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172 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
45271 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE : The way Writer counting Chinese words is not correct 2012-04-05
31494 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm CLOS FIXE LibreOffice 3.3 crashes upon exiting on Windows 2014-08-16
40345 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE [EDITING] SwAnchoredObject::GetAnchorFrm crash on loading styles from other document 2011-08-25
44078 LibreOff UI caolanm CLOS FIXE [he] UI is displayed with squares instead of translation due to bad font selection 2012-11-26
31654 LibreOff Libreoff CLOS FIXE XHTML export broken 2011-01-12
37387 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE UI: CTL text direction properties appear at the position used by separator line properties settings 2011-08-30
39447 LibreOff Writer CLOS DUPL Writer crashes at closing a document with footnotes in a single paragraph over two pages 2011-12-23
37993 LibreOff Spreadsh erack CLOS DUPL FILESAVE: ODF formula export: errors incorrectly saved 2013-06-24
63306 LibreOff BASIC erack CLOS FIXE BASIC: FileDateTime Function 2013-05-10
53640 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice CLOS FIXE PIVOTTABLE from Datasource (Base, Query) shows wrong results 2013-12-12
74512 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice CLOS FIXE Formula error if apostrophe in a sheet name 2015-01-22
31240 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE SQL queries involving a join make incorrect results. 2011-01-12
32018 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Base crashes opening a second database FILEOPEN 2011-12-22
33355 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Python scripting not available 2011-05-20
35723 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTO On x86_64 architecture, Libreoffice will crash (SIGSEGV) during startup in zlib library 2011-12-23
36285 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK LibO 3.4 beta1 – No available language modules, spell check is impossible 2011-12-22
37670 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL PRINTING: Parts of the document are printed extremely enlarged 2012-05-08
39740 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FORMATTING Calc Cell bottom border line through dot NET 4 automation 2012-01-27
40977 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Errors in opening RTF documents 2012-03-19
42660 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Significant slow startup times and increased memory utilization compared to Oo 3.3 (FILEOPEN) 2011-12-24
43349 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE mailmerge: Conditional text does not work 2014-08-15
48653 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA EDITING: Master slides formatting won't be applied to 100% 2012-04-14
49840 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE XLSX FILEOPEN Text in cells is lost 2013-12-22
53656 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL PIVOTTABLE: Pivot tables that worked in 3.5.n fail in 3.6 2012-08-21
58578 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL EDITING - Actual Technology ODBC opensource DB driver displays spurious padding characters in table on OSX 10.8.2 2013-01-11
60193 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Numbering 2013-11-17
62216 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Cross reference to Endnote error after saving and reopening 2013-08-01
63563 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA EDITING: Apostrophe ( ' ) text enforcer shows inside the cell 2013-06-15
65630 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK CRASH - opening mysql table using native mysql C connector causes LO to crash 2014-09-17
67881 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK IMPORT DOCX: Table alignment incorrect for second row. 2014-01-28
72497 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE BUGZILLAASSISTANT: BSA doesn't work with Safari (OX) or Chrome (GNU/Linux) (no selection or log-in options) 2013-12-10
72729 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Creating A DAtabase Connection not Possible 2013-12-21
72815 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL LibreOffice does not remember modified connector routings 2013-12-19
73814 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE grouped shape in ODG file badly distorted when inserted in Writer document 2014-01-27
35784 LibreOff Database lionel CLOS FIXE EDITING - unable to update postgresql databases using postgres SDBC driver 2012-10-07
52388 LibreOff Database lionel CLOS WORK EDITING - postgresql data not writable, updatable, modifiable using built-in connector 2013-02-11
33320 LibreOff WWW michael.meeks CLOS FIXE Version picker: New version LibO 3.3.0 RC4 is missing 2011-01-22
39003 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE Undo for autoformat actions does not reset the cursor properly 2012-04-15
40482 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE CONFIGURATION: Formatting aids - displayed nonprinting characters become unchecked during printing and PDF export 2012-05-12
71866 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE Indexes and TOX do not update 2014-01-24
31770 LibreOff Localiza pmladek CLOS FIXE BrOffice brand and LibreOffice 2011-01-12
76635 LibreOff Writer rajashri.udhoji CLOS FIXE TABLE: Table borders not preserved after RT 2014-04-17
