Observed with mesa-18.2.3 and mesa-18.2.4. This is a regression as mesa-18.2.2 works fine. mpv with OpenGl output (-vo=gpu) started showing errors and displaying a blue screen: Using hardware decoding (vaapi). VO: [gpu] 1280x720 vaapi[nv12] [vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source: [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x)) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] layout(offset=0) vec2 texture_size0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(offset=16) mat2 texture_rot0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=48) vec2 texture_off0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] layout(offset=56) vec2 pixel_size0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] }; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] uniform float random; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] uniform sampler2D texture0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] #define HOOKED_raw texture0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] #define HOOKED_pos texcoord0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] #define HOOKED_size texture_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] #define HOOKED_rot texture_rot0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] #define HOOKED_pt pixel_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] #define HOOKED_map texmap0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 21] #define HOOKED_mul 1.000000 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 22] #define HOOKED_tex(pos) (HOOKED_mul * vec4(texture(HOOKED_raw, pos)).rgba) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 23] #define HOOKED_texOff(off) HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + HOOKED_pt * vec2(off)) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 24] #define LUMA_raw texture0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 25] #define LUMA_pos texcoord0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 26] #define LUMA_size texture_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 27] #define LUMA_rot texture_rot0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 28] #define LUMA_pt pixel_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 29] #define LUMA_map texmap0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 30] #define LUMA_mul 1.000000 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 31] #define LUMA_tex(pos) (LUMA_mul * vec4(texture(LUMA_raw, pos)).rgba) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 32] #define LUMA_texOff(off) LUMA_tex(LUMA_pos + LUMA_pt * vec2(off)) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 33] float mod289(float x) { return x - floor(x * 1.0/289.0) * 289.0; } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 34] float permute(float x) { return mod289((34.0*x + 1.0) * x); } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 35] float rand(float x) { return fract(x * 1.0/41.0); } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 36] vec4 average(float range, inout float h) { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 37] float dist = rand(h) * range; h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 38] float dir = rand(h) * 6.2831853; h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 39] vec2 o = dist * vec2(cos(dir), sin(dir)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 40] vec4 ref[4]; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 41] ref[0] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2( o.x, o.y)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 42] ref[1] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2(-o.y, o.x)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 43] ref[2] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2(-o.x, -o.y)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 44] ref[3] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2( o.y, -o.x)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 45] return (ref[0] + ref[1] + ref[2] + ref[3])*0.25; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 46] } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 47] void main() { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 48] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 49] { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 50] vec3 _m = vec3(HOOKED_pos, random) + vec3(1.0); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 51] float h = permute(permute(permute(_m.x)+_m.y)+_m.z); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 52] color = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 53] vec4 avg, diff; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 54] avg = average(16.000000, h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 55] diff = abs(color - avg); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 56] color = mix(avg, color, greaterThan(diff, vec4(0.003906))); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 57] vec3 noise; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 58] noise.x = rand(h); h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 59] noise.y = rand(h); h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 60] noise.z = rand(h); h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 61] color.xyz += 0.005859 * (noise - vec3(0.5)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 62] } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 63] color.g = 0.000000; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 64] color.b = 0.000000; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 65] color.a = 1.000000; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 66] out_color = color; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 67] } [vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader compile log (status=0): [vo/gpu/opengl] 0:36(27): error: invalid input layout qualifier used [vo/gpu/opengl] [vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=0): error: linking with uncompiled/unspecialized shader [vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader source: [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 1] #version 440 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 2] #define tex1D texture [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 3] #define tex3D texture [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 4] #define LUT_POS(x, lut_size) mix(0.5 / (lut_size), 1.0 - 0.5 / (lut_size), (x)) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 5] out vec4 out_color; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 6] in vec2 texcoord0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 7] layout(std140, binding=0) uniform UBO { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 8] layout(offset=0) vec2 texture_size0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 9] layout(offset=16) mat2 texture_rot0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 10] layout(offset=48) vec2 texture_off0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 11] layout(offset=56) vec2 pixel_size0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 12] }; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 13] uniform float random; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 14] uniform sampler2D texture0; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 15] #define HOOKED_raw