Bug 106860 - Intel Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK with HDMI2.0 monitor doesn't find display
Summary: Intel Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK with HDMI2.0 monitor doesn't find display
Alias: None
Product: DRI
Classification: Unclassified
Component: DRM/Intel (show other bugs)
Version: XOrg git
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: high major
Assignee: Intel GFX Bugs mailing list
QA Contact: Intel GFX Bugs mailing list
Whiteboard: Triaged, ReadyForDev
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-06-08 12:00 UTC by Tomi Sarvela
Modified: 2019-11-11 07:57 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
i915 platform: SKL
i915 features: display/HDMI

skl6770hq_hdmi2.0_debug_dmesg.log (119.50 KB, text/x-log)
2018-06-11 07:28 UTC, Tomi Sarvela
no flags Details

Description Tomi Sarvela 2018-06-08 12:00:57 UTC
Intel Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK connected to HDMI2.0 monitor doesn't seem to find the display. The DP-to-HDMI2.0 LSPCon chip is Parade. More information about the host can be found at


Peek at the /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_display_info shows the following information:

- with HDMI1.4 monitor -

Connector info
connector 71: type DP-1, status: connected
	physical dimensions: 640x400mm
	subpixel order: Unknown
	CEA rev: 3
	DPCD rev: 12
	audio support: yes
	DP branch device present: yes
		Type: HDMI
		ID: 175IB0
		HW: 1.0
		SW: 7.32
		Max TMDS clock: 600000 kHz
		Max bpc: 12
		id 97:"1920x1080" freq 60 clock 148500 hdisp 1920 hss 2008 hse 2052 htot 2200 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x48 flags 0x5
		id 98:"3840x2160" freq 30 clock 297000 hdisp 3840 hss 4016 hse 4104 htot 4400 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x40 flags 0x9

... down to the smallest resolutions.

- with HDMI2.0 monitor -

connector 71: type DP-1, status: disconnected
	DPCD rev: 12
	audio support: no
	DP branch device present: yes
		Type: HDMI
		ID: 175IB0
		HW: 1.0
		SW: 7.32
		Max bpc: 8

... no modes.
Comment 1 shashank.sharma@intel.com 2018-06-10 06:08:33 UTC
Can we have the dmesg logs please ? 

- Shashank
Comment 2 Tomi Sarvela 2018-06-11 07:28:02 UTC
This is i915_display_info and attached dmesg bootlog from recent DRM-Tip debug kernel with HDMI2.0 monitor attached to Skull NUC HDMI port. It's different from earlier experience; I haven't bisected yet what has changed.

I'll leave fi-skl-6770hq like this and see what information the fast-feedback and full runs bring forward.

root@skl-6770hq:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_display_info 
CRTC info
CRTC 41: pipe: A, active=yes, (size=3840x2160), dither=no, bpp=24
	fb: 97, pos: 0x0, size: 3840x2160
	encoder 70: type: DDI B, connectors:
		connector 71: type: DP-1, status: connected, mode:
		id 0:"3840x2160" freq 30 clock 297000 hdisp 3840 hss 4016 hse 4104 htot 4400 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x48 flags 0x5
	cursor visible? no, position (0, 0), size 0x0, addr 0xffffffff
	num_scalers=2, scaler_users=0 scaler_id=-1, scalers[0]: use=no, mode=0, scalers[1]: use=no, mode=0
	--Plane id 28: type=PRI, crtc_pos=   0x   0, crtc_size=3840x2160, src_pos=0.0000x0.0000, src_size=3840.0000x2160.0000, format=XR24 little-endian (0x34325258), rotation=0 (0x00000001)
	--Plane id 33: type=OVL, crtc_pos=   0x   0, crtc_size=   0x   0, src_pos=0.0000x0.0000, src_size=0.0000x0.0000, format=N/A, rotation=0 (0x00000001)
	--Plane id 38: type=CUR, crtc_pos=   0x   0, crtc_size=   0x   0, src_pos=0.0000x0.0000, src_size=0.0000x0.0000, format=N/A, rotation=0 (0x00000001)
	underrun reporting: cpu=yes pch=yes 
CRTC 55: pipe: B, active=no, (size=0x0), dither=no, bpp=0
	underrun reporting: cpu=yes pch=yes 
CRTC 69: pipe: C, active=no, (size=0x0), dither=no, bpp=0
	underrun reporting: cpu=yes pch=yes 

