[patch] [patch 4] Link libdbus-internal to the shared libdbus-1 under CMake, too (rebased)
0001-Link-libdbus-internal-to-the-shared-libdbus-1-under-.patch (text/plain), 2.01 KB, created by Ralf Habacker on 2015-02-12 22:14:50 UTC
Creator: Ralf Habacker
Created: 2015-02-12 22:14:50 UTC
Size: 2.01 KB
Actions: View | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 83115: 105309 | 105441 | 105887 | 106146 | 106147 | 106150 | 106687 | 106688 | 106689 | 113423 | 113424 | 113673 | 113686 | 113687 | 113688 | 113690 | 113691 | 113692 | 113697 | 113698 | 113702

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