intel-drm-nightly 20160927 unclaimed read of 0x44404 with i915.enable_psr=0
bdw-unclaimed-read-0x44404-nopsr.txt (text/plain), 77.83 KB, created by Anssi Hannula on 2016-10-03 15:45:36 UTC
Creator: Anssi Hannula
Created: 2016-10-03 15:45:36 UTC
Size: 77.83 KB
Actions: View
Attachments on bug 97985: 126897 | 126898 | 126899 | 126964 | 126965 | 126966 | 126967 | 126968 | 126971 | 126976 | 126987 | 127096 | 127098 | 130372 | 132992

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