[patch] On Windows make access to member 'refcount' of struct DBusBabysitter thread save (update 1)
0003-On-Windows-make-access-to-member-refcount-of-struct-.patch (text/plain), 3.51 KB, created by Ralf Habacker on 2016-05-12 20:35:25 UTC
Creator: Ralf Habacker
Created: 2016-05-12 20:35:25 UTC
Size: 3.51 KB
Actions: View | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 95191: 123326 | 123585 | 123606 | 123607 | 123615 | 123616 | 123655 | 123656 | 123657 | 123660 | 123661 | 123662 | 123682 | 123695 | 123738 | 123739 | 123740 | 123741 | 123742 | 123754 | 123779 | 123782 | 123783 | 123830 | 123913 | 123936 | 125072 | 125075

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