennart Poettering
Modified: 2006-08-01 10:26 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Lennart Poettering 2005-07-28 03:49:35 UTC
If I try to call a remote DBUS method with an empty string array as argument
with python-dbus I always get an IndexError on the client side:

  File "dbus_bindings.pyx", line 878, in dbus_bindings.MessageIter.append
  File "dbus_bindings.pyx", line 1033, in dbus_bindings.MessageIter.append_array
IndexError: list index out of range
Comment 1 Lennart Poettering 2005-07-28 03:51:51 UTC
A related bug: if I try to send a dbus.Byte(0), I get nearly the same error.
(Though dbus.UInt32(0) and friends work)
Comment 2 Lennart Poettering 2005-08-09 10:44:19 UTC
I opened a new bug report for this dbus.Byte(0) issue, which even contains a patch: 


Alas the empty list issue remains.
Comment 3 John (J5) Palmieri 2005-08-16 14:13:50 UTC
This should be in cvs shortly.  To do this you can specify signitures or types:

dbus.Array([], signiture="s") #empty array of strings
dbus.Array([], signiture="(ii)") #empty array of a struct containing two int32's
dbus.Array([], type=dbus.String)  #empty array of strings
dbus.Array([], type=dbus.Struct((dbus.Int32, dbus.Int32))) # not sure if this
will work but it should - empty array of a struct containing two int32's

Varients work the same way.

Dictionaries are a bit different:

dbus.Dictionary({}, signiture="ss") #an empty dictionary containing string key's
and string values
dbus.Dictionary({}, key_type=dbus.String, value_type=dbus.String) #an empty
dictionary containing string key's and string values 

Note that you can not specify both types and signatures.
Comment 4 Lennart Poettering 2005-08-16 14:19:08 UTC
I hope the typo "signiture" is just in this bug report and not in the code?

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