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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
55447 LibreOff contrib alex RESO NOTO want BBQ 2013-11-03
68588 LibreOff Database andrzej RESO FIXE abort when trying to open "edit/database/connection type" dialog 2013-08-28
70664 LibreOff Database andrzej RESO FIXE EDITING: Embedded Firebird - Fieldtype BLOB in table-creating-module doesn't save pictures 2014-01-01
73766 LibreOff UI andrzej RESO FIXE Template Manager: [a11y] thumbnail view can not navigate with keyboard onto attribute menubar of each template thumbnail object 2014-05-11
74104 LibreOff Presenta andrzej RESO DUPL CRASH: Impress crashes when searching & replace reaches the end of presentation 2014-02-10
78801 LibreOff Writer andrzej RESO FIXE Copying HTML from web browser - only plain text is pasted 2014-08-04
35345 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli RESO FIXE Cells hidden with filters get changed 2011-05-25
41169 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE All hotkeys are language dependent, don't work in non-Latin keyboard layout 2015-01-06
44664 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE cups landscape woes with pdf: printer truncates Landscape orientation pages to Portrait dimensions 2013-12-04
50855 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE VIEWING: Nimbus Sans L missing styles 2014-04-16
52226 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE Images in .docx and .xlsx files show "Read-Error", probably corrupted by auto-save[Summary in comment # 31] 2016-07-15
58324 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE VIEWING: In Libreoffice 4.0 Beta1, Writer fail to find other fonts for displaying unicode characters. 2013-01-24
62038 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE SLIDESHOW: particular .eps images not shown 2014-09-15
62461 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE LO-4.x.x creates new ODT, ODP and ODG file with fallback PNG graphic first, if an SVG picture inserted into the file 2014-08-15
65501 LibreOff filters caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE Can not save a modified document with backups enabled 2013-06-26
66700 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE REPORTBUILDER - CRASH when deleting field added in Report Design mode 2013-08-30
66924 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Editing master-pages is broken 2013-10-02
67665 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE Style font is not stored for ODG and ODP files: after editing a style, closing and reponening, it is changed 2013-08-28
68220 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: BUG: calc crashes on spell check 2013-12-28
68600 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE properties dialog expands to screen size if long comment is entered 2014-05-07
72022 LibreOff Installa caolanm RESO FIXE Integrated help ignored if installed 2014-02-05
73544 LibreOff Localiza caolanm RESO FIXE Please, update Catalan dictionaries and related resources; ca-ES and ca-ES-valencia locales 2014-06-26
73936 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Can't open .doc file: Writer freezes 2014-05-06
78477 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE segfault on startup, but only with some fonts installed 2014-06-05
79392 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Calc crashes when deleting rows in .CSV file 2014-06-14
81147 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE Assertion failure when right-clicking and selecting Area... on a graphic in Writer 2014-07-11
83633 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE: Crash when save in ODF 1.0/1.1 2014-09-14
84043 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE FILESAVE FILEOPEN ODF import fails after saving due to non well-formed styles.xml (duplicate attributes on draw:enhanced-geometry) 2014-12-18
84752 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Document With Form Controls Unusable Speed 2014-10-18
86552 LibreOff BASIC caolanm RESO FIXE Segmentation fault when I press Ctrl-Z 2014-12-19
86907 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE [Rollit fuzzer]: Calc crashes with invalid memory read 2014-12-07
87760 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH when drawing above hidden text in table 2015-01-23
88378 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH (segfault) when "flip" selected for an image previously saved in .doc 2015-01-22
33368 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE EDITING: Libreoffice writer hangs when saving .doc WORD document 2013-11-13
37516 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FILESAVE LibreOffice does not produce valid DOC documents 2012-07-26
38374 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE writer: changes made to table are lost 2011-10-29
38542 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE FORMATTING TABLE double borders incompatibility with old LibO / OOo Versions 2012-05-23
43679 LibreOff Writer RESO WORK FILEOPEN: LibO crash without warning opening files with Text Frames 2012-04-21
45563 LibreOff Writer ChrRossmanith RESO FIXE incorrect IMPORT of Zotero RTF, regression 2012-03-21
53070 LibreOff Database d.ostrovsky RESO FIXE freeze/hang when connecting to ADO source (e.g. MS Access 2003 mdb / 2007 accdb) 2013-11-13
48946 LibreOff Libreoff dtardon RESO FIXE not find JRE 2012-08-03
49277 LibreOff Presenta dtardon RESO FIXE PPT EXPORT: Tabulators are displaced after exporting to PPT format 2012-12-19
51278 LibreOff Database dtardon RESO FIXE Opening Report fails with Error Message 2012-07-13
80650 LibreOff Formula dtardon RESO FIXE lower case greek alphabet missing in localized Math symbol table 2014-10-21
81004 LibreOff Drawing dtardon RESO FIXE EDITING: Insert special character --> Select --> dialog Format > Character leads to crash 2014-07-15
39192 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Formula involving jump matrix calculate incorrectly 2011-08-24
67094 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Spreadsheet Reads Any Number of Spaces in Cell as a Single Space 2013-07-29
68385 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Cut/paste from different spreadsheets corrupts cell references 2015-01-04
73113 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE LOOKUP function results in #N/A 2014-03-15
76949 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE FILESAVE: .xlsx new functions are saved without _xlfn. prefix and lead to #NAME? error when reloaded 2014-04-03
86809 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE Filter operator "AND" cannot be restored after FILEOPEN 2014-12-15
88398 LibreOff Spreadsh erack RESO FIXE grouped formulas lose listeners when split, recalculation broken 2015-01-23
84620 LibreOff UI eszkadev RESO FIXE The styles drop down menu in Writer crashes LO. 2014-10-19
84810 LibreOff Spreadsh fdbugs RESO FIXE crash in paste special when combine options link and format 2014-10-09
31624 LibreOff Libreoff fridrich.strba RESO FIXE INSTALLATION: Associate Flat XML documents with LibreOffice if XSLT filters will be installed 2012-03-14
61095 LibreOff Spreadsh gcarsan2010 RESO DUPL calc closes when I put the symbol = for an equation 2013-02-21
67011 LibreOff Spreadsh glogow RESO FIXE EDITING: Libreoffice calc hangs when drag&dropping cell(s) in KDE4 2014-03-22
60712 LibreOff Presenta hideki.ikeda RESO FIXE On inserting New Row/column does not inherit the style of cells in table 2014-12-20
58980 LibreOff Writer h.shahpouri RESO DUPL Bad font rendering in justify mode for all language with Arabic scripts 2014-10-30
72639 LibreOff UI jaragunde RESO FIXE ACCESSIBILITY: Recent documents in the new start center don't send the proper a11y events 2014-01-22
68543 LibreOff Spreadsh jawarkars RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: LO calc file not opening. Read-Error. Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml 2014-10-24