Connector info
connector 71: type DP-1, status: connected
	physical dimensions: 520x290mm
	subpixel order: Unknown
	CEA rev: 3
	DPCD rev: 12
	audio support: yes
	DP branch device present: yes
		Type: HDMI
		ID: 175IB0
		HW: 1.0
		SW: 7.32
		Max TMDS clock: 600000 kHz
		Max bpc: 12
		id 99:"3840x2160" freq 30 clock 297000 hdisp 3840 hss 4016 hse 4104 htot 4400 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x48 flags 0x5
		id 125:"3840x2160" freq 30 clock 297000 hdisp 3840 hss 4016 hse 4104 htot 4400 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 137:"3840x2160" freq 30 clock 296703 hdisp 3840 hss 4016 hse 4104 htot 4400 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 135:"3840x2160" freq 25 clock 297000 hdisp 3840 hss 4896 hse 4984 htot 5280 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 136:"3840x2160" freq 24 clock 297000 hdisp 3840 hss 5116 hse 5204 htot 5500 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 148:"3840x2160" freq 24 clock 296703 hdisp 3840 hss 5116 hse 5204 htot 5500 vdisp 2160 vss 2168 vse 2178 vtot 2250 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 103:"2560x1440" freq 60 clock 241500 hdisp 2560 hss 2608 hse 2640 htot 2720 vdisp 1440 vss 1443 vse 1448 vtot 1481 type 0x40 flags 0x9
		id 100:"1920x1080" freq 60 clock 148500 hdisp 1920 hss 2008 hse 2052 htot 2200 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 126:"1920x1080" freq 60 clock 148500 hdisp 1920 hss 2008 hse 2052 htot 2200 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 138:"1920x1080" freq 60 clock 148352 hdisp 1920 hss 2008 hse 2052 htot 2200 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 101:"1920x1080" freq 50 clock 148500 hdisp 1920 hss 2448 hse 2492 htot 2640 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 128:"1920x1080" freq 50 clock 148500 hdisp 1920 hss 2448 hse 2492 htot 2640 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 133:"1920x1080" freq 30 clock 74250 hdisp 1920 hss 2008 hse 2052 htot 2200 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 146:"1920x1080" freq 30 clock 74176 hdisp 1920 hss 2008 hse 2052 htot 2200 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 132:"1920x1080" freq 24 clock 74250 hdisp 1920 hss 2558 hse 2602 htot 2750 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 145:"1920x1080" freq 24 clock 74176 hdisp 1920 hss 2558 hse 2602 htot 2750 vdisp 1080 vss 1084 vse 1089 vtot 1125 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 109:"1680x1050" freq 60 clock 119000 hdisp 1680 hss 1728 hse 1760 htot 1840 vdisp 1050 vss 1053 vse 1059 vtot 1080 type 0x40 flags 0x9
		id 108:"1600x900" freq 60 clock 108000 hdisp 1600 hss 1624 hse 1704 htot 1800 vdisp 900 vss 901 vse 904 vtot 1000 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 117:"1280x1024" freq 75 clock 135000 hdisp 1280 hss 1296 hse 1440 htot 1688 vdisp 1024 vss 1025 vse 1028 vtot 1066 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 106:"1280x1024" freq 60 clock 108000 hdisp 1280 hss 1328 hse 1440 htot 1688 vdisp 1024 vss 1025 vse 1028 vtot 1066 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 107:"1440x900" freq 60 clock 88750 hdisp 1440 hss 1488 hse 1520 htot 1600 vdisp 900 vss 903 vse 909 vtot 926 type 0x40 flags 0x9
		id 105:"1280x800" freq 60 clock 71000 hdisp 1280 hss 1328 hse 1360 htot 1440 vdisp 800 vss 803 vse 809 vtot 823 type 0x40 flags 0x9
		id 104:"1152x864" freq 75 clock 108000 hdisp 1152 hss 1216 hse 1344 htot 1600 vdisp 864 vss 865 vse 868 vtot 900 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 102:"1280x720" freq 60 clock 74250 hdisp 1280 hss 1390 hse 1430 htot 1650 vdisp 720 vss 725 vse 730 vtot 750 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 127:"1280x720" freq 60 clock 74250 hdisp 1280 hss 1390 hse 1430 htot 1650 vdisp 720 vss 725 vse 730 vtot 750 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 139:"1280x720" freq 60 clock 74176 hdisp 1280 hss 1390 hse 1430 htot 1650 vdisp 720 vss 725 vse 730 vtot 750 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 129:"1280x720" freq 50 clock 74250 hdisp 1280 hss 1720 hse 1760 htot 1980 vdisp 720 vss 725 vse 730 vtot 750 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 118:"1024x768" freq 75 clock 78750 hdisp 1024 hss 1040 hse 1136 htot 1312 vdisp 768 vss 769 vse 772 vtot 800 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 119:"1024x768" freq 70 clock 75000 hdisp 1024 hss 1048 hse 1184 htot 1328 vdisp 768 vss 771 vse 777 vtot 806 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 120:"1024x768" freq 60 clock 65000 hdisp 1024 hss 1048 hse 1184 htot 1344 vdisp 768 vss 771 vse 777 vtot 806 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 121:"832x624" freq 75 clock 57284 hdisp 832 hss 864 hse 928 htot 1152 vdisp 624 vss 625 vse 628 vtot 667 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 122:"800x600" freq 75 clock 49500 hdisp 800 hss 816 hse 896 htot 1056 vdisp 600 vss 601 vse 604 vtot 625 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 123:"800x600" freq 72 clock 50000 hdisp 800 hss 856 hse 976 htot 1040 vdisp 600 vss 637 vse 643 vtot 666 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 110:"800x600" freq 60 clock 40000 hdisp 800 hss 840 hse 968 htot 1056 vdisp 600 vss 601 vse 605 vtot 628 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 111:"800x600" freq 56 clock 36000 hdisp 800 hss 824 hse 896 htot 1024 vdisp 600 vss 601 vse 603 vtot 625 type 0x40 flags 0x5
		id 131:"720x576" freq 50 clock 27000 hdisp 720 hss 732 hse 796 htot 864 vdisp 576 vss 581 vse 586 vtot 625 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 144:"720x480" freq 60 clock 27027 hdisp 720 hss 736 hse 798 htot 858 vdisp 480 vss 489 vse 495 vtot 525 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 130:"720x480" freq 60 clock 27000 hdisp 720 hss 736 hse 798 htot 858 vdisp 480 vss 489 vse 495 vtot 525 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 112:"640x480" freq 75 clock 31500 hdisp 640 hss 656 hse 720 htot 840 vdisp 480 vss 481 vse 484 vtot 500 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 113:"640x480" freq 73 clock 31500 hdisp 640 hss 664 hse 704 htot 832 vdisp 480 vss 489 vse 492 vtot 520 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 114:"640x480" freq 67 clock 30240 hdisp 640 hss 704 hse 768 htot 864 vdisp 480 vss 483 vse 486 vtot 525 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 140:"640x480" freq 60 clock 25200 hdisp 640 hss 656 hse 752 htot 800 vdisp 480 vss 490 vse 492 vtot 525 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 115:"640x480" freq 60 clock 25175 hdisp 640 hss 656 hse 752 htot 800 vdisp 480 vss 490 vse 492 vtot 525 type 0x40 flags 0xa
		id 116:"720x400" freq 70 clock 28320 hdisp 720 hss 738 hse 846 htot 900 vdisp 400 vss 412 vse 414 vtot 449 type 0x40 flags 0x6
connector 79: type DP-2, status: disconnected
	DPCD rev: 0
	audio support: no
	DP branch device present: no
connector 84: type HDMI-A-1, status: disconnected
	audio support: no
connector 89: type DP-3, status: disconnected
	DPCD rev: 0
	audio support: no
	DP branch device present: no
connector 94: type HDMI-A-2, status: disconnected
	audio support: no
Comment 3 Tomi Sarvela 2018-06-11 07:28:56 UTC
Created attachment 140113 [details]
Comment 4 Lakshmi 2018-09-07 08:07:27 UTC
Shashank, any updates on this issue?
Comment 5 Lakshmi 2018-09-07 08:11:49 UTC
Tomi, is this issue occurs every time when Intel Skull Canyon NUC6i7KYK connected to monitor?
Comment 6 Tomi Sarvela 2018-11-08 12:11:58 UTC
Yes, this issue was 100% reproducible.

