dumps of (sort of) frozen GPU with XAA and UXA
XAA_and_UXA_dumps.tar.bz2 (text/plain), 249.29 KB, created by Thomas Orgis on 2009-04-23 02:56:12 UTC
Creator: Thomas Orgis
Created: 2009-04-23 02:56:12 UTC
Size: 249.29 KB
Actions: View
Attachments on bug 20560: 23687 | 23718 | 23741 | 24985 | 25056 | 25871 | 25872 | 25993 | 26491 | 26492 | 26493 | 26642 | 26748 | 26807 | 28663 | 30243 | 30244 | 31783 | 31892 | 37004 | 37173

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