69197 LibreOff WWW RESO FIXE BUGZILLA: some final versions still labeled as rc 2014-05-12
78554 LibreOff Drawing jorendc RESO FIXE SVG: Text from SVG no longer displayed in LibreOffice 2014-09-25
51944 LibreOff Localiza lgodard.libre RESO FIXE rename file > quit menu entry was:libroCrash on file > quit 2012-09-16
34350 LibreOff Chart libreoffice RESO FIXE calc crash: too small of an interval range 2011-03-03
37622 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE xls file loses formatting 2011-12-22
38028 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Libo 3.4 release: Calc document EDITING slow (~100% CPU) compared to 3.3.2 (FILESAVE already slow in 3.3.2)) 2012-06-07
44147 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE inserted calcs in writer accept no more input 2012-01-13
53929 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE PIVOTTABLE: incorrect aggregation of values (worked in 2012-09-17
58562 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: copy and paste of CHART from Calc looses Y values 2013-02-05
59056 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Charts are moved between sheets when saving a spreadsheet created with 3.6 2013-02-24
60805 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE VIEWING: Particular border style and width invisible for zoom 100% + Scale 100% 2014-02-07
67128 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Auto Filter Sort Results in Crash 2013-09-02
72470 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: Calc freezes when typing Chinese characters following non-Chinese strings 2014-03-22
73565 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Autofilter on date creates a "dummy" thing instead of date list 2015-01-24
74014 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Editing: Cell formula not updating on redo, even with a forced recalculation 2014-07-23
74556 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE LibO CALC crashes when manipulating comments 2014-02-10
74573 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE In Calc, 'Paste Special' with 'Skip empty cells' does not work 2015-01-24
74584 LibreOff framewor libreoffice RESO FIXE Can no longer copy spreadsheet cells from libreoffice calc to another app like thunderbird and paste as html table. 2017-07-14
74824 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: Inserting cells with Ctrl+Shift+= crashes Calc 2014-02-27
75053 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE CTRL+Z undo of a column deletion does not correctly restore all cell formulas 2014-03-18
75130 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE Cell Borders not exported properly to XLS 2014-06-21
75815 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE EDITING: References of links to external files are changed, inserting or deleting rows above them. 2014-03-12
76663 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO FIXE LibreOffice Calc's PRODUCT function returns incorrect results in array formula 2014-08-20
76912 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice RESO DUPL Other: Bad reference adjustment when inserting multiple lines at once 2014-04-29
32313 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Crashing Open document instance, no FILEOPEN 2013-11-23
33114 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE pasting picture with alpha channel 2014-03-28
33134 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL UI lag on win32 platform (not present in rc2 and present before rc2 and in rc3) 2011-01-17
33658 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL In Traditonal Chinese version,Republic of China Calender's year cannot over 100 2011-01-31
33858 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Does not save as DOC format in the Writer 2011-02-09
33970 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Refuses to start with roaming profiles and redirected folders 2011-05-20
34805 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Recovery of MS OFFICE documents fails after crash 2011-12-23
34966 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL [PRINTING] LibreOffice Calc Printing Dotted border lines looks ugly 2014-02-24
35080 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Writer crashes when right-clicking certain words containing apostrophes 2011-06-18
35188 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA cell reference to external spread sheets yields #NAME? rather than displaying the content 2011-12-22
35192 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA libreoffice 3.3.1 release impress 2011-03-11
35583 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Startup error with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Win 7 with remote user profile 2011-03-23
36320 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL General error on opening files 2011-04-18
36375 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE swriter.exe fails to open 2011-12-22
36401 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK LOCALHELP without Help contents 2011-12-23
36437 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Developer builds should contain another namespace, e.g. LibO-future (allow parallel installation of development versions, keeping the stable release) 2011-05-19
36500 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Crash on exit from LibreOffice 2011-04-22
37149 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL page break wasting lots of space in print layout view 2012-07-25
38222 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL LO3.4.0 Incorrectly tracks deletions as deletions of spaces 2013-12-15
38590 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Possible fd-leak with speadsheet containing Chart objects 2011-10-29
38633 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL writer crash ending libreoffice after working and previous saving complex document 2011-07-16
38635 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Gaps and jaggies in borders, affecting normal view and printing 2014-05-15
39484 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE All Outline groups of sheet lost while editing 2013-09-25
39776 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL UI/VIEWING: Scrolling skips around comment when cursor comment box 2011-09-25
40907 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILEOPEN: concurrent access to AFP shared files impossible - total lock on file 2014-11-28
40988 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Using Autofilter pulldown in particular document will CRASH 2011-12-22
42310 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL DEFINE NAME referenced by formula 2011-10-27
42470 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Starting LO with "--nodefault" parameter should not open visible window 2012-12-21
42740 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Can't finish install, windows installer msiexec.exe error 2011-12-15
43008 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA Calc Editing: With entire column selected, pasting into the column causes hang 2014-12-22
43139 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE [GCC 4.6.2] Compile Error on framework/source/accelerators/acceleratorcache.cxx 2011-12-21
43318 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK PRINTING standard shapes with bitmap area: filling exceeds shape area (regression since 3.3.4) 2014-02-12
43648 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL : Windows 8 Incompatibility — Crashes on load 2012-01-11
43727 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Will not open .odt documents 2012-08-08
44208 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE CRASH when click Tools -> Options with UI [ta_IN], [hi_IN] and other [xx_IN] 2012-07-08
45068 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Update from 3.4 to 3.5rc1 is not working 2012-01-23
46105 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL program crash on or after load of danish dictionary at startup 2012-02-17
