Bug 18413

Summary: Desktop Wall switcher popup: C-M- held suppresses other C-M- hotkeys
Product: xorg Reporter: Jonas Kölker <jonaskoelker>
Component: App/compizAssignee: David Reveman <reveman>
Status: RESOLVED INVALID QA Contact: Xorg Project Team <xorg-team>
Severity: normal    
Priority: medium    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: Other   
OS: All   
i915 platform: i915 features:
Bug Depends on:    
Bug Blocks: 18417    

Description Jonas Kölker 2008-11-06 13:19:48 UTC
1. Use Desktop Wall
2. Bind C-M-<arrow> to workspace switching, C-M-tab to ring switcher on all desktops.
3. Do <ctrl><alt><up/><tab/></alt></ctrl>
4. Notice how the ring switcher isn't activated.  It should be, yes? :)

(version: 1:0.7.8-0ubuntu4)
Comment 1 Danny Baumann 2008-11-23 22:53:14 UTC
This is the compiz bug tracker, not the compiz fusion tracker which is located at bugs.opencompositing.org.

Please report your suggestion there so that we can track it properly. Thanks.

(NB: I'm not sure this problem is solvable without any kind of side effects. But let's discuss this in the right bug tracker)
Comment 2 Danny Baumann 2008-11-24 00:32:26 UTC
Follow-up bug: http://bugs.opencompositing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1075

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