Bug 7153

Summary: Maximizing windows incorrectly
Product: xorg Reporter: Bjørn Haagensen <bhaagensen>
Component: App/compizAssignee: David Reveman <reveman>
Severity: minor    
Priority: high    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: x86 (IA32)   
OS: Linux (All)   
i915 platform: i915 features:
Description Flags
Incorrectly maximized window none

Description Bjørn Haagensen 2006-06-07 15:13:10 UTC
Certain cases seems to cause maximizing windows to behave incorrectly in the
sense that the window does not fill the entire screen. A small gap on top and to
the left of the window if left uncovered. See attached screenshot.

I can reliably reproduce with gnome-terminal.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Configure gnome terminal to hide toolbar/menubar.
2. Open 2 tabs in gnome terminal. (due to 1. only tab bar and text-area should
now be displayed.)
3. Maximize gnome terminal.
Comment 1 Bjørn Haagensen 2006-06-07 15:15:39 UTC
Created attachment 5843 [details]
Incorrectly maximized window
Comment 2 Bjørn Haagensen 2006-06-08 02:40:51 UTC
I'm seeing this also in emacs-snapshot (or emacs-cvs)
Comment 3 David Reveman 2006-06-08 18:21:06 UTC
I've made positioning of maximized windows a little bit better in CVS but what's
in that screenshot is not a bug. gnome-terminal doesn't allow the window to be
maximized fully as its size is an increment of characters. e.g. resizing the
window to 80.5 characters would be bad.

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