46140 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Files not overwritten during upgrade result in crash citing msvcr90.dll 2012-02-17
46447 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Embedded pictures/images disappear from Presentation (ODP) [Summary: comment#58, comment#67. Temporary advise: comment#69. Confirmed without autosave: comment#109] 2015-01-22
46593 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Version 3.5 will not install 2012-03-02
46782 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA [APPCRASH] AND [NOWAYTOINSTALL] LibreOffice 3.5.1rc1 2012-02-29
47426 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Search feature inadequate 2012-07-14
47552 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Writer in version 3.5.1 crashes 2012-03-20
48168 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Menus positioned incorrectly on multi-monitor displays 2013-02-25
48216 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Writer crashes several times 2012-10-21
48352 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Import PDF in DRAW 2013-02-27
48398 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA CONFIGURATION: LibreOffice fails to start after upgrading to 3.5.2 2012-04-10
48469 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Can not install LibreOffice 3.5.2 on my Windows computer 2012-04-10
48687 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Silent removal of password protection - .docx format. 2013-11-27
48775 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK CRASH when opening biblio.odb via tools menu without Base module installed 2014-01-17
49120 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE: LibreOffice corrupts XLSX file 2013-12-23
49181 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL MINGW UI: Docked toolbars can not be moved 2012-05-09
49217 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Problem install 2012-05-15
49833 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK LO 3.6 daily alpha build 2012-05-15
50029 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE German download page is still the old ugly layout and should be updated as the intl. one 2012-07-11
50213 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL BASIC: "Graphics Filter Not Found" LibO 3.5.x Macintosh PowerPC 2012-05-23
50279 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK install-instructions for Linux outdated and misleading 2014-03-18
50430 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Can't Open .uop file 2015-01-06
50659 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE: I/O error in ODS file AFTER SAVE if PSU switched off while open 2012-08-14
50675 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Czech spelling does not work in Spreadsheet 2013-06-27
50832 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK doc2pdf conversion quality circumspect, on Linux installation of Libre 3.5 2013-12-21
51064 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE: Saving xls file is too long and crash 2013-01-26
51081 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Selecting multiple objects with shift doesn't work 2013-11-13
51322 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Problem in LibreOffice 2012-06-21
51426 LibreOff WWW libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Installation of LibreOffice on Windows 2012-06-26
51759 LibreOff framewor libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::DeploymentException' 2012-07-26
51819 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Password-protected documents saved unencrypted for auto-recovery 2014-03-25
51973 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: Calc hangs during batch copy & paste of cell containing a formula 2012-08-09
52080 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Large files become unresponsive since version 3.5.0 2012-12-08
52177 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO EDITING: Libreoffice Writer freezes the entire Gnome 3 environment when autocompleting words in Ubuntu 12.04 2012-08-08
52341 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Runtime Error 2012-07-25
52434 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Calc row height not opened properly 2012-07-26
52639 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE ReportBuilder: Creating a new report destroys .odb 2012-08-26
53165 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL : Writer - Bibliography Entries don't get updated if biblio DB is changed 2014-09-16
53228 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE [Task]: FILEOPEN .ods / .ots spreadsheet from former LibO version or OOo shows graphic elements at wrong position 2014-12-07
53410 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT UI: Installation directory path and disk space button are disabled if excluded components are selected 2014-02-15
53858 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Entering fraction in pre-formated field results in dates or error 2012-09-26
53988 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Invalid Registry Exception after install of 3.6 2012-09-13
53991 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Saving into txt doesn't work 2012-09-02
54368 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO [Portable] will CRASH at launch when installed in path with too long name 2012-09-02
54919 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: CSV export loses long strings 2013-05-29
55314 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Delete or Backspace to empty cell, do not result in updating the IF function 2012-09-25
55413 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE broken formulas and extra line added after saving in 3.6.2, closing and re-opening a spreadsheet; regression from LibO 3.5 2013-12-13
55696 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL changed error bar values when copying a chart 2013-01-16
55715 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Writer creates corrupt docx when a chart is copied from calc 2013-05-22
56048 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: LibreOffice cannot open .docx file in strict variant 2014-03-20
56315 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA [FILESAVE] [PDFEXPORT] Crashes while trying to save or export the document as pdf. 2013-07-08
56847 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA EDITING VIEWING: Can't insert video and play videos with Impress 2014-06-03
56855 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Copy & paste a bullet list from Impress into writer destroys format of writer file 2012-11-21
57569 LibreOff sdk libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE PyUNO deadlock when setting attributes 2012-12-11
57855 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Preview of template causes LO to freeze forcing kill 2012-12-19
57968 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Not able to open XML spreadhseet 2013-11-13
58110 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL SIGSEGV when opening a xlsx file 2012-12-18
58392 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK PRINTING: Default printer not found/recognized 2013-04-27
58506 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK [Feature request] Add text wrap command/function so it can be added to toolbar as button 2013-06-25
58681 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: Crash when trying to edit page format 2013-01-17
58691 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO MOVE PIVOTTABLE: export to Excel 2007/2010 breaks functionality 2014-12-06
58815 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL [CRASH] new document, add slide/page, close without saving crashes Impress, Draw 2013-01-19
59023 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: no more row-height adjusting 2013-01-23
