Thu Dec 19 2024 17:40:47 UTC
Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but no one has entered any.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
97259 DRI IGT dri-devel CLOS DUPL Some gem_shrink subcases return fail instead of pass 2017-09-14
95209 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs CLOS DUPL [IGT] [BXT-P/HSW/BSW/KBL/IVB/BDW/SKL/BSW/GLK] gem_shrink some subtests fail 2017-09-07
99926 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs CLOS DUPL [BXT] gem_shrink family subtests are failing 2017-07-24
104253 DRI DRM/Inte intel-gfx-bugs CLOS DUPL [IGT][BXT] failure function userptr 2018-01-04
4 bugs found.


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