Sun Dec 22 2024 13:19:12 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
17771 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO DUPL Incorrect default resolution using DVI connected monitor 2008-09-29
19991 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO DUPL poor choice for device to activate on pipe b 2009-02-12
20973 xorg Driver/i gordon.jin RESO DUPL Laptop screen remains on with external monitor and lid closed 2009-03-31
22580 xorg Server/G xorg-team RESO DUPL defaults to non-native screen resolutions (mode change from KMS) 2009-07-29
22751 xorg Driver/i yakui.zhao RESO DUPL [i965] LVDS is enabled even when the lid is closed. 2009-07-14
5 bugs found.


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