59029 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA Format Paintbrush default changed to paste character formatting 2014-12-09
59128 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE [DOCX filter]: WinWord-2007 can't open DOCX file with formulas if the file was created LOdev-4 2013-01-20
59175 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Chart pasted from Calc to Writer appears empty 2013-01-10
59214 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL The preview in the information in the new template manager has ghost toolbars 2013-01-10
59259 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE With some master pages, freezes when try to print 2013-04-26
59288 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA FORMATTING: Copying conditional formatting 2014-07-25
59357 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Unworkable - Calc continuolsly hanging 2013-03-29
59613 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK RTL VIEWING: Increasing size of dialogs to right or bottom causes artifacts 2014-12-17
59782 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK undefined: Crash when I try to open the font list 2013-01-31
59812 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK [EDITING] Heavy performance degradation on Impress slides (especially with master pages) 2014-06-04
60088 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK LibreOffice crashes on save, print export as PDF 2013-02-04
60281 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Impress Animation severely broken in 2013-11-13
60588 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Error in writing content.xml 2013-03-19
60620 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Formatting: loses first line ident setting when open existing Impress document 2013-11-13
60804 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Print to File leads to Crash 2013-02-22
61056 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Calc don't save print aerea information in ODS format 2013-10-04
61113 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: First page do not apply margin settings. 2013-02-19
61440 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA PRINTING: prints cells not in print range 2013-10-25
61726 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE REPORTBUILDER: all reports fail with Java exception IncompatibleClassChangeError 2013-03-18
61920 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Insert Y error bars 2013-03-10
62155 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Libreoffice crashes after upgrade while using formula bar 2014-03-27
62390 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Calc still does not save Y error bars on a column graph. 2013-03-25
62719 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE PRINTING: missing left border on print of Calc table embedded in Writer 2014-05-30
62758 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the package. 2013-03-26
63024 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE FILEOPEN Writer does not preserve position of images in its own RTF files 2014-10-10
63407 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Linked contents from external source (web page or local file) not updated 2014-02-07
63603 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: .doc style named "Default" confused with default style 2013-11-13
63627 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK MinGW: Windows (All apps) slowing down due to excessive disk access 2013-06-07
63652 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA The Amazing Moving Tab Stops 2013-04-18
63683 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA Previously working dictionary stopped working 2013-12-17
63767 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH when opening a file 2013-04-28
64002 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Recovery Window 2013-05-19
64076 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Regression: Inserting particular SVG file in Writer 4 broken. Worked in 3.6x. Importing works fine on both. 2013-11-27
64353 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL : PDF file locked when opened: cannot export to same name 2013-05-08
64526 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Word spacing problem in LibreOffice Ubuntu 13.04 2013-05-19
64957 LibreOff framewor libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: letters move around during editing/typing 2014-09-01
65022 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Format -> Paragraph/Page = Silent Crash 2014-02-05
65074 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: cells with with conditional formatting sometimes show the numbers not centered and without points; cell borders are not shown 2014-05-16
65582 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: cell lists do not function 2013-08-01
65951 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL REPORTBUILDER: Updating to LibO causes any attempt to open a Base report to crash LibreOffice 2013-06-21
65971 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: letters move around during editing/typing on comments section 2014-05-03
66239 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL REPORTBUILDER - can not open report - java loader error - no mapping from java to C++ 2013-07-09
66265 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Unable to install It requires msi files of an older version ( to uninstall it first (win only) 2013-07-04
66506 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Rendering date format not correct for xls and ods files in 4.1 LO 2014-07-30
66528 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA Hyperlinks within spreadsheet not working after upgrade from Version to Version 2014-04-25
66577 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Spell check change letter-spacing on Mac OS, up to compromising text editing 2014-05-03
66666 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA correcteur orthographe 2013-08-16
67070 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Password protected file does not open/save 2013-08-06
67252 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL msoxl as text instead of calculated formular 2013-08-20
67453 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Loading some .odg files will crash LibreOffice 2013-07-29
67799 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE MAILMERGE: Pre-Defined Labels Contain No Format Info in LO 2013-10-07
67801 LibreOff Linguist libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA SpellCheck completely broken 2013-09-07
67892 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Linux LO fails to open any OpenDocument format file from Samba Share 2013-11-13
68148 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE single line cell borders turn dashed when opened with different LibO release 2014-02-18
68314 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Format Paint Brush has no function 2013-09-06
68512 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Open button and File Open stopped working 2013-09-10
68566 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: Cross references between tables / cell data broken 2014-12-04
68906 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Since OS X reinstall I've been receiving A LOT OF unexptected quits 2013-10-22
68981 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL dataloss: "" corrupts the macro library password 2014-05-31
69164 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Impress crashes when editing/saving changes 2014-10-14
69218 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK PDF: Crash during pdf export 2013-09-21
69412 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Attached file causes Writer to crash when exporting to PDF. 2013-11-13
69458 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH - when attempting to open Query Designer in embedded hsqldb ODB on OSX 2013-09-17
