Mon Oct 7 2024 17:47:09 UTC
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15 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
9530 cairo general cworth RESO FIXE Mixup between cairo_status_t and cairo_int_status_t 2007-03-28
9667 cairo general cworth RESO DUPL Gnumeric crashes when mouse over File->Open on Mac OS X / gtk-quartz 2007-03-28
7113 poppler cairo ba poppler-bugs RESO FIXE cairo backend is not able to display colored box 2006-09-13
1567 xorg Input/Mo xorg-team RESO FIXE Xorg server hangs on PowerPC if no mouse driver exists 2004-11-30
23551 cairo postscri ajohnson RESO FIXE Wishlist: psfrag compatible postscript output 2010-11-22
33836 Orc Orc ds RESO FIXE Segmentation fault on MacOSX 2013-02-20
13919 Portland xdg-util portland-bugs RESO FIXE xdg-mime quits too easily when determining MIME type of file 2010-07-09
19341 freedesk Project sitewranglers RESO WONT libdmapsharing, a DMAP / DAAP / DPAP library 2009-07-04
25501 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Audio/Video chat does not work with iChat users 2019-12-03
93969 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE GABBLE_PARAMS_DEFAULT_FALLBACK_STUN_SERVER aka unresponsive 2019-12-03
93972 Telepath gabble telepathy-bugs RESO MOVE Use custom TURN server 2019-12-03
30699 LibreOff Presenta thb RESO DUPL Formulas in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation not rendered properly 2012-05-04
16220 cairo quartz b vladimir RESO NOTA Text not rendered when built using Quartz backend on Mac OS X 2008-06-05
85064 xorg Driver/m xorg-team RESO MOVE modesetting driver plus DRI3 causes extremely slow scrolling with WebKitGTK+ in accelerated compositing mode 2018-12-13
30729 LibreOff Libreoff caolanm CLOS FIXE formula editor, symbols in "insert symbols" show as empty squares (also empty squares in formulas) 2012-04-24
15 bugs found.


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