Bug 10610 - raise_on_click behaviour should be slightly improved
Summary: raise_on_click behaviour should be slightly improved
Alias: None
Product: xorg
Classification: Unclassified
Component: App/compiz (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: David Reveman
QA Contact: Xorg Project Team
Whiteboard: 2011BRB_Reviewed
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-04-11 04:44 UTC by David Gerber
Modified: 2018-06-12 19:08 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description David Gerber 2007-04-11 04:44:11 UTC
When 'raise_on_click' is turned off, the current behaviour is:
- clicking on the top bar will raise the window

I would like to have it changed in the way metacity does it which is:
- clicking *then releasing* on the top bar without moving in between will raise the window
- clicking on a drag border has the same effect as clicking on the top bar

Here are the following advantages:
- you can move/resize a window without raising it. Example, some application you have in the background. To do so, just click on a border and move
- you can raise a window without having to look for the top border, sometimes other borders are visible but not the top one. Currently I sometimes have to move away some windows until I can find the top border of the app I want to raise.
Comment 1 Adam Jackson 2018-06-12 19:08:02 UTC
Mass closure: This bug has been untouched for more than six years, and is not
obviously still valid. Please reopen this bug or file a new report if you continue to experience issues with current releases.

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