Sun Feb 2 2025 03:42:27 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
34548 LibreOff Presenta dtardon RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH in action after Undo 2013-05-17
32948 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Address Book Data Source Wizard fails with message "No SDBC driver was found" 2012-10-06
38913 LibreOff Libreoff sbergman RESO FIXE CRASH at startup citing msvcr90.dll after upgrade (most likely related to javasettings_Windows_x86.xml in the user profile) 2012-09-14
36681 LibreOff Writer VERI FIXE EDITING: after insert/removal of a picture (or alike) view scrolls to begin/end of document 2013-11-24
33302 LibreOff Libreoff thb VERI FIXE FILEOPEN/EDITING RTL text: parentheses and brackets "(...) [...]" inverted to ")...( ]...[" with some fonts 2013-11-14
5 bugs found.


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