69517 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LibreOfficeDev- (Win-x86@39) cannot start under Windows XP 2013-10-04
70284 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: "Assigned to" of Names change to "$#REF!" 2014-02-07
70355 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE DATALOSS: Graph data tables swapping data in x and y axis in writer documents resulting in incorrect graphs. 2014-02-13
70805 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK chart mangling 2014-05-21
70828 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Error 1335 during Installation. 2013-11-13
70941 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA LibreOffice Most Annoying Bugs (MAB) 2014-08-25
71146 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK VIEWING: Line chart made with 3.6 can't be seen properly on writer 2014-08-25
71348 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Scrolling is broken 2013-11-07
71478 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE The hide comments are disappeared after the worksheet copy operation 2014-05-10
71648 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Crash: Unable to register Databases 2014-10-02
71961 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILESAVE: text doesn't fit into text boxes when using .PPTX format 2015-01-22
72284 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: Crashes when trying to save a particular docx file 2014-03-21
72441 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Other: A problem with the Contents in 4.2beta2 2013-12-08
72614 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Impress hangs on creating new style 2014-06-03
72628 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Different font substitutes used for view in Writer vs. export for PDF 2014-12-08
72741 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE UI: Sort performance ~17 times slower than version 2014-12-04
72784 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Other: When importing a database from TXT file, the imported database lose 1 row each time it is opened 2013-12-17
72953 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Graph Legends disappeared 2013-12-21
73168 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Crash with a message "JRE is Defective" 2014-05-02
73216 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FORMATTING: FILESAVE: Format changes after saving to .xslx 2014-01-02
73243 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE ACCESSIBILITY: [a11y] Thumbnail View in StartCenter and Template Manager not firing focus on List elements with keyboard movements 2014-01-22
73355 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Draw 4.2 corrupts figures combined in previous version 2014-01-27
73464 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE ACCESSIBILITY: RC3 QA Blocker -- crash when IA2 bridge is active-- pressing ENTER key creating new paragraph, or a BACKSPACE when rubbing out paragraph 2014-02-05
73616 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Writer freezes when opening particular .doc file 2014-02-12
73994 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: 1 MB XLSX grows to 12 MB upon save as ODS 2014-03-27
73998 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Calc crash copying formula text in Input Bar among different LibO branches 2014-12-07
74009 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK PRINTING: Long text flowing outside a Cell not printed 2014-01-27
74226 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LibreOffice crashes as soon as one starts Draw 2014-03-05
74348 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA integrate DMaths extension and improve current formula editor 2014-02-02
74457 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Libre Office deleted my text data file 2014-02-03
74488 LibreOff Drawing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Other: Not running 2014-02-04
74527 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL : destroying cell contents 2014-02-05
74936 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA FILEOPEN: Problem with WordArt from Word 2007 2014-11-02
74994 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Content disappears completely from sheet in variuos cells after cloning the sheet 2014-02-15
74999 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILTER: data loss in xls file - functions missing 2014-06-11
75358 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Other: All versions above 4.0.6 do not open in WIndows XP 2014-02-22
75686 LibreOff Formula libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LO4.3 crashes with special formula in special document 2014-05-23
75694 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: Comments lost on export to .docx 2014-11-19
75737 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Libre Office SDk API while converting MS Doc to PDF fails with Visual Stdudio 2012 2014-11-02
75754 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA Converting Writer into Microsoft Word 2015-01-24
75946 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE docx export -- w:hyperlink tags unbalanced (seems to write w:p to close instead) 2014-03-19
76502 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO soffice.exe blocked by Comodo antivirus 2014-03-25
76565 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE In-place editing of input fields - don't work "copy" "paste" and "cut" 2014-10-09
76813 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: File saved in undesired manner 2014-05-27
76842 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WONT LibreOffice hanging 2014-04-03
77080 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK SUM result is changed when inserting empty rows 2015-01-24
77163 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Shortcut keys for Georgian language 2014-04-08
77331 LibreOff Chart libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Text boxes inside charts disappear! 2014-04-13
77675 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO VIEWING: my windows look weird because i tried to make libreoffice look normal 2014-07-03
77731 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA FILESAVE: will not add new record 2014-08-29
78108 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL EDITING: Instability when pasting calc data that includes a formula into writer (As calc8 object) 2014-05-08
78489 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK LibreOffice v4.2.4 crashes after start, won't restart 2014-07-10
78635 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LibreOffice Importing Symbols Incorrectly from .docx 2014-05-14
78784 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK EDITING: Choosing Format->Layer when editing Drawing object causes crash 2014-10-20
78917 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Impress crashing on startup 2014-05-21
78918 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Calc crashing on typing 2014-05-19
78919 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Writer crashing when typing 2014-05-20
79105 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LibreOffice crashes at startup Writer if installed dictionaries based on LightProof 2014-06-18
79113 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL LibreOffice Crashes in XP when Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages is Selected 2014-06-14
79177 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Crash when printing 2014-05-27
79194 LibreOff Printing libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Runtime error 6025 when printing documents and spreadsheets 2014-05-27
79292 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE: DOCX index table losses periods before page number when opened in MS Word 2013 2014-06-14
79552 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO KingSoft Office does not support OpenDocument format 2014-06-02
