[patch] [PATCH] x86/sysfb_efi: Add quirks for some devices with swapped width and height
0001-x86-sysfb_efi-Add-quirks-for-some-devices-with-swapp.patch (text/plain), 2.94 KB, created by Hans de Goede on 2019-07-21 15:28:19 UTC
Creator: Hans de Goede
Created: 2019-07-21 15:28:19 UTC
Size: 2.94 KB
Actions: View | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 109267: 143051 | 143114 | 143593 | 143628 | 143646 | 143647 | 143648 | 143649 | 143670 | 144039 | 144040 | 144041 | 144043 | 144045 | 144131 | 144151 | 144208 | 144834

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