Bug 18826

Summary: Cannot render any .ps or .eps
Product: libspectre Reporter: Daniel Macks <dmacks>
Component: generalAssignee: Carlos Garcia Campos <carlosgc>
Status: RESOLVED MOVED QA Contact: Carlos Garcia Campos <carlosgc>
Severity: blocker    
Priority: medium CC: ajacoutot
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: PowerPC   
OS: Mac OS X (All)   
i915 platform: i915 features:

Description Daniel Macks 2008-11-30 18:04:08 UTC
Platform: OS X 10.4/ppc XCode-2.5

1. Compile and install libgs shared lib from ghostscript-8.63
2. Compile and install libspectre-0.2.2
3. Try to open various .ps and .eps files using test/parser-test
4. Try to open various .ps and .eps files using test/spectre-test
5. Compile evince-2.24.2 (all dependent libs at the level of GNOME2.24, supplied by fink)
6. Try to open various .ps and .eps files using evince

Files tried:

ghostscript's examples directory:
alphabet.ps  colorcir.ps  golfer.eps   snowflak.ps  waterfal.ps  
annots.pdf   doretree.ps  grayalph.ps  tiger.eps    
chess.ps     escher.ps    ridt91.eps   vasarely.ps  

xv's docs:
epsf.ps xpm.ps xvdocs.ps xvtitle.ps

All give same results:
In #3 no warnings or errors, and parsed off files named output.ps, prolog.txt, setup.txt, trailer.txt. I have no idea what they should contain though.

In #4, all fail the same way. For example, alphabet.ps:
>Testing libspectre version: 0.2.2
>process 21276: spectre_document_load: assertion `document != NULL' failed (spectre-document.c:57)
>Rendering document
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering document: render error
>Rendering document at 2x
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering document at 2x: render error
>fatal internal error -100Error exporting document as pdf: exporter error
>fatal internal error -100Error saving document as /tmp/foo/document-copy.pdf: >save error
>Document format: Unknown
>Postscript language level: 0
>Encapsulated PostScript: No
>Number of pages: 1
>Title: (null)
>Creator: (null)
>For: (null)
>Creation date: (null)
>Document Orientation: Portrait
>Page 0
>        Page label: (null)
>        Page size: 612 x 792
>        Page orientation: Portrait
>Error getting page 0 by its label (null): page is invalid
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 0: render error
>Rendering page 0 slice 204, 264, 204, 264
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page slice 204, 264, 204, 264: render error
>Rendering page 0 in a4 page
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page in a4 page: render error
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 0 at rotation 0: render error
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 1 at rotation 90: render error
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 2 at rotation 180: render error
>fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 3 at rotation 270: render error

Looking at spectre-test, first diagnostic is obvious (and intended?), given:
>spectre_document_load (NULL, argv[1]);
and the diagnostic occurs when parameter 1 is NULL. The rest, I have no idea, but a ton of render and export errors indicate something is very wrong here.

In #6, any file gives a bunch of:
>** (evince:15472): WARNING **: Error rendering thumbnail
>fatal internal error -100fatal internal error -100fatal internal error -100

and the file doesn't actually get beyond the "loading..." stage. Looks like the same problem (whatever it is) as spectre-test is having.

I know nothing about postscript, but could try to debug a little with some guidance for what/where to look.
Comment 1 Daniel Macks 2009-03-16 20:10:23 UTC
Alright this is ridiculous...4 months with a serious bug and not even a response of where to look or how to help solve it? I upgraded libgs to 8.64 and now spectre-test crashes outright with both .pdf and .ps that look fine in other viewers:

Testing libspectre version: 0.2.2
process 15493: spectre_document_load: assertion `document != NULL' failed (spectre-document.c:57)
Rendering document
Bus error

crash.log has:

PID:    15408
Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x0000000b

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libspectre.1.dylib 	0x00031a9c spectre_presize + 28 (spectre-device.c:72)
1   libgs.8.64.dylib   	0x0117ba38 display_open + 296
2   libgs.8.64.dylib   	0x012eb8b8 gs_opendevice + 72
3   libgs.8.64.dylib   	0x01080fe0 display_set_callback + 240
4   libgs.8.64.dylib   	0x0107dcac gs_main_init2 + 428
5   libgs.8.64.dylib   	0x01080614 gs_main_init_with_args + 724
6   libspectre.1.dylib 	0x000310d4 spectre_gs_run + 20 (spectre-gs.c:190)
7   libspectre.1.dylib 	0x00031f4c spectre_device_render + 748 (spectre-device.c:255)
8   libspectre.1.dylib 	0x000325cc spectre_page_render + 220 (spectre-page.c:164)
9   libspectre.1.dylib 	0x0003084c spectre_document_render_full + 252 (spectre-document.c:338)
10  libspectre.1.dylib 	0x000308fc spectre_document_render + 124 (spectre-document.c:355)
11  spectre-test       	0x00002b5c main + 188 (spectre-test.c:219)
12  spectre-test       	0x000027dc _start + 760
13  spectre-test       	0x000024e0 start + 48

Comment 2 Carlos Garcia Campos 2009-03-17 06:38:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Alright this is ridiculous...4 months with a serious bug and not even a
> response of where to look or how to help solve it?