79651 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: RTF halts LibO from running as all document pages are merged into one page 2014-06-04
79714 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE OSX - crash opening query or table in embedded Firebird ODB 2014-06-12
79818 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL DOCX DATALOSS: Line breaks lost after edit-and-save 2014-06-14
79834 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE [FILEOPEN] SVG Insert->From File takes 2+ time longer in 4.3 2014-11-15
79960 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Cannot mix fonts in a single cell 2014-06-13
80139 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Spell check does not work in Impress Presentation anymore 2014-06-18
80198 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Insert SVG file breaks the program 2014-11-15
80292 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK HTML Document: Insert Table always insert a one-column table 2014-06-22
80326 LibreOff Localiza libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE [Missing translation]: Options -> left side dialogue aren't translated - Italian version. 2014-07-20
80384 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Chart Legend name lost on saving 2014-07-28
80407 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILESAVE: Validity check on a column for list of values is lost on saving as .xlsx 2014-06-24
80813 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Spreadsheet created in 3.6 crashes when opened in 2014-07-07
80846 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Undo after reference cell deletion not updating dependent cell 2014-12-08
80910 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FORMATTING: Background colour missing in paragraph when opening the document again. 2014-07-05
80939 LibreOff UI libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Mac OS X: LibreOffice windows are pixelated on Retina displays 2015-01-17
81008 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE DOCX export: first and subsequent header problems 2014-10-11
81056 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL docx export of ducks beaks MS Import ... 2014-12-20
81125 LibreOff sdk libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK loadComponentFromURL no longer works with "private:stream" 2014-08-03
81214 LibreOff filters libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: DOCX: Unable to import text after missing formula in footnotes 2014-07-15
81233 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Cut / Paste ability broken after program close 2014-08-02
81351 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK UNDO: Calc crashes after undo from a sort 2014-09-03
81592 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Bad Quality/Rendering of EPS graphics in LO 4.2 and 4.3 2014-09-24
82042 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE CRASH after undo moving column/row in sheet containing function which has range 2014-09-12
82336 LibreOff Extensio libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH - executing mysql left outer join query on multiple tables using native connector extension 2014-09-05
82354 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Crash when sorting data from a table with with more than 7 columns 2014-10-12
82367 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Can't save any document - Save as... window broken 2014-08-09
82484 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Writer crash / segmentation fault when opening odt-file 2014-08-12
82554 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL libreoffice will creat a thumbnail when open a encrypted file 2014-08-13
83016 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Missing tab from page style dialog 2014-08-26
83174 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL PDF: CRASH when send email as PDF 2014-11-10
83209 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA i can't use this button, and i can't add to menu bar. 2014-08-31
83288 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA : sin and cos not calculated correctly 2014-08-31
83612 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Renumbering problems in master document 2014-09-14
83709 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK UNDO: Crash after undoing cell moving 2014-09-12
83909 LibreOff BASIC libreoffice-bugs RESO INVA installed update offered and program disapeared 2014-09-18
84075 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH: Trying to access page properties dialog 2014-09-19
84352 LibreOff Libreoff libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Code signing broken by OSX 10.9.5 2015-01-02
84430 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Libre Office Calc crashes when sorting Version, Linux Mint Mate 17 2014-09-28
84499 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FILEOPEN: Libreoffice crashes when attempting to open odp files 2014-09-30
84586 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL missing core05 .deb package in build 2014-10-05
84847 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Sorting functions with relative references fails 2014-10-09
85113 LibreOff Presenta libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE EDITING: copying or cutting previously animated table leads to crash 2014-11-26
85190 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTO REPORTBUILDER - cannot deal with MySQL bogus '0000-00-00' date and timestamps 2015-01-22
85589 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL CRASH - datapilot crash when obtaining data from sheet, query, sql, or native sql 2014-11-06
85806 LibreOff graphics libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE Hebrew and Arabic Is Not Working On MAC 2014-12-04
86036 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL ID and integer lost in tables on upgrading to 4.3.3 2014-11-09
86172 LibreOff Document libreoffice-bugs RESO NOTA Help Installation File, Libre Office UI 2014-11-13
86516 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK Formulas copied with cell dragging, that contain expressions on cell ranges, are not evaluated correctly 2014-12-10
86897 LibreOff Spreadsh libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL FileOpen: Read Error. Format error discovered in file in sub-document content.xml at 2,215736(row,col). 2014-12-01
87872 LibreOff Writer libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK FILESAVE, REGRESSION, Cannot save as odt, file containing draw form, created in prior LibreOffice version 2015-01-09
87899 LibreOff Database libreoffice-bugs RESO DUPL Database form creation wizard fails to complete 2014-12-31
45453 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE db no bool support => any query with "many" rows fails to open in datasheet 2012-02-10
52392 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE : Bibliography database autofills empty fields with symbols 2012-10-27
53854 LibreOff Database lionel RESO DUPL FILESAVE: LO 3.6.0 corrupts Base database document file 2012-08-21
54457 LibreOff Database lionel RESO DUPL CRASH - ODBC, mysql, navigating tables in data source browser causes crash 2012-09-15
54542 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE EDITING - Create Table Wizard doesn't start 2012-09-10
67235 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE EDITING: Timefield is limited automatically to max. 00:00:01 2014-07-21
68315 LibreOff Database lionel RESO FIXE EDITING: Crashes when changing data in a form to postgresql database through ODBC 2013-09-03
44832 LibreOff Chart markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE error plotting axis 2012-03-20
53713 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE CRASH: trying to open Lotus 123 files causes LO to crash 2013-12-12
54074 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE Crash on Command-D on Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 2013-11-13
