Bug 107059

Summary: vkCmdCopyImage - Double Optimize
Product: Mesa Reporter: Michael Hübner <superschneider>
Component: Drivers/Vulkan/intelAssignee: Intel 3D Bugs Mailing List <intel-3d-bugs>
Status: RESOLVED INVALID QA Contact: Intel 3D Bugs Mailing List <intel-3d-bugs>
Severity: normal    
Priority: medium CC: jason
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: Other   
OS: All   
i915 platform: i915 features:
Attachments: Renderdoc - Source Image
Renderdoc - Target Image Array
Copy example

Description Michael Hübner 2018-06-28 06:31:18 UTC

I'm creating my images with a staging buffer with tiling mode VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL.
Then I select a set of images, which I try to copy with vkCmdCopyImage to an 2d array of images. Thus the srcImageLayout is optimal tiling and the target too. I think what now happens is that the intel driver tries to optimize it again for the target, which shouldn't happen since the source image is already optimized. 
It works correctly with any other vulkan driver I have tested (Radv, Nvidia (Windows & Linux), AMD (Windows)).
Comment 1 Jason Ekstrand 2018-06-30 03:51:59 UTC
Unfortunately, there is not nearly enough information in this bug report for us to be able to do anything with it.  Could you provide some example code or something that shows off the bug?  Also, please run with the validation layers and ensure that there are no errors.
Comment 2 Michael Hübner 2018-06-30 07:55:37 UTC
Created attachment 140393 [details]
Renderdoc - Source Image

This is the source image. It is already loaded into my application, where I select a few images, which are then assembled to an image array. It is created with VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL through an staging buffer and with vkCmdCopyBufferToImage.
Comment 3 Michael Hübner 2018-06-30 07:56:53 UTC
Created attachment 140394 [details]
Renderdoc - Target Image Array

This is the target image array, where the source image is copied to vkCmdCopyImage.
Comment 4 Michael Hübner 2018-06-30 08:00:28 UTC
Created attachment 140395 [details]
Copy example

This is my copy function. It is written in rust, if there are any questions about how things work, just ask them.
Comment 5 Jason Ekstrand 2018-07-06 19:05:21 UTC
Here's your problem:

> command_buffer.set_image_layout(
>     image,
>     subresource_range.clone(),
> );

The UNDEFINED layout doesn't mean "I don't know", it means "undefined contents".  Transitioning an image from UNDEFINED to anything may discard or corrupt its contents.
Comment 6 Michael Hübner 2018-07-06 20:41:02 UTC
Ah wow, I thought it is more something like "I don't care". Thank you very much. This issue is no issue anymore and can be closed.

Sorry for inconvenience.

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