I haven't tried manually with recent kernels, so I can't tell if behaviour has changed from before. At least one Skull Canyon LSPcon fix by vsyrjala is in.
Comment 7 Lakshmi 2019-07-09 13:53:40 UTC
@Tomi, Can you verify this issue with latest drmtip and give the feedback?
Comment 8 Jani Saarinen 2019-11-06 09:21:05 UTC
Tomi, have you had any time for this. Perhaps I can give system to Lakshmi to try?
Comment 9 Jani Saarinen 2019-11-11 07:57:45 UTC
Now with latest drm-tip (CI_DRM_7301) it does
DP-1 connected primary 3840x2160+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 595mm x 335mm
   3840x2160     60.00*+  59.94    30.00    25.00    24.00    29.97    23.98
   2560x2880     59.98
   1920x2160     60.00
   2048x1152     60.00
   1920x1200     59.95
   1920x1080     60.00    60.00    50.00    59.94
   1920x1080i    60.00    50.00    59.94
   1600x1200     60.00
   1680x1050     59.88
   1600x900      60.00
   1280x1024     75.02    60.02
   1280x800      59.91
   1152x864      75.00
   1280x720      60.00    50.00    59.94
   1024x768      75.03    70.07    60.00
   832x624       74.55
   800x600       72.19    75.00    60.32    56.25
   720x576       50.00
   720x480       60.00    59.94
   640x480       75.00    72.81    66.67    60.00    59.94
   720x400       70.08