33904 LibreOff Database thb CLOS WORK Opening Report in ODB causes LibO to enter hang / race condition, requiring forced kill 2011-12-23
67130 LibreOff Database timar74 CLOS FIXE LibO does not start if not all components of LibO are installed in certain cases 2014-06-20
37290 LibreOff Libreoff bjoern.michaelsen CLOS FIXE remote / python / UNO malfunctions 2011-12-24
37180 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli CLOS WORK Non Linear Solver plugin missing in beta5 2011-06-18
30825 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm CLOS FIXE LibO 3.3.0beta2 crashes when trying to update extensions where the update feature is not programmed. 2011-03-01
32633 LibreOff UI caolanm CLOS FIXE Title pages dialog box: need space for localization 2011-01-22
33455 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm CLOS FIXE 1bit PNGs rendered in black and white 2014-06-29
34920 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE [FORMATTING] Full justification does nothing 2011-03-07
39365 LibreOff Linguist caolanm CLOS DUPL Spell check does not work after copy / paste, modified language not recognized 2012-01-21
40449 LibreOff Linguist caolanm CLOS FIXE SPELLCHECK does not recognize text language 2012-08-14
45521 LibreOff Writer caolanm CLOS FIXE [FILEOPEN] LibO Writer changes decimal delimiter when opening a sdw file which causes data loss after saving 2012-04-04
30604 LibreOff Libreoff CLOS FIXE full stop of LibO after pasting table with hyperlink as RTF and clicking in pasted table 2010-11-01
31362 LibreOff Libreoff CLOS FIXE RTF: new RTF export locks RTF file until LibO is closed 2011-01-12
31904 LibreOff UI CLOS FIXE In WRITER: Cannot scroll through document when notes are present 2011-12-24
32039 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE File > Send > Outline to Clipboard broken 2011-01-12
36957 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE EDITING: Insert TOC – Edit – Writer crashes 2011-10-29
45959 LibreOff Writer CLOS FIXE header/footer separator line shows without use of the mouse, which is ugly 2012-09-17
38544 LibreOff Spreadsh christoph.spamforme CLOS FIXE UI: No edit of OLE without mouse, Navigator access inconsistent 2011-10-29
45848 LibreOff Drawing detective.conan.1412 CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN particular PDF: Characters duplicated 2012-05-11
33914 LibreOff Presenta dtardon CLOS FIXE Presenter-Console duplicates (echoes) sound in video 2012-04-17
45219 LibreOff Presenta dtardon CLOS FIXE SLIDESHOW: Transparency gradient effect fade in with wrong VIEWING 2012-04-12
37349 LibreOff Localiza erack CLOS FIXE Catalan and Catalan (Valencian) have the same menu entry at the language options menu 2013-12-18
37658 LibreOff Spreadsh erack CLOS DUPL text color FORMATING in calc 2011-12-23
46338 LibreOff Spreadsh erack CLOS FIXE Substitution of missing references with "#REF!" makes correcting formulas impossible 2012-10-19
32185 LibreOff Localiza fridrich.strba CLOS FIXE UI - Untranslated WRITER dialog for 'Format -> Title Page' 2010-12-28
51279 LibreOff Localiza gautier.sophie CLOS WORK UI: Help/About Website button link should lead to localized LibO Website 2013-12-05
44681 LibreOff Extensio g.h.m.van.valkenhoef CLOS FIXE EasyHack: port to CLucene from java/Lucene ... 2012-02-23
64606 LibreOff Libreoff James_beckert CLOS WORK LibreOffice 4.0 - Fatal Error The application cannot be started. Error while reinstalling all previously deployed packages of context user 2014-02-05
32196 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice CLOS FIXE Data Form shows corrupted string. 2011-01-13
32213 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice CLOS FIXE [EDITING]: Paste Unformatted Text broken for complex cell contents 2011-01-28
30883 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Base - Report Wizard Crashes LibreOffice 2011-12-22
31360 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Crash when importing a certain word-document 2013-11-23
31422 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Spell checker does not work in Writer 2012-05-04
31752 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Error on closing 2010-11-21
31795 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL DDE SERVER WINDOW: Soffice.bin - APPLICATION ERROR 2010-11-21
31944 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE VBA Properties not fully displayed 2011-01-13
32178 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK rdmaker SIGSEGVs during build on s390 2012-04-24
32503 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTO EDITING Extremely slow 2011-12-22
32824 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Spell check no longer works 2011-01-14
32873 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK "Insert data immediately" has no effect at 'Create table' on Table wizard 2011-05-24
32920 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Broken link for LGPLv3 license at footer of every page ( 2011-01-09
33620 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Postgresql connection 2011-05-24
33736 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA No Auto-increment checkbox (or such) in table design 2011-02-03
33896 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA User-created new dictionaries are uneditable and undeletable 2012-04-21
34471 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Paragraph indent cannot work well in using char unit 2011-03-12