74333 LibreOff Chart markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE DATALOSS: Textfield or Picture inside a chart is hidden 2014-08-28
75510 LibreOff Chart markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE DATALOSS FILESAVE: error bars properties in charts are not properly saved 2014-04-28
81803 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE EDITING: Cell content deleted when fill handle is used to fill formula in upward-wise direction 2014-08-15
83084 LibreOff Presenta markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE On 4.4 master, starting the slide show for any presentation crashes 2014-08-27
84556 LibreOff Spreadsh markus.mohrhard RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: formula error reading an xls file 2015-01-07
86216 LibreOff Spreadsh m_j_malone RESO WORK Sort Can No Longer Sort 2014-11-24
67104 LibreOff Spreadsh momonasmon RESO FIXE UI - Default value of "Show cell grid lines" checkbox on sidebar 2014-04-09
68806 LibreOff UI momonasmon RESO FIXE SIDEBAR: Wrong Paragraph spacing values after activating the Properties pane 2014-11-29
80755 LibreOff UI momonasmon RESO FIXE StartCenter displays thumbnails of password-protected files 2017-07-14
53872 LibreOff Database mst.fdo RESO FIXE CRASH - opening database report 2012-09-14
59366 LibreOff UI mst.fdo RESO FIXE Document Conversion wizard does not list "StarOffice" file types 2013-02-01
62176 LibreOff Drawing mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Draw/Impress text shapes: Negative indents in styles not loaded properly 2014-05-21
68876 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE EDITING: infinite loop inserting pages when pasting a table into header on first page of page style 2014-03-13
68927 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE SVG images are painted at too low resolution if used as page background 2014-12-18
71749 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE LO cannot open a word document with a table inside a footnote (and crashes) 2013-12-04
72647 LibreOff UI mst.fdo RESO FIXE ACCESSIBILITY: Windows UAA Java Accessibility Bridge can not be enabled for AT support following merge of IA2 bridge 2014-01-13
72811 LibreOff filters mst.fdo RESO FIXE FILESAVE: Documents saved in ODF 1.0/1.1 still throw corruption error when opening in Word 2010 because the package is actually ODF 1.2 2014-12-18
74148 LibreOff framewor mst.fdo RESO FIXE LO crashes when opening an ott template file for editing 2014-05-08
74790 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Document comparison causes assertion failure in SwpHintsArray::Check 2014-09-10
79236 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE CRASH: Undoing font style crashes LibO 2014-06-14
79269 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE ODF import - Unchecking 'same content on first page' footer option doesnt work 2014-10-01
80009 LibreOff filters mst.fdo RESO FIXE ODF import: enormous fo:clip values on graphics result in crashes in drawinglayer 2014-06-29
83798 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE Chapter numbers (Outline numbering) not included in Table of Contents (TOC) 2014-11-25
85496 LibreOff framewor mst.fdo RESO FIXE Duplicate style:font-weight attributes (reproduction steps in comments 6-7) 2014-12-18
87845 LibreOff Writer mst.fdo RESO FIXE CRASH: Print preview crashes LO when Navigator is enabled 2015-01-23
73860 LibreOff Presenta muthu.subramanian.karunanidhi RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Space characters missing in PPTX file (4.2 specific) 2014-04-14
33562 LibreOff Writer nopower RESO WORK Paste image crashes writer 2011-12-22
42899 LibreOff Libreoff nopower RESO FIXE Autosave causes Macro change not to be stored on save. 2014-05-07
70499 LibreOff Spreadsh nopower RESO FIXE FILEOPEN Cannot select unprotected cells in XSLX sheet with worksheet protection 2014-01-24
75467 LibreOff Libreoff peter RESO FIXE OS X integration: selecting a file in Open File dialog or merely viewing a folder in Save File dialog adds resource fork, changes size and mod date (10.6/10.7) 2015-01-23
36551 LibreOff Installa pmladek RESO FIXE 3.4beta2 can neither be installed as update to 3.3.2 nor alongside 3.3.2 because of packaging conflicts 2011-05-06
57061 LibreOff Installa pmladek RESO FIXE Not all personal data imported during install from /3 User Profile 2013-04-26
55442 LibreOff WWW programming RESO FIXE BUGZILLAASSISTANT: Impossible to submit a Bug - Bugzilla 4.2.3 incompatible? 2012-10-03
35712 LibreOff Chart quikee RESO FIXE add polynomial regression type trend line 2014-01-27
37110 LibreOff Libreoff robert RESO FIXE Start Centre opens at login if QuickStarter enabled 2011-06-21
32709 LibreOff Presenta rodo RESO FIXE FILESAVE as PPT/PPTX indicated as corrupted by MS PPT Desktop App (Mac, Windows), MS PowerPoint Viewer and MS Office Web Apps 2013-11-23
37017 LibreOff Presenta rodo RESO FIXE Bullets in presentation not saved 2011-10-29
38619 LibreOff Writer rodo RESO WORK PRINTING: Picture of type WMF is not printed correctly on Windows. 2015-01-22
59248 LibreOff Writer sbergman RESO FIXE Writer and Fax wizards do not work 2013-01-29
66703 LibreOff Database sbergman RESO FIXE REPORTBUILDER - report design wizard does not start on click (missing libjava_uno.jnilib symlink) 2013-07-10
69406 LibreOff Database sbergman RESO FIXE CRASH - clicking on Tables icon of any loaded ODB file causes sigabrt 2013-10-05
72394 LibreOff Libreoff sbergman RESO FIXE Program freezes when changing a Path in Options 2013-12-17
39881 LibreOff Spreadsh scmitchell19992 RESO FIXE Fixing the search feature in Calc 2014-06-28
78133 LibreOff Writer serval2412 RESO FIXE LibO crashes when in options dialog 2014-05-02
80025 LibreOff Database serval2412 RESO FIXE Database file with thunderbird address book as data source crashes LibreOffice 2014-07-01
84608 LibreOff Libreoff serval2412 RESO FIXE TOOLBAR: Right-click customize crashes LibO 2014-10-04
87123 LibreOff Database serval2412 RESO FIXE Impossible to create a form with wizard 2015-01-02
78904 LibreOff Writer sourav.mahajan RESO FIXE FILESAVE: LO hangs while saving attached .docx file 2014-08-01
75137 LibreOff Writer tabe RESO FIXE Can't Move Cursor Between Footnotes with Up/Down Arrow Keys. Need to Click with Mouse 2014-12-16
36267 LibreOff Libreoff thb RESO DUPL LO3.4 - Crash on run Mac OS X 2011-04-19
39799 LibreOff Writer thb RESO FIXE CRASH when insert SVG image while EDITING 2014-11-06
71423 LibreOff Presenta thb RESO FIXE Impress frequently crashes when selecting or editing tables in slides while styles & formatting dialog is open 2014-11-10
40788 LibreOff Spreadsh tibbylickle+fdb RESO FIXE FORMATTING - Calc ignores manual breaks when "fit to number of pages" is chosen 2014-05-19
37960 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO FIXE Shift click to select multiple drawings does not work if picture there[Summary in Comment # 30] 2014-11-21
47483 LibreOff Installa timar74 RESO DUPL Hijacks MS Office file types on non-custom install 2013-03-06
58275 LibreOff Installa timar74 RESO FIXE Install fails if .NET Framework 4.0 (Client) is not present 2013-04-15
60870 LibreOff Writer timar74 RESO DUPL EDITING: Spell Check custom dictionary not recognized? 2014-03-07
80527 LibreOff Installa timar74 RESO FIXE LibreOfficeDev Installation Wizard Nightly Builds 2014-06-26
42178 LibreOff Writer timofeev.i.s RESO FIXE CRASH when PRINTING from Page Preview 2011-12-23
36263 LibreOff UI tlillqvist RESO FIXE No icons in user interface (root cause: ZIP handling totally broken) 2011-04-20
36271 LibreOff UI tlillqvist RESO INVA FILEOPEN impossible, General error, memory could not be read 2011-04-19
36345 LibreOff UI tlillqvist RESO DUPL Checkboxes missing from Options panel 2011-04-19
36982 LibreOff Writer tlillqvist RESO FIXE [FILEOPEN] Writer ignores text after Equation in docx 2012-03-13
