Bug 47807

Summary: EDITING paragraph style dialog: Apply button clears Organizer "Contains" attributes
Product: LibreOffice Reporter: skiani
Component: WriterAssignee: Not Assigned <libreoffice-bugs>
Status: NEW --- QA Contact:
Severity: normal    
Priority: medium CC: cno, mst.fdo, sasha.libreoffice
Version: 3.5.1 release   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
i915 platform: i915 features:

Description skiani 2012-03-24 09:00:43 UTC
This report is both a bug(s) and an enhancement request. The basic bug:

If you change a style from from the style editor any change you make can not be undone by the icons. Steps:

1. Create a blank writer document.
2. Modify a child style (for example Footer) by making any change (for example change the font to 20pt).
3. Select "Apply".
4. Go to the "Organizer" tab of the dialog and notice that "Contains" field is blank (THIS IS BUG #1, which I can confirm on WinXP32 right now). As the "Apply" button is new to LO3.5 I don't think I would call that a regression.
5. Now select "OK" or "Cancel".
6. Modify that child style again (i.e. Footer).
7. Go to the "Organizer" tab. Note that "Contains" field has the change(s) you made (i.e. 20pt font size).
8. Close the dialog selecting "Cancel"
9. Note that the undo icon does not have record of this change (THIS IS BUG #2).
10. Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Undo: Change style: Footer". This will reset the style change that was made, which is correct functionality (fixed from LO3.4).

If you have a style that has been changed from the parent there does not, AFAICT, appear to be a method to revert back to parent (other than undo which does not help you if editing an previously saved document). If I say have in the past changed the font size of Footer to 20PT and Default is 12PT there is no way to relink the font size back to the the "Linked with". I can manually change back to 12PT it does not reestablish the link. So this is the ENHANCEMENT request (there maybe better implementations but here is one example):

Next to every items in the "Contains" field have a "x" in a circle that you could click on it to reset that items link back to the parent in the organization. For example it would read:

"(x)Western text: 20pt + (x)0.0 inch + (x)Indent left 0.2inch, First line..." whereever (x) is an "x" in a circle and if you click on it that link is reset back to parent and item is removed from the list.

An alternative implementation is to program item level resets for each item on all the tabs (this seems like more coding to me).
Comment 1 sasha.libreoffice 2012-06-18 05:42:10 UTC
Thanks for bugreport and new idea

Bug slightly resembles this:
Bug 47379 - Inserting then editing a footnote gives unwanted results if Apply is selected before OK
May be they have one source.

> Next to every items in the "Contains" field have a "x" in a circle
Is very interesting. Or do all records clicable and context menu with item "Delete".
Or/and highlight corresponding places in all another tabs for users can easily see which changes applied to style.
Comment 2 Cor Nouws 2013-08-23 08:01:16 UTC
Hi skiani,

Is set this for new for the Undo part.
I noticed that somewhere in between 3.5 and 4.0 things changed.
When I change the font of a style in 3.5 and hit Ctrl-Z afterwards, I have the original font back.
Not so in 4.xx

Have to find out where that regression started.

Also, from your report, I understand that some changes react on undo and others do not..?

For the feature request: I think that chosing Reset or Standard on a cetain tab, bings bakc the default for that tabs settings, including the link to the parent style. Seldom use it. Coudl you pls do some checks here :)

thanks a lot,
Comment 3 Michael Stahl 2013-08-29 12:56:44 UTC
cannot reproduce the problem in comment #2, works fine here:

1. enter text and select
2. open stylist
3. apply "Footer" para style
4. modify "Footer"
5. change Font, OK
6. Undo
7. modify "Footer", old font is back (also in document view)

btw this appears to be a different problem (no Undo on OK/Apply)
than what is in the description,
so even if i'm doing it wrong please open a new bug for that.

regarding description:

> 8. Close the dialog selecting "Cancel"
> 9. Note that the undo icon does not have record of this change (THIS IS BUG #2).

of course if you cancel the dialog then no changes are made,
so why do you expect an Undo action for that?
Undo should only be created on clicking Apply or OK, which is working.

> 2. Modify a child style (for example Footer) by making any change (for example change the font to 20pt).
> 3. Select "Apply".
> 4. Go to the "Organizer" tab of the dialog and notice that "Contains" field is blank (THIS IS BUG #1, which I can confirm on WinXP32 right now).

so the Organizer tab is updated right when changing the Font, before
clicking "Apply" (i.e. it apparently displays the content of the dialog,
not the current content of the style), but clicking "Apply" appears
to clear it.

agree it's not a regression if older versions have no "Apply" button.
Comment 4 Cor Nouws 2013-08-29 15:44:52 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> cannot reproduce the problem in comment #2, works fine here:
> 3. apply "Footer" para style
> [...]
> 7. modify "Footer", old font is back (also in document view)
> [...]

It seems it works fine indeed _except_ for Text body ( /
Stupid I did not notice that.
Comment 5 Cédric Bosdonnat 2014-01-20 08:57:27 UTC
Restricted my LibreOffice hacking area

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