34520 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Repair does not work from direct WIN7 selection 2011-08-02
34650 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL ODBC Link Broken 2011-11-29
34769 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA very slow after hibernate 2012-01-27
34855 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Unable to create hyperlink by copy and paste 2012-08-08
35342 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK LibreOffice Writer Crashes for unknown reason. No specific error code is given. 2012-05-08
35380 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Wrong spell checking of double s and sharp s in german 2011-12-23
35451 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL LO crash by using the Report Builder at Cancel 2011-06-03
35467 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Spelling checker isn't working at all after upgrade from OOo 2012-01-21
35553 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Calc doesn't calculate fractions correctly 2012-05-04
35558 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK LO-3.4: wrong default toolbars in writer 2012-01-05
35620 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Libre Office can't import MS Office documents correctly 2011-09-08
36034 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Incorrect VIEWING .RTF .DOCX .DOC documents 2012-03-18
36519 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE For default saving options, ODF format is replaced by the filter names (writer8, calc8, etc.) 2011-06-17
36623 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN: Can not open documents with Unicode (Chinese) Filenames 2011-12-24
36639 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Form generator crashes 2011-12-22
37898 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Printing documents with draw-lines and images -> False printing result 2011-09-29
38293 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Format Cell dialog doesn't accept number format with locale specifier 2012-01-10
38546 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA No available language modules , spell check is impossible 2011-12-22
38773 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Crash recovery dialog (and other dialogues) display list box with insufficient height 2011-12-22
39079 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL LO 3.4.1 Final 2011.07.01 - Spell Check still broken 2011-12-25
39090 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Russian dictionary is not installed properly 2012-01-21
39232 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE Cannot open an rtf file (Russian text) that opens successfully in OpenOffice 3.3.0 2012-03-19
39925 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL LO crashes on closing document in LO 3.4.2 2011-12-25
39981 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK automatic correctioin of two capital letters in word initial position does not work anymore 2012-06-16
40246 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN RTF: All rows or columns of table shown as one 2012-03-19
40585 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL "Format->Cells" crashes Calc 2012-04-21
40671 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS WONT Internet Search option is hard to edit because some hotspot areas are not correctly rendered. 2012-03-02
42097 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Formula: Search criteria fail with parenthesis and bracket characters 2015-01-19
42130 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FILESAVE: can't save to Samba drive 2011-10-23
43197 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Navigator corrupted 2011-12-09
43350 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK A calc spreadsheet alters a .csv file it is linked to, changing the data in the file to incorrect values. 2012-04-04
44605 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK EDITING: crash while column's operations 2012-05-08
45809 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL PDF export options dialogue settings do not show up 2012-04-19
45826 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL The rtf file is crashing Writer 2012-03-21
46558 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Draw and Visio fail 2012-03-28
48281 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Selection of rotated object 2012-06-18
52358 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE ASKLIBREOFFICE: Down, can not be reached 2012-07-22
52471 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL EDITING: Report-Designer eats all memory 2012-09-14
52619 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL EDITING: 1 day is subtracted if typed date is before July 26, 1790 2013-03-25
53869 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK CRASH on startup 2012-08-22
54533 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA Link to external data does not work 2013-10-11
56274 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Crash when selecting items in pivot table dropdown 2012-10-23
57549 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA Index markers are deleted when user accepts all changes done with "Track/Record changes" 2012-11-30
57767 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FILEOPEN: numbering in attached .rtf file saved from Abiword makes LO hang 2013-11-16