37488 LibreOff Writer tlillqvist RESO WORK PRINTING table borders in Writer not printed if there are also images in the document, DRAW object printed crippled 2011-11-09
87119 LibreOff Spreadsh tml RESO FIXE FILEOPEN Loading spreadsheet loses data 2014-12-20
55493 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE [RTF] FILEOPEN: Images are not scaled in table/cells 2013-01-07
68607 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: 8 page word document only displays page one 2013-09-10
79810 LibreOff Writer vmiklos RESO FIXE DOCX IMPORT: Wrong underline applied to list style 2015-01-09
35079 LibreOff Drawing Wasserthal RESO FIXE EDITING: Drawing element completely in mouse selection frame not selected 2012-09-15
65561 LibreOff Spreadsh a.alharthi RESO FIXE Horizontal scrollbar of the sheet work in LTR instead of RTL 2013-06-11
50574 LibreOff Writer amitoria RESO INVA FORMATTING: The program puts a hyphen in some words 2013-07-08
52144 LibreOff Localiza andre.schnabel RESO FIXE UI: [DE] Missing hyphens in about dialog 2012-08-23
51525 LibreOff Presenta andrzej RESO FIXE UI: For Impress, please add "Paste Unformatted Text" to the commands list in the "Customize > Add Commands" dialog 2014-02-05
52547 LibreOff framewor andrzej RESO FIXE New Firefox image clipboard causes "paste as link" in LibreOffice - paste directly is preferred 2014-03-09
75489 LibreOff UI andrzej RESO FIXE Context menu of toolbars not working 2014-05-30
81835 LibreOff Writer andrzej RESO FIXE EDITING: default paste from MSWord/WordPad create image 2014-08-06
59931 LibreOff Libreoff arnaud.versini RESO FIXE Crash when starting wizard if icons set has been changed 2013-11-13
44172 LibreOff BASIC augsod RESO FIXE Basic function VAL produces bad result 2012-01-05
62947 LibreOff Writer RESO FIXE UI Add 'paste special' or even better 'paste text without formatting' to context menu in Writer 2014-12-20
62387 LibreOff WWW beimaginativeegroup RESO FIXE BUGZILLAASSISTANT: Can't tab to the login-button 2014-04-05
56360 LibreOff Writer bjoern.michaelsen RESO NOTO Writer hangs when draw object is selected and the user opens Insert menu 2012-10-25
67349 LibreOff Libreoff bjoern.michaelsen RESO NOTO Other: [Ubuntu 12.04] Writer doesn't start because it can't find 2013-07-29
34260 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli RESO FIXE Calc eats ' when the content is text. 2011-03-04
36673 LibreOff Libreoff bubli RESO FIXE FORMATTING: Date format in LibO 3.4 different from LibO 3.3 2011-05-12
38154 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli RESO FIXE XLS export generates inavlid XLS (if Window/Freeze is used) 2011-09-08
38507 LibreOff Spreadsh bubli RESO DUPL Calc denies saving complicated spreadsheet after a couple of minutes of work 2011-06-24
69394 LibreOff Presenta bubli RESO FIXE FILEOPEN CRASH: Segmentation fault & crash when opening pptx file 2013-10-31
81547 LibreOff Chart bubli RESO FIXE Format data series in 3D chart crashes LO 2014-07-24
82681 LibreOff Drawing bubli RESO FIXE EDITING: Draw crashes when copying table row 2014-11-26
62887 LibreOff Presenta RESO DUPL EDITING: LO Impress Crash When editing notes with bulleted list 2013-04-09
68894 LibreOff Libreoff RESO FIXE Other: CMIS: GOOGLEDRIVE: LiberOffice crashes on startup. 2014-07-08
32181 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE PRINTING: underlining in "Justified" aligned paragraph bleed over margin, also PDFEXPORT 2012-12-15
34031 LibreOff Linguist caolanm RESO FIXE Update Hunspell library 2014-07-19
34987 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO FIXE Impress disregards Master Slide setting of text area 2013-11-24
35404 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Particular documents crash during e-mail mail merge 2011-12-23
38623 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH, FILEOPEN - opening MS word processor document causes crash 2011-10-29
39159 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE PRINTING: Switching radio buttons "Selection <-> All" Crashes 2011-10-29
41295 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE MAILMERGE Corrupted PDFs in massmailing 2013-06-14
42543 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE Report Designer Wizard missing Label display and editing capability 2013-01-20
44220 LibreOff Presenta caolanm RESO WORK reproducible crash when copying a slide in left slide pane 2013-10-16
46038 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: CRASH when pasting text from writer into draw when there's a header/footer with a table in it present 2012-03-14
46750 LibreOff Printing caolanm RESO FIXE PDF export crash on ODT document 2013-11-15
46923 LibreOff Spreadsh caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH EDITING Thai text 2012-12-22
47209 LibreOff Database caolanm RESO FIXE In SQL mode in Queries, Base crashes when a second SELECT followed by quotes is entered. 2013-04-16
48011 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE LibreOffice 3.5 is unusably slow with large documents 2013-12-04
48039 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Cross-references in Master Document report Error: Reference source not found 2014-01-29
49342 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH EDITING TABLE when merge cells in .sxw 2013-11-13
50880 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH EDITING data TABLE for CHART 2013-11-13
50967 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE File >> Wizards >> Address Data Source Yields No UI 2012-06-26
50987 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING CRASH when 2xUndo - 2xRedo pasted TABLE CHART combination 2013-06-04
53258 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE Segmentation fault from psp::PrintFontManager::analyzeTrueTypeFile with Aquabase-spanish-support 2012-08-22
54186 LibreOff Printing caolanm RESO FIXE : JCL Options from PPD not shown in Print -> Properties -> Device 2013-12-12
55546 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Long field tooltips crash some Linux systems 2014-10-11
56549 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH in menu 'Format → Autocorrect → Apply and Edit Changes' 2013-11-13
57532 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN particular .doc (MSO97) fails with error message 2013-02-05
61754 LibreOff Localiza caolanm RESO FIXE Number range name doesn't work with Catalan UI 2013-09-12
61940 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE : Unable to Change Shape Fill Colors 2013-04-07
65536 LibreOff Drawing caolanm RESO FIXE UI: Modify Style will lead in Crash 2013-06-08
65546 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Regression Sidebar: Properties deck -> Text panel keyboard navigation broken 2013-08-15
65634 LibreOff UI caolanm RESO FIXE Trackpad scrolling not possible on Sidebar Properties Pane 2014-06-27
66027 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING: Writer crashed when attempting to insert/link an item from the sidebar gallery 2013-07-02
66496 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: Crash when opening .docx 2014-09-16
66761 LibreOff BASIC caolanm RESO FIXE Other: Macro controlled Python Mailmerge broken 2013-07-15
68347 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE Incorrect word count in a document with recorded changes 2014-11-07
69510 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE crash in writer with Arabic strings followed by more than 2 numbers 2013-10-29
70725 LibreOff Printing caolanm RESO FIXE Calc export to PDF shows !!br0ken!! instead of values 2013-10-21
72587 LibreOff framewor caolanm RESO FIXE CRASH - Sigsegv when closing multiple Template Manager windows 2014-11-11
73165 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE inline spellchecking waits for typing pauses before redlining errors 2015-01-07
74051 LibreOff Writer caolanm RESO FIXE EDITING "Graphics filter not found" inserting picture into Writer 2014-01-29
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.


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