texture0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 16] #define HOOKED_pos texcoord0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 17] #define HOOKED_size texture_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 18] #define HOOKED_rot texture_rot0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 19] #define HOOKED_pt pixel_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 20] #define HOOKED_map texmap0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 21] #define HOOKED_mul 1.000000 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 22] #define HOOKED_tex(pos) (HOOKED_mul * vec4(texture(HOOKED_raw, pos)).rgba) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 23] #define HOOKED_texOff(off) HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos + HOOKED_pt * vec2(off)) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 24] #define CHROMA_raw texture0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 25] #define CHROMA_pos texcoord0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 26] #define CHROMA_size texture_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 27] #define CHROMA_rot texture_rot0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 28] #define CHROMA_pt pixel_size0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 29] #define CHROMA_map texmap0 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 30] #define CHROMA_mul 1.000000 [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 31] #define CHROMA_tex(pos) (CHROMA_mul * vec4(texture(CHROMA_raw, pos)).rgba) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 32] #define CHROMA_texOff(off) CHROMA_tex(CHROMA_pos + CHROMA_pt * vec2(off)) [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 33] float mod289(float x) { return x - floor(x * 1.0/289.0) * 289.0; } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 34] float permute(float x) { return mod289((34.0*x + 1.0) * x); } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 35] float rand(float x) { return fract(x * 1.0/41.0); } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 36] vec4 average(float range, inout float h) { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 37] float dist = rand(h) * range; h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 38] float dir = rand(h) * 6.2831853; h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 39] vec2 o = dist * vec2(cos(dir), sin(dir)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 40] vec4 ref[4]; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 41] ref[0] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2( o.x, o.y)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 42] ref[1] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2(-o.y, o.x)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 43] ref[2] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2(-o.x, -o.y)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 44] ref[3] = HOOKED_texOff(vec2( o.y, -o.x)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 45] return (ref[0] + ref[1] + ref[2] + ref[3])*0.25; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 46] } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 47] void main() { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 48] vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 49] { [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 50] vec3 _m = vec3(HOOKED_pos, random) + vec3(1.0); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 51] float h = permute(permute(permute(_m.x)+_m.y)+_m.z); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 52] color = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 53] vec4 avg, diff; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 54] avg = average(16.000000, h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 55] diff = abs(color - avg); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 56] color = mix(avg, color, greaterThan(diff, vec4(0.003906))); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 57] vec3 noise; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 58] noise.x = rand(h); h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 59] noise.y = rand(h); h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 60] noise.z = rand(h); h = permute(h); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 61] color.xyz += 0.005859 * (noise - vec3(0.5)); [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 62] } [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 63] color.b = 0.000000; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 64] color.a = 1.000000; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 65] out_color = color; [vo/gpu/opengl] [ 66] } [vo/gpu/opengl] fragment shader compile log (status=0): [vo/gpu/opengl] 0:36(27): error: invalid input layout qualifier used [vo/gpu/opengl] [vo/gpu/opengl] shader link log (status=0): error: linking with uncompiled/unspecialized shader
Created attachment 142362 [details] MPV log of shader compilation failure on Fedora with Mesa 18.2.3 I got the same problem on Fedora after upgrading from Mesa 18.2.2 to 18.2.3. As a temporary workaround downgrading fixes it.
I have recently run into this too and I have spent the better part of Saturday trying to track this down, although unsuccessfully. FTR I noticed this issue as some misrendering and missing transparency in KDE. It also makes Unigine: Superposition benchmark abort. This is on a desktop machine with Radeon RX570. As there were not that many changes between mesa 18.2.2 and 18.2.3 I tried to bisect the issue to no avail. The weird part is that even when I build mesa-18.2.2 from source I still get the "error: invalid input layout qualifier used" failure message. I even went back to mesa-18.2.1 but I got the same result. The only way how to "fix" this appears to be installation of mesa-18.2.2 from official Fedora packages. Unless I have been doing something terribly wrong I am starting to think that this may not be a mesa issue after all. I have mesa-18.2.4 installed on my laptop with HD3000 GPU running Arch Linux and it is all fine there. The shader that KWin fails to compile is as simple as this: #version 140 uniform mat4 colorMatrix; uniform sampler2D sampler; uniform float opacity; noperspective in vec4 varyingTexCoords; out vec4 fragColor; void main(void) { vec4 tex = texture(sampler, varyingTexCoords.st); if (opacity >= 1.0) { fragColor = tex * colorMatrix; } else { fragColor = tex * (opacity * colorMatrix + (1.0 - opacity) * mat4(1.0)); } }
I try to bisect the issue unsuccessfully, I'm not even sure the issue is Mesa… If I build locally i965_dri.so 18.2.2-1, it fails too, whereas the Fedora package works. My conclusion is that a dependency used during the build was working when Fedora Mesa 18.2.2-1 was built on Oct 5 but that dependency was updated and i965_dri.so 18.2.2 when built now with that updated dependency fails.
Because this looks like a Fedora packaging issue I filed a bug at RH bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1645850
Seems the culprit is gcc: compiled with gcc-8.2.1-2 it works, with gcc-8.2.1-4 it doesn't.
Fixed in Fedora gcc-8.2.1-5 and mesa-18.2.4-3. (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1645400 ) It was indeed an upstream gcc bug and not a mesa one. See https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=87859
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