58421 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA all graphics icons are missing, not rendered on screen 2013-11-16
63960 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA FILESAVE: Formula string truncated when longer than 255 letters 2013-07-01
64998 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK FORMATTING: <<Paste Icon - Copy/Paste as unformatted text>> does not respect existing cell formatting 2013-11-20
65392 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL LibreOffice calc FILESAVE FILEOPEN: header rows are not read correctly 2013-06-05
67112 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS FIXE REPORTBUILDER - L10n - Many of the menu items are not translated (French and German user interface) 2014-05-31
68061 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA PDF: en dash (–) and the em dash (—) are blank on pdf output EXCEPT within a Section 2013-08-13
69841 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL SetDataArray removes direct formatting 2014-02-05
72067 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL EDITING: Connector lines randomly change position 2013-12-17
75839 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL FORMATTING: Red underline by spell checker is broken if you change the (cell) language 2015-01-24
76161 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs CLOS INVA [NEW] Import more than one spreadsheet ODS/XLS into BASE as separate tables 2014-03-14
79282 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS DUPL Calc FILEOPEN: On opening excel XLSX function INDEX() is removed from formula 2014-05-27
79829 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs CLOS WORK Writer crashes when setting a new Character Style 2014-07-23
80132 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs CLOS NOTA Name manager causes hard crash on save 2014-06-26
42865 LibreOff Database lionel CLOS FIXE MySQL native driver: free() on non-heap pointer; in debug mode abort() 2012-05-23
41413 LibreOff WWW loic CLOS FIXE BUGZILLAASSISTANT: Message "There is no Component named 'WRITER' ... 2011-10-06
40958 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard CLOS FIXE EDITING: Copy row to clipboard incomplete ... or: pasting copied row to other rows, makes that data in that row is repeated until the last column 2012-04-04
32229 LibreOff Localiza michael.meeks CLOS FIXE Adjusts in the name of LO in pt-BR to "BrOffice" in the installer and menus 2011-01-14
44073 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE ODF: various defects in page style layout grid export 2013-11-17
44082 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE ODF: invalid hyphenation attributes written 2012-02-24
47717 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo CLOS FIXE Paragraph border visible through an image 2012-04-26
30853 LibreOff Libreoff nopower CLOS FIXE Crash when running a specific macro in documents. 2013-11-23
30856 LibreOff Libreoff nopower CLOS FIXE LibO Crash when editing a specific macro in documents. 2010-11-01
51269 LibreOff BASIC nopower CLOS FIXE Copying controls in Basic dialog broken and leads to crash 2012-11-23
31764 LibreOff Libreoff pmladek CLOS FIXE Unopkg add failed with pyUno code 2011-01-15
74772 LibreOff Libreoff rajashri.udhoji CLOS FIXE File Corruption - Issue related to List Bullet Numbering 2015-01-24
67109 LibreOff Database sbergman CLOS FIXE REPORTBUILDER - The labels displayed in some options lists do not match the functionality 2013-09-09
76015 LibreOff Writer sushilshinde CLOS FIXE FILESAVE : LO exports corrupt document contaning multiple header.xml. 2014-03-18
32304 LibreOff Presenta thb CLOS FIXE Impress exports grouped objects incorrectly to ppt 2011-01-15
39467 LibreOff Libreoff thb CLOS FIXE Crash when opening new document from particular EXTENSION 2011-10-03
33798 LibreOff Installa timar74 CLOS FIXE In certain partial installation scenarios just one "module" gets installed 2014-06-18
36677 LibreOff Installa timar74 CLOS FIXE Uninstall Problems with MSI on Windows 7 64bit 2014-10-03
44040 LibreOff Writer timar74 CLOS FIXE VIEWING: Crash when page preview after <f4> (data sources) 2012-01-28
46144 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s CLOS FIXE "Distributy Columns Evenly" does not work with the selected columns, but affects all columns in the table 2012-04-09
72775 LibreOff Libreoff tushar.bende CLOS FIXE LibreOffice hang after opening of gp_framework_final_draft_sent_to_shaw_070312.doc 2014-03-21
36877 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE Comments are not displayed upon saving and reopening RTF, are lost on re-saving 2012-03-18
38057 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILESAVE - FILEOPEN - saving a large doc file in rtf-format results in a very big file which LibO can't even open 2012-03-19
42109 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN: RTF import don't understand some field names 2012-03-19
42656 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILESAVE RTF: some images are not exported 2012-03-19
45394 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE [FORMATTING] wrong formatting of rtf file 2013-11-27
45543 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE FILEOPEN: Encoding error for Japanese RTF file 2012-04-12
47036 LibreOff Writer vmiklos CLOS FIXE Error in rendering of rtf files generated by Crystal Report engine which were previously OK in LibO 3.4. 2012-04-30
172 bugs found.


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