I'm sorry, but I have been quite busy, I have this bug in my TODO list, so I haven't forgotten it. It's not easy to fix since it's not reproducible for me, and I don't have a Mac OSX to try with. 

> I upgraded libgs to 8.64 and
> now spectre-test crashes outright with both .pdf and .ps that look fine in
> other viewers:

spectre is not supposed to open PDF files, it should crash anyway, though.

> Testing libspectre version: 0.2.2
> process 15493: spectre_document_load: assertion `document != NULL' failed
> (spectre-document.c:57)
> Rendering document
> Bus error
> crash.log has:
> PID:    15408
> Thread: 0
> Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
> Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x0000000b
> Thread 0 Crashed:
> 0   libspectre.1.dylib  0x00031a9c spectre_presize + 28 (spectre-device.c:72)
> 1   libgs.8.64.dylib    0x0117ba38 display_open + 296
> 2   libgs.8.64.dylib    0x012eb8b8 gs_opendevice + 72
> 3   libgs.8.64.dylib    0x01080fe0 display_set_callback + 240
> 4   libgs.8.64.dylib    0x0107dcac gs_main_init2 + 428
> 5   libgs.8.64.dylib    0x01080614 gs_main_init_with_args + 724
> 6   libspectre.1.dylib  0x000310d4 spectre_gs_run + 20 (spectre-gs.c:190)
> 7   libspectre.1.dylib  0x00031f4c spectre_device_render + 748
> (spectre-device.c:255)
> 8   libspectre.1.dylib  0x000325cc spectre_page_render + 220
> (spectre-page.c:164)
> 9   libspectre.1.dylib  0x0003084c spectre_document_render_full + 252
> (spectre-document.c:338)
> 10  libspectre.1.dylib  0x000308fc spectre_document_render + 124
> (spectre-document.c:355)
> 11  spectre-test        0x00002b5c main + 188 (spectre-test.c:219)
> 12  spectre-test        0x000027dc _start + 760
> 13  spectre-test        0x000024e0 start + 48

I'll look at it as soon as I find some time. 

Comment 3 Carlos Garcia Campos 2009-04-19 08:15:08 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> > I upgraded libgs to 8.64 and
> > now spectre-test crashes outright with both .pdf and .ps that look fine in
> > other viewers:
> spectre is not supposed to open PDF files, it should crash anyway, though.

hmm, I meant it *shouldn't* crash anyway. 

> I'll look at it as soon as I find some time. 

I'm sorry but I don't know what's the problem. Have you tried rendering ps documents directly with gs?
Comment 4 Daniel Macks 2009-04-25 12:52:50 UTC
'gs myfile.ps' renders fine, 'spectre-test myfile.ps' crashes. I tried applying the git patches after 0.2.2, didn't help. I'm on a powerpc machine...will ask my Intel-Mac friends to try it, rule in/out some endianness problem.
Comment 5 Antoine Jacoutot 2009-08-16 06:49:22 UTC
I'm having the exact same issue under OpenBSD-current (i386).

$ echo foobar > test  

$ a2ps test -o test.ps
[test (plain): 1 page on 1 sheet]
[Total: 1 page on 1 sheet] saved into the file `test.ps'

$ ./spectre-test test.ps
Testing libspectre version: 0.2.2
process 19062: spectre_document_load: assertion `document != NULL' failed (spectre-document.c:57)
Rendering document
fatal internal error -100Error rendering document: render error
Rendering document at 2x
fatal internal error -100Error rendering document at 2x: render error
GPL Ghostscript 8.63: **** Could not open the file (null)/output.pdf .
fatal internal error -100Error exporting document as pdf: exporter error
Error exporting document as ps: exporter error
Error saving document as (null)/document-copy.ps: save error
GPL Ghostscript 8.63: **** Could not open the file (null)/document-copy.pdf .
fatal internal error -100Error saving document as (null)/document-copy.pdf: save error
Document format: PS-Adobe-3.0
Postscript language level: 0
Encapsulated PostScript: No
Number of pages: 1
Title: test
Creator: a2ps version 4.14
For: Antoine Jacoutot
Creation date: Sun Aug 16 15:43:03 2009
Document Orientation: Landscape
Page 0
        Page label: 1
        Page size: 595 x 842
        Page orientation: Landscape
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 0: render error
Rendering page 0 slice 198, 280, 198, 280
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page slice 198, 280, 198, 280: render error
Rendering page 0 in a4 page
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page in a4 page: render error
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 0 at rotation 0: render error
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 1 at rotation 90: render error
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 2 at rotation 180: render error
fatal internal error -100Error rendering page 3 at rotation 270: render error

