[patch] [3] _dbus_lm_strerror: move default behaviour inside switch
0003-_dbus_lm_strerror-move-default-behaviour-inside-swit.patch (text/plain), 1.65 KB, created by Simon McVittie on 2017-03-24 19:42:39 UTC
Creator: Simon McVittie
Created: 2017-03-24 19:42:39 UTC
Size: 1.65 KB
Actions: View | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 98191: 127281 | 127282 | 127283 | 127284 | 127285 | 127286 | 129005 | 130424 | 130425 | 130426 | 130427 | 130428 | 130429 | 130430 | 130431 | 130432 | 130433 | 130434 | 130435 | 130436 | 130437 | 130438 | 130439 | 130442 | 130743

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