Connector info
connector 95: type DP-1, status: connected
        physical dimensions: 600x330mm
        subpixel order: Unknown
        CEA rev: 3
        DPCD rev: 12
        audio support: yes
        DP branch device present: yes
                Type: HDMI
                ID: 175IB0
                HW: 1.0
                SW: 7.64
                Max TMDS clock: 600000 kHz
                Max bpc: 12
        HDCP version: HDCP1.4
                "3840x2160": 60 594000 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x48 0x5
                "3840x2160": 60 594000 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 60 593407 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 30 297000 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 30 297000 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 30 296703 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 25 297000 3840 4896 4984 5280 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 25 297000 3840 4896 4984 5280 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 24 297000 3840 5116 5204 5500 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 24 297000 3840 5116 5204 5500 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "3840x2160": 24 296703 3840 5116 5204 5500 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "2560x2880": 60 483250 2560 2608 2640 2720 2880 2883 2893 2962 0x40 0x9
                "1920x2160": 60 297000 1920 2008 2052 2200 2160 2168 2178 2250 0x40 0x5
                "2048x1152": 60 162000 2048 2074 2154 2250 1152 1153 1156 1200 0x40 0x5
                "1920x1200": 60 154000 1920 1968 2000 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235 0x40 0x9
                "1920x1080": 60 148500 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0xa
                "1920x1080": 60 148500 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
                "1920x1080": 60 148352 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
                "1920x1080i": 60 74250 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 0x40 0x15
                "1920x1080i": 60 74176 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 0x40 0x15
                "1920x1080": 50 148500 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 0x40 0x5
                "1920x1080i": 50 74250 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1125 0x40 0x15
                "1600x1200": 60 162000 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 0x40 0x5
                "1680x1050": 60 119000 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 0x40 0x9
                "1600x900": 60 108000 1600 1624 1704 1800 900 901 904 1000 0x40 0x5
                "1280x1024": 75 135000 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 0x40 0x5
                "1280x1024": 60 108000 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 0x40 0x5
                "1280x800": 60 71000 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 0x40 0x9
                "1152x864": 75 108000 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 0x40 0x5
                "1280x720": 60 74250 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 0x40 0x5
                "1280x720": 60 74176 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 0x40 0x5
                "1280x720": 50 74250 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 0x40 0x5
                "1024x768": 75 78750 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 0x40 0x5
                "1024x768": 70 75000 1024 1048 1184 1328 768 771 777 806 0x40 0xa
                "1024x768": 60 65000 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 0x40 0xa
                "832x624": 75 57284 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 0x40 0xa
                "800x600": 75 49500 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 0x40 0x5
                "800x600": 72 50000 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666 0x40 0x5
                "800x600": 60 40000 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 0x40 0x5
                "800x600": 56 36000 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 0x40 0x5
                "720x576": 50 27000 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 0x40 0xa
                "720x576": 50 27000 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 0x40 0xa
                "720x480": 60 27027 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
                "720x480": 60 27027 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
                "720x480": 60 27000 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
                "720x480": 60 27000 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 0x40 0xa
                "640x480": 75 31500 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 0x40 0xa
                "640x480": 73 31500 640 664 704 832 480 489 492 520 0x40 0xa
                "640x480": 67 30240 640 704 768 864 480 483 486 525 0x40 0xa
                "640x480": 60 25200 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 0x40 0xa
                "640x480": 60 25175 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 0x40 0xa
                "640x480": 60 25175 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 0x40 0xa
                "720x400": 70 28320 720 738 846 900 400 412 414 449 0x40 0x6

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