Mon Mar 31 2025 23:41:18 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
5734 cairo freetype otaylor RESO FIXE crash with bitmap fonts containing 0x0 glyphs 2006-04-12
4823 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE test statements at end of configure script use non-portable == 2006-03-18
5528 cairo xlib bac cworth RESO FIXE _XError from XRenderCompositeText8 2006-03-03
6176 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE Null pointer dereference on OOM in _cairo_output_stream_create_for_file() 2006-03-13
6196 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE Memory leak in _cairo_clip_intersect_path (src/cairo-clip.c) 2006-03-13
6197 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE Null pointer dereference on OOM in _clip_and_composite_trapezoids() 2007-01-23
4674 cairo freetype otaylor RESO FIXE ft-font-create-for-ft-face works by pure chance 2006-01-20
7 bugs found.


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