[patch] McdAccountManager: use tp_dbus_daemon_register_object
0014-McdAccountManager-use-tp_dbus_daemon_register_object.patch (text/plain), 1.80 KB, created by Simon McVittie on 2012-09-27 17:43:25 UTC
Creator: Simon McVittie
Created: 2012-09-27 17:43:25 UTC
Size: 1.80 KB
Actions: View | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 55391: 67778 | 67779 | 67780 | 67781 | 67782 | 67783 | 67784 | 67785 | 67786 | 67787 | 67788 | 67789 | 67790 | 67791 | 67792 | 67793 | 67794 | 67795 | 67796 | 67797 | 68263 | 68265 | 68267 | 68268 | 74761 | 74762 | 74763 | 85499 | 85500 | 85501 | 85502 | 85503 | 85504 | 85543

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