For info, "gs test.ps" works without issue.
Comment 6 Antoine Jacoutot 2009-08-21 13:02:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)

I forgot to mention that the error comes from:

success = spectre_gs_run (gs, n_args, args);
if (!success) {
     spectre_gs_free (gs);

(line 255 of libspectre/spectre-device.c)

Note that it is a major issue since no PS file can be render on neither MacOS X nor OpenBSD :-(
Comment 7 Antoine Jacoutot 2009-09-10 00:25:13 UTC
So I guess running libspectre on something else than Linux on x86 is of no interest...
Comment 8 Carlos Garcia Campos 2009-09-10 01:38:52 UTC
I'm looking forward to seeing this bug fixed, but I don't have the hw/sw required to reproduce the issue.  Any help is greatly appreciated. 
Comment 9 Antoine Jacoutot 2009-09-11 03:08:42 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> I'm looking forward to seeing this bug fixed, but I don't have the hw/sw
> required to reproduce the issue.  Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Commit 077182e1fe53131d7c88cc1a0f278403e60bdc32 fixed my issue under OpenBSD, thank you very very much!

On a side note, I wonder if adding a check to make sure ghostcript was compiled with the "display" device wouldn't be nice... since I got trapped by this ;-)
Comment 10 Carlos Garcia Campos 2009-09-11 03:15:12 UTC
Daniel, could you check whether it is fixed for you too? if not, could you check your ghostscript is compiled with display device support?
Comment 11 Daniel Macks 2009-09-12 21:05:29 UTC
Applying that patch does not help: same crash (bus error with same trace) as in Comment #1.
Comment 12 Daniel Macks 2009-09-12 21:11:47 UTC
Oops, hit submit before finished responding:(

My libgs-8.64 is ./configured with --disable-gtk --disable-cups. I really don't know anything about gs...is there something I have to do to enable support for the "display" device, or some way I can check that it's actually built into my lib?
Comment 13 Antoine Jacoutot 2009-09-13 00:40:56 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> Oops, hit submit before finished responding:(
> My libgs-8.64 is ./configured with --disable-gtk --disable-cups. I really don't
> know anything about gs...is there something I have to do to enable support for
> the "display" device, or some way I can check that it's actually built into my
> lib?

Yes, you need to configure with --enable-gtk

If you want to know which devices are compiled in, yo can run:
gs -?
Comment 14 Carlos Garcia Campos 2009-10-10 04:44:28 UTC
Daniel, is this still reproducible for you? did you check you have gs built with display device enabled?
Comment 15 Daniel Macks 2009-10-21 07:59:34 UTC
(Not sure where my response went.)  Even with --enable-gtk, I still get the same results. For some reason, display device is forced disabled (explicitly, without explanation in the configure scripts) on darwin regardless of any other settings. I have no idea why (there is no comment anywhere *why* building display support is disabled even if x11 is available). I tried patching to un-disable it and it still did not give a display device--I'll follow up with gs upstream. But for now, this makes spectre hopeless on darwin:( Will update if I learn anything further or it gets fixed.

Mean time, Comment #9 has an important idea: checking for this situation or at least not-crashing now that it's recognizeable failure mode. Best would be a runtime error message (since sys-admin could disable this feature in gs not realizing its importance) about gs not being able to be launched.
Comment 16 Daniel Macks 2012-10-28 04:43:47 UTC
libspectre-0.2.7's spectre-test and parser-test seem to work now on OS X 10.6 (intel; Apple discontinued powerpc hardware a few years ago). One major help was browsing the test/*.c sources to realize that the programs needed a second parameter--is a directory where intermediate and final output files go. Without that, there are lots of write errors and actions skipped, but no indication that it is a usage error rather than an actual testing problem. Would be useful if their main() checked that argv[2] is a writable directory.
Comment 17 GitLab Migration User 2018-10-12 21:37:30 UTC
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